Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Senior Member cr00cy's Avatar
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    Well lv 60 unlock coudl be fullly done within one full moon. And all task can be doen within one, two days max.

    That being said, it still feels wrong that we are locked out of new content just beause update happened on wrong day. Well i guess it wont amtter that much when game is relased (since all leves will be unlockable alredy).

    I seriusly feel sorry for new(er) wolves who spend all they time levling wolf. Thye will be effectivly locke dout of 50% of they skills(and god forbid they have wolf rmor crafted... then they are really screwed). It wont matter that much for me (or other older players) because i have severla lv 60 skills, and a lot stockpiled gear for diffrent skill combinations, that i saved "just in case". And i can craft what im missing.

    Well its not 1st time that wolves are locked out of new stuff becasue of full moon, but problem is we now have to wiat much longer to be able to acces new content.

    Something to consider for future lv cap increaes - maybe make lv cap increase unlockable for money from trainer, and only skills from altar?

    And when we are at the topick of wolf altar - can we please make huntign speed pernament skill alredy? I know i spamm about it a lot, but seriusly, its only movement boost wolf have (not counting mods for shadow feint - becasue at this point its betetr to pick mods for psotive attidue) adn its locked out durnign tiem its needed most.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frostfire_ View Post
    Is the Orc race unlockable now?
    not yet...itll be awhile.

  3. #13
    Member kell.shepherd's Avatar
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    One thing I noticed but didn't see in the notes is mob detection range has increased significantly. Not so critical for melee mobs but ranged mobs missiles will track and hit putting you into combat.

  4. #14
    Junior Member Leninja's Avatar
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    I've decided to post a more detailed bug report of the 61-70 skill unlock bug here since I can't fit it all into the ingame bug reporter.

    With the release of the patch I went to unlock lvl 61-70 Leatherworking. I visited Sirine in Rahu, who I had gotten to Soul Mates favor lvl before the patch. I bought the 61-70 unlock for Leatherworking and Tanning in quick succession. I paid 42k each for Tanning and Leatherworking. After I bought all of the skill unlocks I wanted in Rahu, I checked my skill menu. Tanning unlocked like usual, showing that I was lvl 63 of 70 with 3 bonus lvls and 0/7540 xp towards the next lvl. Leatherworking, however, doesn't appear to have changed in the skill menu. It says that I am lvl 66 of 60 with 6 bonus levels (the same as I was before) and suggests I visit Sirine in Rahu to earn more xp in the skill. However, when talking to Sirine, Leatherworking training lvl 61-70 isn't available in her training menu. I checked the other skills I had just unlocked in Rahu, (Toolcrafting, Carpentry, Druid and Ice Magic) and saw that Toolcrafting and Carpentry had the same problem. So 3 skills that I paid to unlock didn't unlock and I have no option to purchase them again. I was also Soul Mates with Amutasa, who teaches Toolcrafting and Carpentry, before the patch, in case that has any relevance. I tanned a couple of hides to see if Tanning worked and it appears to be gaining experience like it is supposed to. I could send you some screenshots of what the training menu looks like if that would help.

  5. #15
    Member Extractum11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kell.shepherd View Post
    One thing I noticed but didn't see in the notes is mob detection range has increased significantly. Not so critical for melee mobs but ranged mobs missiles will track and hit putting you into combat.
    Maybe it's just my imagination, but mobs also seem to be following me for a lot longer than they used to.

  6. #16
    Junior Member jacksin125's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    Yes, you have to occasionally find time to play during a full moon to get the most out of lycanthropy. That's not a bug, it's a feature. In exchange, werewolf players, and ONLY werewolf players, can buy their level-ups and abilities before they meet the prerequisites. They can also pay for it in "tokens", which, it turns out, are a whole lot cheaper than Councils. I'm sorry that the full moon falls pretty far from this update, though.
    I constantly find myself broke, and I would probably prefer to pay with councils, because having to wait 2-3 months just to get to where other players can get in a week is sad and frustrating (Not to mention, if I actually ground for councils I could get a million or more in 2 months, which makes once-a-month tokens FAR more expensive than councils). Not only that, but artificial ways to make leveling, or getting the best gear, basically making it so that to become a top player you have to just wait, is generally one of the most disliked features in any game I play that has it (I've seen it in GW2, and every discussion about it was negative).

    Now, I don't have a problem with the idea of doing quests to get tokens to spend at an altar. However, I don't like that it was designed so that I want to quit the game because I can do almost nothing until next month, and even then I still have to wait another month to unlock everything. So, I'll say this idea here, and post it as a suggestion ingame: Allow players to complete the werewolf quests and spend tokens on lvling up anytime, but only refresh the quest list once a month. Also, add more quests (tier 3 and maybe even 4 of each quest) so that a player could get everything they can grind to unlocked before the quests refresh again, but make the higher tier quests drastically harder (So go from killing 50 to 100 to 200 and so on). This would encourage lazier players to just wait until quests refreshed, but more dedicated players would be able to grind at their own speed. I personally feel like you should still only be able to do quests to get buffs during the full moon, and I feel that that would give enough of a reason for lycan players to do a ton of quests during the full moon.

    EDIT: If you happen to actually consider my idea, but encounter a problem with my idea, I will be happy to do all the thinking to find solutions for you. For example, how to make the ongoing quests and full moon events work smoothly together. My favorite solution so far is to have the month-long quests grant "skill tokens", which can be used for unlocking higher levels, unlocking skills, and maybe something else as well (if you wanted to add something else later). Then, the full moon events would "override" the normal month long quests and tokens, and the full moon events would be basically the same (except that they probably wouldn't let you unlock higher lvls or skills). If you wanted, you could make skill tokens reset at the same time as normal werewolf tokens.
    Last edited by jacksin125; 01-23-2017 at 07:10 PM.

  7. #17
    Senior Member drivendawn's Avatar
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    Really enjoyed how dangerous the new area was with very little safe areas to keep from freezing to death. Plus the fact that enemies have bigger agrro range and follow you further than normal. Funny story I was exploring it and running out of camp fires when I came up to what I thought to be a small town for shelter/supplies but instead was a ghost town (literally) and got killed forthwith. lol That being said with the agrro being so wide I would say there could be less enemies littering the landscape.

  8. #18
    Junior Member jacksin125's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cr00cy View Post
    Well i guess it wont amtter that much when game is relased (since all leves will be unlockable alredy).
    I'm gonna stop you right there. Even if you could unlock everything for 10 lvls every month (Which I haven't been able to do, if only because of time constraints), you would be forced to wait two months to level up to 70, when it is probably possible to do it in 2 weeks or even less (I know it's possible to grind from 50 to 60 in 7 or so hours, if you do everything right). If we have to use the wolf altar for lvls 70 - 100, then that would be 5 months, no matter how fast the player could level. I don't know about you, but in most mmos I used to be able to lvl up to max (Including best gear and everything) in a month or less. The only ones that take longer are generally the Asian mmos that are full of almost solely hardcore grinders, and even then they only take so long because it takes forever to get enough xp to level up and to grind for good gear, not because the game tells you to sit on your heels for a month.

  9. #19
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    Really enjoying the new zone! It's always so refreshing to have somewhere new to go in Gorgon. Last night, myself and Odinar (@necroang) explored a bit and spent some time chatting around campfires. The cold isn't so difficult to get used to, and I think it makes a very cozy environment.

    This patch's content makes me happy because there is quite a lot to explore--which is so great! I'm very happy with the size and difficulty of the new zone. I am looking forward to seeing who else pops up in Gazluk over the next few updates, as well as the changes to lab, mants, and pask content. Also, thanks for so many new skills! Definitely seems like you put in an extravagant amount of work on this one. Time to take a break!

  10. #20
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    The new area is probably nice but I find the update frustrating, just like the previous one that turned Kur into deathland. The weather effects are way too extreme even if they're trying to be realistic.
    It requires us to carry pretty much 2-3 sets of armor at all times and please, remember that Kur is not a level 60 area and as a level 60 I still find it difficult. The farming is unenjoyable and the cold effects are beyond disruptive to the point where I am more concerned about dropping campfires every 3 minutes than exploring.Speaking of which irl I last way more than 3 minutes in a blizzard.

    The price of unlocking new skills is way too high, to skip from 18 k to 90 k is a huge jump (I expected double so about 40 k). The only skill I was able to unlock was mycology to 60. And I have two maxed chars and probably more ways to make cash than newer folks. Right now it feels like the only way to progress is to turn into a true farmer and play 8 to 10 hours a day to achieve anything. And not everyone can/wants to Maybe it would've been better to release lvl 70 slowly, starting with the tradeskills and allow us to prepare for the increased combat skills cap. It feels like lately the updates are focus on quantity vs quality. I think I understand why considering many players complete things fast then get bored and stop playing cause they run out of things to do. I'm a fairly consistent player but not someone who puts 8 hrs daily into gaming (filthy casual here).
    I will do all that I want eventually but the purpose of playing is to have fun and it does feel like a chore when you have to mindless farm for hours so you can unlock 1 skill. It sucks all the fun out of it imo. I understand the "we don't want you to do everything" stance and it's the right one from the developers but it has to be a better way to slow leveling and push us into specializing that turning the game into a grindfest.

    Without putting anyone down (since most are my friends anyway lol), the players who always ask for new content every update tend to pop only to test new stuff then leave again for months. Just my opinion but I have few suggestions that might be useful considering I've played w/o extended breaks for quite a while.

    My suggestions (ignore whatever is included into the new GUI).

    Inventory-the gear we have equipped must be taken out of inventory and equipped into proper character slots.
    The spare sets we need to carry could be packed in a "suitcase" so it doesn't take 9 slots and be loaded directly via load-outs
    We absolutely need a way to compact tools, food, potions, arrows and knives (flasks bag, toolbelt/box, quiver).
    Whole areas lack storage options, like Amulna or even Eltibule, maybe Sunvale too.
    More cotton gins required.
    Central viewpoint for storage.
    Unified combat skills training system (ie druid, archery,shield skills split between too many random NPCs, some don't have anything to do with these skills and it's confusing).
    More teleporting and travel options (It will be a while till we get mounts and it's very annoying to be forced to cross 3-4 zones on foot)
    Less extreme weather effects, it has to be a happy medium between the previous build and the current one for Kur at least (I know I'm repeating myself but this will drive lvl 40 ish players into skipping this zone which they already tend to do. It became a zone to be farmed by lvl 60s atm)

    If it's too much to read, the general idea is focus less on the quantity when it comes to updates and more on the "quality of life" and indepth developing. I used to be excited about updates like "let's see what crazy stuff he came up with this time" . Now my thoughts go towards "Crap, I have to grind some more so I can afford all this new stuff". In all honesty the thing I enjoyed most from the updates that happen during the last couple of months is the NPCs mobility and dialogues. All I do sometimes is follow the Skeleton Death Shepherd around in Rahu and read his dialogues with Amutasa and Lakrea. And that's way more fun that dropping campfires in Gazluk and dying over and over. It's a shame cause Gazluk seems to be fun and the new caves well designed but it's too much of a hassle going there.

    Sorry if this sounds like negative nancy stuff but I really want you to understand where it comes from. This game had a sense of wonder that is hard to find in other MMOs these days. I don't like instant gratification in a game but I also came to dislike grindfest types of games )I played too many of those lol). P:G managed to hit the right spot for a long time but lately the excessive grinding required is driving it further from that "right spot".

    Just my opinion, preventing replies telling me how to manage my inventory or cold mitigation. I know the game mechanics and I certainly don't want everything handed on a silver plate. I just want to give some honest feedback to help stop this game from becoming a boring cookiecutter.

    edit-the mobs in the new area have rather low loot. The skeletons and ice slimes for example drop exactly the same things as the low level ones and the same amount (1 femur or 1 ice core) and require way more effort to kill.
    Last edited by Khaylara; 01-24-2017 at 05:15 PM.

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