For me is just another game i can't use. because of Unity3D
$ ./ProjectGorgonLauncherLinux.x86_64
Set current directory to /home/inukaze/Escritorio/PGL
Found path: /home/inukaze/Escritorio/PGL/ProjectGorgonLauncherLinux.x86_64
Mono path[0] = '/home/inukaze/Escritorio/PGL/ProjectGorgonLauncherLinux_Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = '/home/inukaze/Escritorio/PGL/ProjectGorgonLauncherLinux_Data/Mono'
Mono config path = '/home/inukaze/Escritorio/PGL/ProjectGorgonLauncherLinux_Data/Mono/etc'
Preloaded ''
Player data archive not found at `/home/inukaze/Escritorio/PGL/ProjectGorgonLauncherLinux_Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystem
Well i can't test, for two reasons
1 - i don't know which are the minimun pc specs reqs
2 - unity3d never works for me
If someone have another mmorpg native for GNU/Linux, made in another thing like :
Dofus 1 / 2
Spiral Knights
etc . . .
Apart of titles i had on This List
Can say me, just for test if i can play it
. ¿ Someone knows a mmorpg for GNU/Linux Made with Godot Engine ?