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Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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Thread: QoL Additions
  1. #1
    Member Daimes's Avatar
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    It's John

    QoL Additions

    I wanted to make an open post for everyone to put forward suggestions for QoL, or quality of life, additions. Nothing too critical (and therefore not expected to be added for a while; content and critical updates first, after all), but just stuff to ease the burden of some tasks down the road, similar to the recent addition of the ability to distill and dismantle items via right-click. Why I wanted this as an open post is because I'm not exactly the most well-learned or oldest player, so having additional types of players who all perform different things from me would be willing to offer their input about some QoL changes I might not think of. Feel free to add thoughts below about my suggestions or suggest some changes yourself.

    Teleport Menu via Click on Telepad: I usually keep my crafting divided up between zones and have to often teleport in and out if I am in the middle of completing a lot of tasks, such as teleporting to Laura Neth in Kur to do some cooking, followed by porting to Eltibule to do gardening at Sie Antry. It becomes the tiniest of annoyances to keep opening the recipe book and going to the teleportation tab to cycle between my destinations. For this, I was wondering if there are any plans to add a clickable menu to teleport pad via left or right clicking that automatically pulls up a list of teleport options you can do at the teleport pad, such as bind circle or recall circle.

    Filled Bottle Stacking: I've overheard a few players talking about the inconsistency with stacking filled bottles of liquid, and was wondering if there are plans to bring the max stack of filled bottles in line with each other. Empty bottles stack to 10, bottles of whey stack to 10, but bottles of water stack to 5. Yes, it's not much trouble to just fill up bottles with water by just spam-clicking in water or on a well, but I would imagine a few people might be thankful if they can just stack water instead of empty bottles, and then fill them later.

    Charles Thompson Storage: While I can't speak for everyone, I would like to imagine not a lot of people bother using Charles Thompson for storage due to the severe restrictions he imposes on storage. If I'm not mistaken, he only stores potions, which I don't think are a real storage thief with the rest of available storage areas. I would like to believe a little less restrictive Charles would be great, with at least the ability to store mycology-related and alchemy-related ingredients. A dedicated place to store mushrooms would be nice, and would bring a little bit more use to Charles' storage.

    Right-Click Hoplology: Similar to the addition of right-click distill/dismantle, I was wondering if there are plans to extend it to other recipes such as hoplology, in the meantime. I can't speak for everyone, but leveling hoplology isn't hard per se, it's just you have to remember to level it by going to the recipe book. A right-click option to study an item would probably help people remember about hoplology and to perform it at a fairly consistent rate.

    Saved Loadouts Become "Locked": After a discussion with a friend, one of the most annoying things that can happen is accidentally depositing, or worse, dropping a saved piece of your loadout. A fix could be to lock your loadout in your inventory with either the need to confirm moving a piece to storage/dropping it, a warning to do the same, or at least prevent a loadout piece from being dropped on the ground entirely. A deposited item is a lot better than an item now on the ground.

    Feel free to discuss, add to the list, or make fun of me for my suggestions.

  2. #2
    Junior Member Man With No Name's Avatar
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    Regarding the last point, I am said friend that is mentioned and I managed to drop a set item. I had EasyDropItems enabled, clicked and dragged an item I wanted to dispose of, the game froze for a split second and then my inventory seemed to "refresh". Two days later I found out it was a slightly important helmet being dropped that caused the refresh instead of the item I wanted to dispose of. Oops. No more EasyDropItems for me.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Celler's Avatar
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    The Telepad access to Tele recipe would help greatly, but to be honest most of us are working a few things over and over for a little while at least I think. I'd actually like a recipe hot bar that could hold Tele recall recipe and maybe 5 other recipes. I'd like a hide and show button for Recipe bar.This would cover your hop comment also.

    Also still would like to access growing plants via a list rather than clicking them on the ground, though the name change during growing stages is also a great improvement.

    I actually use the farmer chest in Serb for mushrooms and cheese. It kinda works for me at least.

    Also would like to be able to turn off UI move ability. It's great I can put things where I like but once done though I'd like to be able to lock them. A small UI button to lock or unlock would work.
    Though I do still wish to be able to move map, npc windows and inventory etc, its just now and then the skillbars end up grabbed as does the buff list window, Perhaps this is a problem for me as I play mainly with mouse rather than keyboard short cuts and on quite a low resolution.

    Also the cooldown after death to respawn can become annoying beyond 30 seconds not sure there is much use if a group of 3 of 4 are trying to tough out mants for example in having cooldowns to respawn get too long.
    Of course there maybe a reason for the implementation of these I do not know.

    I have no real issues with loadouts, but am greedy would like more than the 9 I currently have , as many skill sets have multiple loadouts within them for example, cold gear, aoe gear, group play and max pockets.

    Would like to be able to right click side bar to open special ability list.

    As for the bottles I kinda get it, if water stacked as well as empty bottles everyone would carry water instead, which is fine but its supposed to be a trade off I guess.

    Still want more storage in Elt, as recipe lists grow vendor storage should expand, the farm at Elt and the cook in Kur are both NPC's that are easy to fill with the required ingredients for the nearby activities. I know you can cook else where but its annoying opening a recipe in Rahu to find you left your spuds in Kur.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daimes View Post

    Teleport Menu via Click on Telepad: I usually keep my crafting divided up between zones and have to often teleport in and out if I am in the middle of completing a lot of tasks, such as teleporting to Laura Neth in Kur to do some cooking, followed by porting to Eltibule to do gardening at Sie Antry. It becomes the tiniest of annoyances to keep opening the recipe book and going to the teleportation tab to cycle between my destinations. For this, I was wondering if there are any plans to add a clickable menu to teleport pad via left or right clicking that automatically pulls up a list of teleport options you can do at the teleport pad, such as bind circle or recall circle.
    I've been right-clicking on the amethyst in my inventory and picking Recall Circle/Recall Beginnings from the More Info dialog. That feels faster to me than going through the Recipes to pick Teleportation and then scrolling through my mushroom circle recipes before I find the recipe I want. Not as convenient as what you suggested, though.

    I like all of the suggestions above. Really, all, except maybe the Respawn timer which I assume is in place to prevent zerging.

    For recipes, we've talked about having a Back button and bookmarks before - I'd still love to see both. I also wouldn't mind the ability to specify how many times I want to auto-repeat a recipe - e.g. I have the materials to make 53 items on me, but only want to make 20. This is currently fairly easy to adjust by putting the extra materials into storage, but it would be slightly more convenient if I could just say "auto-repeat for 20".

    I'd like the ability to turn a chat tab into a chat window. E.g. I'd like to drag Global into its own window, and then be able to read it at the same time as Nearby with no clicking on the tabs to switch between what I'm reading. At some point in the far future, it would also be nice if I could pick my own colors for text. Maybe when Unity allows for easy themes...

    I'm hoping for a storage revamp that would make storage act more like our new inventory folders. I think it would be great to have one giant "Serbule storage" that we can divide into dynamically sized tabs with our own labels. (At least from a storage perspective it would be great - not sure if it would take away too much game flavor if we can no longer talk to a specific NPC to get their storage only...)

    I'd also like some kind of movable bag concept that allows us to move a group of items together. E.g. put them all into the bank at the same time, or take them all out at the same time without having to manually select each item.

    I'd like to see some updates to player vendor stall management:
    When updating the store tagline, display the previous tagline, so we can edit it a little bit if we want a similar line or just made a typo before. Same with the store message.
    Allow us to set the price of an item before we make it available for sale.
    Move the "available for sale" and "set price" buttons closer together, so that it doesn't take a long mouse journey between them.
    Maybe have new item stacks default to the price of an existing stack of the same type. E.g. if I already have 2 stacks of bottles up at 50 per bottle, have the third stack default to also being priced at 50 each, rather than 10 each.
    (These suggestions are based on my recent experience of trying to sell off my empty bottle collection. First I added all bottle stacks to the store which was easy enough but then I embarked on what felt like an endless journey of click Show, move mouse right, type new price, click Save, move mouse left, click Show, move mouse right, type new price, click Save, move mouse left... )

    I'm fine if none of my suggestions ever happen, but it's fun to dream about stuff.

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