Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Cosmetic: Italic text is sometimes shown properly italic, and sometimes as plain text with an <i> around it. For example, Therese's Small Talk is italic, but Therese's Training menu and Zeratak's barter menu have the <i> instead.
Cosmetic: On NPC vendors, when scrolling all the way down on the Buy Used tab and then switching to the Sell tab, the Sell tab also appears to have scrolled down. So, if I scroll down 30 Used items on Lasarn, and switch to my Sell tab, my Sell tab appears completely blank. If I scroll up a bit, I can see the 4 items I am able to sell to him again.
Cosmetic: In Barter menus, "receive" is misspelled as "recieve". I saw this on Brianna Willer and Zeratak, and confirmed that Zeratak's received is spelled correctly in the old UI.
Cosmetic: Serbule is also bright as day for me during the night. Serbule Hills was not. Since I am on Linux, I assume I do not have a corrupt install. Edit: I just went back to Serbule Hills, and now that zone looks bright to me too.
Bug: Zoning from Serbule Hills to Serbule causes an fps drop for me. After I zone and take a couple steps, my frame rate drops an average of 10-15 fps, and can drop to as low as 6 fps. (Graphics are set to Good with auto-adjust disabled.) Quitting the game/logging out/zoning will reset the framerate to my usual low 30s. I've tried this on a different computer with the old UI, and I don't see the framerate drop there, so I think it's UI related.
Bug: When auto-repeating a recipe, it takes twice as long as it normally should. For example, crafting a single medium hoop just shows the 2 second crafting popup. Putting that same recipe on repeat, it will first show the popup, create 1 hoop, then it'll show "repeating recipe" at the bottom of the recipe window for a few seconds, then reset and go back to a regular crafting popup to create hoop #2 . After that, it'll go back to "repeating recipe", etc.
Bug: I cannot buy more than 10 bottles of fertilizer at once from Yetta. If I try to change it to higher quantity, it just resets to 10 when clicking outside the quantity window.
Bug: (sorry if this has been reported before, but this thread is now 8 pages long) When selling items to a vendor, after the sale the icon and price remain selected even though you don't have this item anymore. This has probably been reported. However, if the item exceeds the money left on the vendor (in my case a stack of 1000 Decent Phlogistons sold to Ashk in Rahu) you get a red flashing message saying "Vendor doesn't have 48000 golds!". Well, I just sold them, dude, of course you're out of money for more! Didn't you notice I don't have more!
Cosmetic: When I reached level 35 in flower arrangement and got a bonus level in gardening, my chat tab showed the message "You levelled up in gardening!" twice rather than just once.
Cosmetic: When group dancing, the multiple, detailed status messages for the next dance move in the chat tab seem a bit weird - stage 0, etc...
Cosmetic: When listening to a poem, the poem page shows "<img=PoetryHr>" rather than the actual image.
Working great: I was able to attend the entire poetry jam just fine this time, after locking up on my attempt two weeks ago. I'm not sure if something changed in the code, or if it was that there were only 50-some people today after 80+ the other time. Either way, it worked great.
Sorry I couldn't test for longer than few minutes, apparently I missed ticking boxes that were supposed to be ticked (Citan said adjusting the settings was fairly intuitive) but I did want to offer a rather...unique perspective upon the first log in with the new UI. I don't want to call it a disability but I'm visually challenged (I think it's called acute myopia, I do wear contacts though). It was really overwhelming to the point where all my screen became blurry, now if that was my first login ever in PG I probably would've given it a pass (which would've been a shame and it would be a shame if others wouldn't give it a chance for this reason). I already have issues with my character spinning (yup, I adjusted the camera settings), after few days of not playing I get vertigo in the first 5 minutes. The new UI is probably great (I know it has some very useful features I am excited about like character slots) but I guess what I want to say is that the "look" is a tad overwhelming, there are a lot of windows that need size adjusting that cover all the screen or that I can't move etc. Maybe it's because of my eyesight but bad eyesight is most likely not uncommon among gamers. Fact is in the 5-10 minutes I've tried it for I got a massive headache and I had to revert to the old UI.
My suggestion would be to have the default settings set to a nicer look (fonts and windows set at normal values by default, ofc we can adjust later but it's just a first impression thing) so when we first log in with the new UI the reaction would be "wow" not "ugh, how do I disable this or that"
I also had a question (maybe I missed a chat option somewhere) - are we able to disable all the spam in "all" chat and only see the "user" chat like before? What I mean is all that text (including the NPCs chatter, monsters vulnerability, exp gained, all the stuff we usually turn off) that pops up in Global, can it be turned off somehow?
@Khaylara The New UI sets up everything fine on most 1920x1080 resolution computers right out of the gate. If it does not look 'right' then you need to take the time to set up everything as you like. It's a one-time thing unless you like to reset your settings a lot. I'd recommend doing it sooner rather than later because the old UI will be removed in the near future in preperations for STEAM.
Bug: It was mentioned, but some aspects of the new UI after being rescaled or adjusted in settings do no persist correctly. e.g. size of the inventory and effect bar icons. The width of the left scrolling part of the of the recipe list. Not sure how it happened but for few days it was fine then yesterday, my chat tabs reset to default.
Bug: some tooltips in settings are incorrect
Bug: Ancient gold coin show Velkort twice for gifting and even with different favor levels for me
Suggestion: I very much liked how persona window looked in the old UI - the long list of character attributes. Now if I want to see the attributes, in persona window at the bottom I have to click between pages left and right. How about option to extend the Persona window to the right and show the list how it used to look. All the attributes and mainly the tooltips explaining them were very useful at the beginning of my play.
Suggestion: not sure how useful, maybe include a short list somewhere in the settings with some more possible presets of UI layout and scalings for players to try out quickly without having to adjust everything manually.
@Khaylara regarding chat, it was not in the old UI, but right clicking in this new one is quite useful. Right click on chat and chat tabs to adjust them. Or on ability bars to switch them. Some things may be less obvious because of how we were used to interact with the old one. I did not know I can adjust the chat in the first preview either :P
Was trying to trade a few scrolls and books (orcish) to a fellow guild member and was unable to get it to load into the trade screen. Left clicking it would use it up automatically, and right clicking it would not allow me to move it it all.
Looking at new gear is a fearful thing with the new UI, the left click is so sensitive. Was looking at a shield and left clicked to see it, and put it on instead, right about the same time a group of mobs were coming for us. I was pretty useless in combat with the shield in my hand and no supporting skills.