Originally Posted by
This is very vague and what is written here worries me.
Statistically (and in this case), "most" only means more than 50%, that is, if 49% of skills are wiped at launch, then technically, "most" skills were not wiped.
That when juxtaposed with the last sentence, which essentially says, "We actually can't guarantee you anything", makes this follow-up come across as overtly ominous.
All throughout alpha, we've been putting our trust into Citan and the PG team to make good on the promise of not wiping our skills. As alpha players, we made a deal with you guys to test the game and report bugs in exchange for keeping our hard-earned skills.
As they say, if something is free, then you are the commodity. Under this arrangement then, "testing for skills", I am okay with being the commodity. However if things suddenly changed to, "testing for free", well then I would simply feel just plain taken advantage of.
No doubt, my PG experience has been great fun, but it's also been a lot of hard work. If I knew skills were going to be wiped at launch, I certainly never would have kept playing past just maxing my first combat skills, let alone running around Eltibule farming stomachs for 3 straight weeks just to max a single skill, cheesemaking.
That said, aside from this issue, the PG team has been wonderful to work with. I was truly amazed when Srand replied to one of my bug reports on Christmas Eve. This impressed me so much actually, that I went to the forums and purchased a crowdfunding package as a result.
I truly hope that I am just reading into your follow-up to Citan's post more than was intended. I would love to continue playing PG for years to come, but if a significant portion of my skill levels are reset at launch, I will likely quit forever.