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While we understand where you are coming from, I would like to point out that the amount of interaction we have with the community is a point of pride and is far greater than most similarly situated studios. While it is true that we don’t have a public ‘central repository’ for known bugs, we’ve discussed the reason(s) why previously.
It is up to the individual person to report bugs and submit feedback. If you are participating in an Alpha and/or Beta and not doing so then you are doing a disservice to yourself, the community and the development team. I mean, that’s the entire point of participating in an in-development game.
We encourage people to submit bug reports and their feedback regularly. The problem with ‘rewarding’ players for submitting reports is that it will cause a situation where people will spam the system just to get the reward. To that end, we do have titles for those who participate in testing – some players have earned the title more than others. So, while we don’t have plans on introducing titles or other rewards to encourage reports, we will continue to encourage feedback regularly.
That said, we have rewarded individuals who have been outstanding members of the community (i.e. through reporting bugs, feedback and helping the community as a whole) with special rewards such as enshrining their character names forever with an in-game item. If you want that type of honor, we are always on the lookout for long-term, outstanding, members of the community.