Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member kellyxxx's Avatar
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    Surveying has become a pain with new gui and game is no longer any fun

    Went out surveying today for first since new GUI. I thought i would be fair and give it a try, it was a joke. Instead of making it a better gaming experience it was the most frustrating experience i have had since i started this game 10 months ago. Since this new gui came out it seems the devs have gone out of their way to make simple tasks as complicated as they can. Even looking at recipes at one time u slid bar left to get more info now u need to pull an already large box even larger to see whats hidden. The map is a disaster, i need to re size it every time i log on or go thru a portal. For surveying it takes up 1/4 of my screen. Pins so large that if u have a couple digging spot near each other in that red circle u can't lay another pin. To dig up a map no more easy right click, now pull down a list of options then pick what you want to do. Try going thru a bunch of maps when your under water. I'm nearing the end of game play here and am looking for another game. I can't hunt because of of the toolbar taking up so much space and my auto targeting not working very well so no hunting for hides or surveying for gems. i need close to 300k to unblock some skills and i see no way i can earn that with this new gui.
    A word from from the devs would be nice to see what they think so far.

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    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    I don't understand this post.

    I don't know what any of this "u slide the bar left" thing means. What the heck are you talking about?

    Every time you teleport you have to scale the map slightly... that's what has made it impossible to survey? Do you survey via teleportation? Really?

    The ability bar is taking up too much space... AFTER you scaled it, right? The scaling we told you about in the patch notes? Can you post a screenshot of what's wrong, because I don't get it.

    Look, I tried going through a bunch of maps on the old GUI and on the new GUI. I like the new GUI a hell of a lot better. So... if your most informative complaint is "try it you'll see"... maybe alpha isn't for you. I can tell you're frustrated, and that's fine, you sure don't have to play an alpha. It sucks a lot, I know. So good luck finding your next game and I hope you like it.

    ... or you can give constructive SPECIFIC feedback to help me make this game great. It's really up to you, and I won't feel upset if you don't want to deal with this shit.

    But don't shit on the forum and expect me to be able to do anything with that feedback, because I just can't.

  3. #3
    Member Silkt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    I don't understand this post.

    I don't know what any of this "u slide the bar left" thing means. What the heck are you talking about?

    Look, I tried going through a bunch of maps on the old GUI and on the new GUI. I like the new GUI a hell of a lot better. So... if your most informative complaint is "try it you'll see"... maybe alpha isn't for you. I can tell you're frustrated, and that's fine, you sure don't have to play an alpha. It sucks a lot, I know. So good luck finding your next game and I hope you like it.

    ... or you can give constructive SPECIFIC feedback to help me make this game great. It's really up to you, and I won't feel upset if you don't want to deal with this shit.
    "u slide the bar left" I would guess to mean resizing the left hand box in the recipe screen so you can read the full recipe.

    Personally I would prefer to shrink the size of the recipe interaction box and increase the width of the recipe name panel , so the full recipe names are visible.

    I found trying to place map pins in the bottom portion of the map, maybe 20 to 25% of the bottom of the map, to be a pain in the butt, I play with the main map in the top right corner in place of the default minimap. With this setup the text portion of the "save pin" disappears out of the map window.

    My preference would be to have an option for the survey circles to work as pins, then allow "/mapclear" to remove them at the end or an individual right click to remove them. My old method of survey in batches as do about 15, my max pins, a time just click the map where the survey dot appeared this left an untitled pin then either as I went remove pins 1 by 1 or use /mapclear at the completion.

    This is purely UI feedback

    Survey Feedback
    The fact that Serbule Hills mob density and swarm type social aggro makes surveying on this map a very difficult task for low combat skill toons, ie the guys straight out of the cave who read the loading screen comment "unsure where to start crafting try surveying".

    I would rather go back to original early surveys being in Serbule then possibly move to Serbule Hills prior to going to Eltibule.

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    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    Thanks, I appreciate the specific feedback!

  5. #5
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Yeah, I was about fifty yards off a road and just got swarmed with goblin scouts.

    Being as I can one-shot them, it was still a couple minutes before I could clear enough of them to actually pick anything up and start moving again.

    I like the density of sheep and stuff. It was just the goblins and ...whatever the frog-people were. They aggro from way too far away. If I can see them, they will aggro.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Wemedge's Avatar
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    I do a fair amount of surveying and don't really have any complaints about how the new GUI has effected it. I don't use map pins for it, so can't really speak to that. I do like the new rings better than the dots, saves me having to where's waldo the red dot when it's not readily apparent. The only suggestion I would make would be maybe throwing in a slider or a toggle for the animation speed of the rings. Or even a button to skip the animation altogether. I do a lot of surveys at once, and maybe it's just my impatient nature, but waiting for the animations to finish throws off my flow a bit. A minor thing I'm sure I will get used to, but as it pertains to this topic, figured I would mention it.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    The animations take several seconds on my machine.

    I figured the speed wasn't intended, but I try to limit my bug reports on cosmetic things.

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    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    If you are having problems with the new experience, we could really use a fully detailed explanation with screenshots and/or video. Since some report a loading time issue, a video would be fantastic and it can be done for free. You can download OBS Studio for free and it records your screen. There are many guides on how to record and it is fairly simple and straight forward. Once you get the footage, you can upload it to YouTube.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    I was getting about 1/3 to 1/4 the framerate I usually do, with OBS on. But the animation seemed the same length.
    Last edited by Crissa; 12-10-2017 at 02:37 PM.

  10. #10
    Member Murk's Avatar
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    The Lizard

    Quote Originally Posted by Crissa View Post
    Yeah, I was about fifty yards off a road and just got swarmed with goblin scouts.

    Being as I can one-shot them, it was still a couple minutes before I could clear enough of them to actually pick anything up and start moving again.

    I like the density of sheep and stuff. It was just the goblins and ...whatever the frog-people were. They aggro from way too far away. If I can see them, they will aggro.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    ... but it may be tricky for new players; although they are busy seeing new things, so it may be alright. It is later levels you start robo-survaying.

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