Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #51
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    This fixed my issue! Thanks shar

  2. #52
    Junior Member xKeiro's Avatar
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    Submitted the game to Lutris and it's got accepted: https://lutris.net/games/project-gorgon/ (not sure why it doesn't show up in the search, maybe it takes some time) So if somebody would prefer to manage his game from the Lutris launcher, feel free to do so ^^

  3. #53
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    downloaded the game this morning and played for a few hours, now i'm trying to log in keeps telling me failure to download and can't play, also when i click on the latest version i get an error.

  4. #54
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by INXS View Post
    downloaded the game this morning and played for a few hours, now i'm trying to log in keeps telling me failure to download and can't play, also when i click on the latest version i get an error.
    try this new launcher
    Last edited by Hood; 12-04-2017 at 03:59 AM.

  5. #55
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by INXS View Post
    downloaded the game this morning and played for a few hours, now i'm trying to log in keeps telling me failure to download and can't play, also when i click on the latest version i get an error.
    My pglauncher is working fine at the moment. Is yours still having problems? And if so, how far does it get? Is it the pglauncher self-update that's hanging, or does it get to the actual PG files?

  6. #56
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    @Tagamogi Using the new linux launcher. The game downloaded i get the PG window i click on play the window closes and nothing happens, verifing/safe mode give same result. Shardragon page to get latest launcher seems broken, link not working for me.

  7. #57
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    I think I see ... Clicking the download link at the very beginning of this thread to get shardragon's launcher ( https://ipfs.io/ipns/QmZ86ow1byeyhNR...her/pglauncher ) gives me a "waiting message" for a very long time, but it does eventually download the pglauncher file for me.

    If that never downloads anything for you, I think your easiest solution is to wait until the new Linux launcher gets officially fixed. I don't think it should take too long - it looks like it's just the one file that's off.

    If you want to play on Linux now, and want to get a bit more complicated, you can try this:
    - check whether you have a .local/games/project-gorgon/LinuxPlayer directory under your home directory. That's where shardragon's launcher should have copied its files when you played yesterday
    - If that directory exists, copy the ProjectGorgon file in it
    - Go to the new launcher's directory, which should be .local/share/ProjectGorgon/HeadlessLinuxPlayer under your home directory, unless you changed the directory when installing it.
    - Replace the ProjectGorgon file in the new launcher directory with the ProjectGorgon file from shardragon's launcher
    - Run the new launcher again. It should now start the game when you click on Play.

  8. #58
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    Current Error I'm receiving:

    Spoiler Spoiler:

  9. #59
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hood View Post
    Current Error I'm receiving:

    pglauncher.patcher.RequestStatusError: Failed to download file "https://ipfs.io/ipns/QmZ86ow1byeyhNRJEatWxGPJKcnQKG7s51MtbHdxxUddTH/Software/Python/pglauncher/version.txt": Server returned status 404
    This error seems to be caused by the pglauncher self-update. For me, that .io server sometimes works and sometimes doesn't (currently it doesn't), so maybe just waiting will help.

    Both the modified headless launcher and an older version of the non-self-updating pglauncher currently work fine for me.

    For the headless launcher, you can copy the ProjectGorgon executable from shardragon's launcher into the headless directory after it's done patching. That file hasn't changed since at least August 16, so it doesn't need to be updated. Try this at your own risk, of course.

    For a non-self-updating version of pglauncher, shardragon wrote earlier in this thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by shardragon View Post
    Actually it's just a runnable ZIP-file, no black magic involved
    So if want to use the self-updating launcher like the previous versions you can rename and extract that file and run the `project-gorgon` file within OR (simpler) just download the GIT snapshots from the GitLab page
    I've tried that, and while I can get everything downloaded and unzipped ok, actually running project-gorgon from either unzipped version gives me the error:
    User interface "tk" not available
    User interface "cli" not available
    usage: project-gorgon [-h] [--ui UI] [--fileversion GAME_VERSION]
                          [--game-path GAME_PATH]
    project-gorgon: error: No suitable user interface found
    If you read project_gorgon to find out what's being called, that error is actually coming from pglauncher/main.py, specifically:
    for ui_name in args.ui:
    				ui = importlib.import_module("pglauncher.ui.{}.main".format(ui_name)).UI()
    			except ImportError as e:
    				print("User interface \"{}\" not available".format(ui_name))
    		if not ui:
    			parser.error("No suitable user interface found")
    To me, it looks like some kind of Python library import error, likely caused by not having the correct import path set, but I'm not precisely literate in Python, so that's as far as I got, sorry. I'm just putting it up here on the forums in case someone can do more with it. Or maybe the error only exists on my machine.

    On my computer, I actually have a different, older version of shardragon's launcher where the project-gorgon script still works fine for me without the above error. My version is project-gorgon-launcher-master-61a148f4eb33c823356bc08f63f520e7d3cd342a . There may be a way to download that version from the GIT page, but I'm also not GIT-literate enough.
    Last edited by Tagamogi; 12-16-2017 at 09:03 AM.

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