Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #61
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karamasha View Post
    I have no idea how i missed that post, i guess you're facepalming right now.
    That's okay, the thread is long now, and Citan tries to be proactive but doesn't always get to answer so I figured I knew where the answer was ^-^

  2. #62
    Junior Member slartybartfast's Avatar
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    Early VIP start ! COOL! that would solve a lot of my problems, could get mules tidied up before release nice idea citan !

  3.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #63
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    A quick update on the timeline: We've decided to delay "pushing the button" on Steam by a week. I've made a couple of breakthroughs in optimization and bug-fixing that will make a notable difference, so I want to put out one more game update before we kick it off. (That game update will probably happen on Monday.)

  4. #64
    Senior Member Sheawanna's Avatar
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    Sounds great Citan .

  5. #65
    Member Roekai's Avatar
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    i just wanted to say i still remember that time i accidentally deleted my ring and you gave it back to me Silvonis.

    you saved me from a rage quit that night, bless your heart. i was SO fucking mad. so mad. manic mad.

    also, for the record - Picard > Sisko > Kirk > Janeway. So it was written.

  6. #66
    Junior Member Gardum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gervase View Post
    I just updated the game and played it. About the movement it self. I would say rather.. clunky may be the wrong word? It feels awkward at times moving around. Especially if jumping, turning, etc. It's a combination of the movement it self, the animations, and the sound. It feels awkward at times. (But I did take note of the extensive options for turning and other movement, so props there.)

    I personally had to go read up on the wiki more about Augmentation and Transmutation. While I'm sure working with it hands on would make it much more clear, I get the general idea of it. It still has the process of RNG with some items and, as you said "Blowing the money" to eventually get what you want, is kind of "Okay-ish" in my opinion.

    Druids just sadden me a bit. It's like we get a 'travel form', our titles, and are required to do these world events (If those still happen, or are a thing) but it is indeed very underwhelming for 'taking on the responsibility' of one. I think druids should be given more tools to operate with given their 'vows' so to speak.

    By the dailies I mean something that is entirely optional and doesn't pop up on your screen on every daily log in. These can be random or generated tasks that would be listen from a town leader / bailiff just for extra work, experience, or gear for those of us who just want something 'to do' while getting some form of progression.

    As with the cheating bit, as I stated. It was someone I knew who had done it - but it wasn't for the purpose of playing the game. They got off the tutorial island, did some random stuff here and there for ten to fifteen minutes. Then decided to see if the game had anti-cheat. It doesn't. They were very easily able to speed hack around the game. Shortly after, they just stopped playing. The game didn't engage them, or they didn't engage it (Which ever you'd like to think), the general animations and graphics of the gear and the characters was 'dull' to their opinion (Which I agree with), and they didn't like the idea of knowing the game had no means of anti-cheat. Though I would hope this is remedied when it goes onto Steam. Admins, mods, and players can't always be there to see this happening.

    This was more of 'Should I be having fun?' when trying to gauge the games ability to be played. I of course (When playing PG a lot) -did- have fun. But at this point I just lack the drive to want to play. I feel as if I've hit a wall, can't really progress solo anymore (Which is of my own making) and generally don't enjoy the grind of some things with my limited time (Again, my own issue not so much the games). I feel I'd give PG more time if things were a bit more engaging, quirky, and solely focused on the idea of puzzles, using your wit, etc. etc.

    In the end, both in response to Tagamogi and just the PG community and staff in general - I really do enjoy the game. I just can't play it right now as I have no drive to, and I most likely won't be picking it up when it comes onto Steam. I don't feel like it's ready. One of the biggest things is for me is that I personally dislike not having my friends to play with on this game, but they lost interest after the tutorial island. I did to, to some degree. But stuck it out to immerse my self and dig deeper. I think if the game had more stuff that mimicked the tutorial island - I'd find my self still playing.

    I'm sure plenty of people will swear up and down that the game is full of such things, which I don't doubt.. but in my experience I've only found less and less. It's mainly just been reduced to grinding and just killing things for me.

    The next few bits aren't meant to hammer at PG because of 'bad graphics'. I'm actually quite okay with the art style and the way things look. It's just in the manner they're done in is what bothers me, and the.. 'condition' of some.

    Hey mate, was just reading your whinge list.
    Not sure if you know as it doesn't show by your comments that the game is in Alpha ? You do know what Alpha testing means yes ?

    The whole idea is to submit bugs and make suggestions.
    Stick balance where it belongs as I didn't come to this game to play another WoW.
    AC had no balance, it was skill driven and a level 1 could kill a level 60 Rav if he was buffed, maybe not first shot or hit but once you did hit then bingo.

    We have more then enough games that are balanced to the point it makes no difference which class you pick as you only need to hit three buttons and hope you hit them faster than the other person.

    So much crying by children that couldn't use their brain to realise what skill means that they have to bow down to pressure from players and bring out the Nerf stick.

    The whole idea in most games and the reason they have multiple classes is that certain classes are designed to be dominant over others and so forth that if you play a Mage class and try to kill something resistant to magic then tough cookie, you die.

    Instead we have players like you that cry long enough and get enough friends that won't stay and play anyway control how the game ends up and then leave as it's a crap game like every other you people play for a bit and kill.

    Lets have games like AC and PG that not ever y class is the same, where if I play for 5 years my Toon is stronger than the one you power levelled in three days .

    In the first week i started playing this game I heard a member of my Guild start talking about OP, I responded to him quite firmly that we have enough games destroyed lets let this game be developed how the PG team want it to be not how temporary players that come break and run away want it.
    My friends and I finally found a game that is skill based and WoW players want to kill it as they aren't as powerful by their choices or effort and therefore it's the games fault and not their lack of ability to play.

    I for one don't play Alphas expecting to keep anything as all major games in the past have wiped at release or a couple weeks before and I look forward to that time as that is to me and my friends when the game finally starts and we can create our Toons for good.

    I say bring on a wipe when ever it's needed and I look forward to when I can create my characters that will stay till the day I stop playing the game.

  7.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #67
    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    @Gardum, your post is out of line.

    This forum is not a place for personal attacks, baiting, or sniping - it's a place to discuss and share helpful feedback. We use the forum to get a more nuanced feel for things and so it is very important to us that players are comfortable posting here. (And we don't particularly want to wade through an angry mess of a forum either.)

    Your feedback is really valuable to us; you are a good play-tester and a great resource and we want to hear more from you! Just leave out statements like the following, please. (Although I am quoting a couple of bits that are particularly problematic within the context of your post, I would ask that neither you nor anyone else respond to the examples in this thread. I do not want to derail this discussion any further.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Gardum View Post
    So much crying by children that couldn't use their brain to realise what skill means that they have to bow down to pressure from players and bring out the Nerf stick.
    Instead we have players like you that cry long enough and get enough friends that won't stay and play anyway control how the game ends up and then leave as it's a crap game like every other you people play for a bit and kill.
    Now, let's drop this side quest and get back to the useful discussion!

  8. #68
    Junior Member Gardum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by srand View Post
    @Gardum, your post is out of line.

    This forum is not a place for personal attacks, baiting, or sniping - it's a place to discuss and share helpful feedback. We use the forum to get a more nuanced feel for things and so it is very important to us that players are comfortable posting here. (And we don't particularly want to wade through an angry mess of a forum either.)

    Your feedback is really valuable to us; you are a good play-tester and a great resource and we want to hear more from you! Just leave out statements like the following, please. (Although I am quoting a couple of bits that are particularly problematic within the context of your post, I would ask that neither you nor anyone else respond to the examples in this thread. I do not want to derail this discussion any further.)

    Now, let's drop this side quest and get back to the useful discussion!
    I apologise for my remarks.

    I will keep responses in future as non personal , we lose a little tack as we get older and type first and think after

    Keep up the great work

  9.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #69
    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    Nope, @Gervase, we're not going to do that. Since I would rather not lock this thread I have instead deleted your post and locked you from the thread. Send me a PM if you have questions.

  10. #70
    Junior Member Alexander DeLarge's Avatar
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    Any update on a new date? It'd be much easier to manage my install using my limited SSD space using a Steam install so I'm just waiting on that.

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