As president of the Teleport Deniers Club of Gorgon (TPDCG) all i have to say is UGH!
As president of the Teleport Deniers Club of Gorgon (TPDCG) all i have to say is UGH!
I *strongly* believe that Tutorial Island should have fog for a number of reasons:The tutorial island does not have map fog, because we couldn't decide if it was too overwhelming for newbies or if it actually helped. (Your opinion is desired.) The dungeon on the newbie island DOES have map fog, however.
1. Increase the excitement and spirit of exploration for those who value that sort of thing
2. As mentioned earlier, having map fog helps you retrace your steps
3. Give new players a reason to explore even if they are not normally into it.
4. Send a message to new players that this game is not afraid to break the mold of paper cutout games that are dime a dozen these days.
5. Encourage experienced players to come back to the starter island for maxing cartography and expose new players to a taste of whats to come by observing these experienced players. Also, afford the opportunity for older players to engage with new ones when normally they may not have a reason to engage them.
6. Convey the game's fun philosophy of there being a skill for everything (even just walking around).
That's all I can think of for now.
Last edited by ShubiMaja; 02-17-2018 at 01:14 PM.
I just want to point out, that I agree that the size/quantity of the semi-transparent area blocks revealed by walking might need fine tuning. (at times it feels a tiny bit messy/tedious right now)
Just adding another quick vote for having map fog on Anagoge. If I was starting out, I'd love map fog so I'd know what I've already explored and which areas I've missed. Having the fog may not make it quite as clear that it's an island, but I think it will actually make finding things easier.
Map fog on Anagoge - where the map itself is of less importance, and raw exploring is something you need to do - would be good to teach newbies about the mechanics.
I'm for leaving Anagoge free of fog. There are already many things one needs to learn to grasp how the game works, the fog can come later.
I would also advocate no fog on Anagoge. The learning curve is already quite steep for new players and the fog could be very frustrating for people just starting to understand the UI.
I'm not usre about for on Anagoge... i think it could go either way, but im lenaign slighty more towards fogged option.
Also, i think fog on explorable area should have different color than parts that are behind edges of map. As it is, its sometiem hard to judge if i explored to the edge of map, or no. Especially on low map zoom.
@cr00cy I was thinking the same thing. Something making the edge of the zone where you bounce a slightly different tone, or a sharp edge, or a different kind of edge or a more parchment color... I don't want to give things away, but I do like to know when I'm about to hit the bounding box.