Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member toushin777's Avatar
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    This game sucks for new players

    So i know this thread will probably just get a bunch of terrible comments like "be better noob" or "just learn to play" but frankly as a new player who has played other mmos for 5+ years, the experience as a new player in this game is awful. The straw that broke my back was having to die in town over and over again for about 2 mins because i had the audacity to pick up an item someone else dropped. I mean there could at least be some sort of hint in the death window that the crystal caused it, but no i am just told "mysterious illness". I'm sure most people will just write this off as "well you just learned" but frankly what a terrible way to teach/treat new players. You're completely allowed to disagree but fact of the matter is things like this will drive off new players, like it did me. I really want to enjoy this game but it just isn't fun to play as a new player and i feel like i wont be having fun playing until i am a month into playing it, what really is the point of investing all that time if the experience isn't fun? It feels like i am signing up for a second job because maybe down the line i will really grow to love working there. Just my 2 cents, i might be back to check up on the thread but honestly i am pretty turned off this game after spending the last few days trying to get back into it for the first time since pre alpha. I look forward to all the people who have been playing since the start telling me just how wrong i am. All i have to say to that is try and put yourself in a new players shoes, would you want to keep playing a game that randomly kills you with no explanation other then things like "mysterious illness" while you are in town?

  2. #2
    Member Madmatx's Avatar
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    Nice, you found an item that killed you over and over without having to do anything? I wish I had one of those. I'd eat a sandwich and level my dieing skill with ease.

    I just started playing this month and I love that you have to use a tiny bit of puzzle solving skills to play. It's by no means the Times Sunday X-word puzzle, though.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toushin777 View Post
    So i know this thread will probably just get a bunch of terrible comments ...
    Well, I kind of feel a thread with a terrible title deserves some terrible comments. So, in that spirit, let me ask you why you think people who have been playing the game a while are still around if their newbie experience was so terrible it should have made them quit? I suppose it's possible we are all secret masochists, but I hope there's a better explanation.

    With that out of the way, my condolences on your crystal death - that one definitely sucks. The crystal is an item from a level 60-70 zone where players who encounter it should both have considerable experience with the game in general and should have encountered some hints in the zone on what the crystals do. The crystals are also quite valuable, so high level players should generally not just be discarding them for other players to pick up. Obviously, those "should"s rather broke down in your case, so I think it's actually good feedback that maybe the crystal disease should be more clearly identified as coming from the crystal.

    However, PG is generally not a hand-holding game and its current alpha state means that some aspects of the game can be less friendly than they will be in the completed, polished version. In my experience, game-breaking bugs are very very rare, but some bugs (or unclear game mechanics) can get frustrating at times. If that sends you into a rage, you are probably better off waiting until PG moves out of alpha state before giving the game another try. Or, if you have enjoyed nothing at all about the game so far, maybe it's just not a game you will like, even once it becomes more user-friendly.

  4. #4
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madmatx View Post
    Nice, you found an item that killed you over and over without having to do anything? I wish I had one of those. I'd eat a sandwich and level my dieing skill with ease.

    I just started playing this month and I love that you have to use a tiny bit of puzzle solving skills to play. It's by no means the Times Sunday X-word puzzle, though.
    Death xp is nice to get, and many will think of it as a perk that toushin777 got from his misadventure with the "mysterious illness". But be aware that you would only get one big first time death bonus xp, and the value of any future death- by that cause- will shrink down to zero (assuming it counts as a high level/value death and results in additional xp per addition death).

    Back on topic.

    toushin777 there are numerous possible reasons that you didn't find the game a match for you. Maybe the game just isn't to your tastes, maybe you prefer a more mainstream MMO experience and this MMO experience on offer is more niche or more retro. It could be that you just had a bad run of luck, you didn't happen to find a mentor in game that could help you along and ease you passed some of the early hardships. Maybe you encountered odd events like the bad crystals you picked up, you didn't explain what bad events occurred before that, but maybe you just happened upon a bunch all at once. New players have run into "mysterious illness" in Serbule before, but doesn't seem like it is a weekly occurrence or anything. If a new player ported into the middle of a druid event that would also possibly be seen as unfair, but it was just bad luck and it doesn't happen to every new player.

    If I was tasked with reducing the likelihood that a new player will run across an item that cause "mysterious illness" then I would implement a system that put a debuff on a player who drops dangerous items in Serbule. You maybe get scolded by an NPC by name and they either give you a dirty look, that shames you into have a debuff or they give you a debuff with an out right minor curse they cast. You can make it more punishing if you can single out the person as the one dropping it in the first place as opposed to someone who just picked it up. Or another possible way, is if the system could detect you are the first to dropped a particular dangerous item in a populated area it gives you a penalty to you Civic Pride.

    You are right, it would be difficult for experienced players to accurately imagine the thought processes and feelings of a new player that runs afoul of "mysterious illness". But all new players are not going to react the same way, if that event happened to them. Some it will upset, some will shrug it off, some will be amused. I've both enjoyed and disliked games that are generally regarded as having unfair deaths, in some cases I have even disliked the game, tried it later and enjoyed it. Hopefully, that will be the case for you and this game.

  5. #5
    Senior Member drivendawn's Avatar
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    Indeed , it sounds like you never played any old school games like AC, FFXI, or EQ back in the day. Much like those games this one has minimal hand holding and is about exploration, community and discovery. These sorts of things lead to a great amount of immersion. I would say give it a few days, make some friends and ask the community questions in game then see how you feel about it.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    When you're dead you still have access to the help channel.

    Generally that should get you the information needed to get past weird interactions like that.

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    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    I think that a good lesson was learned here: don't pick up items that you don't know what they are. It's obviously a risk/reward proposition and unfortunately, you lost on that one. I was thinking of another example, which is if someone places a spooky punch bowl down. If you drink it, you are in for a 'treat' (a treat being that you just flagged yourself for open world pvp). The overall lesson is that we don't hold your hand in Project: Gorgon. Please use your resources for help. We have a wonderful community and a fantastic resource in the way of information is the Project: Gorgon wiki.

  8. #8
    Junior Member Sasaki's Avatar
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    My newbie experience was great. I took it slow, read everything, realized I need to actually solve puzzles and think in this game. My experience was heavily enriched for it, and now this game holds a special place in my heart as the MMO where I actually want to read the lore and pay attention to everything instead of grinding out 1000 quests to kill 5 things.

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    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    @toushin777 - thanks for the feedback. What were the other straws on your back, so to speak? What else frustrated you as a new player? I presume it wasn't ONLY some jerk leaving nuclear waste in town. We can address that if it's a common occurrence (it's the first time I'd heard of that happening), but I would like to know what else angered and frustrated you as a new player.

    I don't want the game to "hold your hand" and teach you every little thing. But I DO want to improve systems that are pointlessly obtuse or frustrating to newbies -- I just don't know what those things are. I haven't been a newbie in a long time, so your feedback is very valuable!

  10. #10
    Junior Member Flexarc's Avatar
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    Noob at the game here. Playing since 1-7-18. @toushin777 sorry to hear your troubles. I did mourn at one of the sites your character died.

    The main thing I do like in this game is that there is no hand-holding. Everything has a learning curve.

    I have used the help tab in chat on a few occasions and have always received a quick and helpful reply. Was even able to answer a question someone asked cause I had recently gone through the same thing. The discovery, however painfully annoying it can be at times, is the fun.

    I learned, in the few days played so far, that care must be taken and real decisions must be made for my character. The consequences could be very difficult to overcome.

    I hope you @toushin777 give the game another chance at some time. I got frustrated once, and stopped playing for the night, only to return the next day to figure out what needed to be done.

    Thanks to the devs for making the game.

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