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I don't think we need events, but rather a slight re-tooling of the dungeons that are singular in purpose.
What I mean by singular in purpose is simply to level up or gain items for a certain level range; for example, there is no reason to go into the yeti caves unless you need to get level 40-50 gear/exp (besides maybe the Red Orb, but he's right @ the start of the dungeon).
Whereas, at level 75/75/70 I find myself going to the Serbule Crypts all the time, for things like Fire Dust, low level ability scrolls, and to buy Sigil Scripting Ink, among other things.
There needs to be a vendor that barters something significant, like heartshrooms for diamonds, on the 3rd level of the Yeti caves, so there is a reason to go, always. If you want to use Rez, you have to make the occasional trip down into the depths of Yeti Caves, rather than just to Sun Vale.
Same with Labs - there should be trainers and merchants and items that are only available deep into dungeons, so that people are forced to group if they want to accomplish all goals. Transmutation and Augmentation should be less tedious and more difficult. Move the guy from the front of the Wolf Cave to the Scion's captive and you have to kill the Scion to reach him, and then make leveling up augmenting much easier.