Feedback: olneed an option to disable Left Click to Use in inventory. Like others have said....very dangerous. What about double-click?
Feedback: olneed an option to disable Left Click to Use in inventory. Like others have said....very dangerous. What about double-click?
I am very impressed with the new UI, I was expecting problems and was disappointed to find none
Once I played around with sizes and placements I now have a very clean professional looking UI.
Map pointer behaves as it should no matter what display settings I use.
I run in 4K now with everything working exactly as it should.
I ran around for about 30 minutes killing and trading and couldn't find any problems as yet, I know 30 minutes or so isn't much but so far it's great and what I had hoped for.
There is a little learning curve to get used to where everything is and the new NPC windows and such but didn't take long.
I like the breath bar where it is now as I can see with out having to look away to see if I will drown or not
So far i give it a 10/10.
Not sure what others are worried about the left click and such all it takes is a little playing and you know not to touch the flame on a match or what happens if you click with the left or right button.
I am over 60 and didn't make a mistake with any clicking and it was first time using the new UI, it is more Logical how it works now.
Will give a more detailed impression after I play for a few hours tomorrow morning.
Keep up the great work nice to see a game that actually listens to the players and does something about it![]()
The window to set the price on the player merchants can only show three digits. If I enter a price of 1000 for something, it looks like 000 because it has scrolled off to the left.
When purchasing from NPC vendors (and perhaps player as well, haven't tried), when I click the buy button, the list immediately scrolls to the top. So if I was scrolled down and just wanted to buy two of something by clicking the buy button twice, I end up buying one of the thing and one of something completely different because of the autoscroll to the top.
Having the rarity of the items color the text in the vendor window was a real help in locating particular rarities that I was looking for. It would be real nice if that was in the new UI.
Bug: AH pets cannot be released at the stable. If I click release, a confirmation windows appears and it's waiting to enter the pet's name. However the input field, if it is an input field, cannot be even selected or written into.
Suggestion: once the size of the buttons in the new UI is reduced. I suggest for corpse screens making the layout a bit more static. All of the buttons and text shifts around while I click on one of them. Making my next target for click a mystery.
Bug: It was mentioned before, but messages in my chat window act weird as well. Like the last one is being overwritten and the previous just disappear until another tab is selected
Last edited by Erthiel; 11-21-2017 at 01:48 PM.
Cosmetic: When you have multiple windows open and they are overlapping, you must click on the header of a window to bring it to the front. You can still interact with it while partially covered by other windows as long as you can click on the
Cosmetic: Identifying a painting does not update the tooltip until you mouse off and back on to the painting.
Cosmetic: There is a slight delay before tooltips pop up when mousing over an item for the first time in a while.
Suggestion: The new UI seems to take up a lot more space then the old UI. I have to do a lot more scrolling, even after resizing everything. Could some of the vertical filler spaces (in window headers, or spaces between lines, etc) be reduced?
- The rarity color of items seems to appear or not randomly. It would be nice if they all flashed proper colors again in loot, storage, and NPC lists.
- The tooltip that pops up show a picture of the item, but doesn't show the number of items in a stack. It would be helpful if it did, or if the number over the stack in our inventory was changed to a different color (green?) so it is easier to see.
- Some fonts are hard to see in default colors, and it would be nice to change them independently based on channel.
- When someone posts a stack in chat window to share item, it just shows [item name] and won't display the number of items in the stack.
- Left click is now auto-use, but this is a pain when trying to drag items around storage and accidentally "using" the item. I dumped out rennets on accident in this fashion.
- My map pointer disappears randomly in some zones (Kur) until I resize and zoom in / out on map.
- Combat is severely hampered by the new UI's inability to queue attacks. My rather non-traditional style of spamming attack commands (to fire at moment of reset), and then getting next attack ready, is impossible with the new build. Please add in queueing again.
- Items of the same type do not auto-stack when moving from storage to inventory. They should.
- Even if the calculator at the top of menu says a Vendor does not have enough councils for a particular item(s), it will still let you sell the item from the menu below at loss, or for 0 councils. This should be prevented, or be more clear.
- I have to constantly readjust my status indicator box (buffs, debuffs, etc.) for the icons to appear correctly in the box.
Last edited by Daguin; 11-21-2017 at 10:05 PM.
Cosmetic: When window opacity is turned down, it is very hard to read some of the inactive tabs, such as in the "more info" item info window (recipes, gifting, find).
Cosmetic: When window opacity is turned down, windows that are already open when starting a conversation with an NPC will go completely opaque. They remain opaque until closed and reopened.
Bug: The entrance to the goblin dungeon in Etibule requires you to click on the name in the middle of the door rather than pretty much anywhere. edit: seems like lots of big doors have this problem.
Cosmetic: There is a loading screen that references the "drop item" area that no longer appears in the new UI.
Cosmetic: I sold an item to Marna worth more councils than she had left over. The shop said she'd give me 741 by the sell button, but at the bottom it said she only had 642. I got 642.
Last edited by Ebonwind; 11-21-2017 at 08:55 PM.
Cosmetic: The new cooldown dial timer is great in most situations but can get hard to see on top of icons with a lot of yellow color of their own. For example, I cannot see the timer at all when it's about halfway done on Shield's Take the Lead - it just blends in really well.
Cosmetic: Some of the magic loot drops still don't flash. I have absolutely no idea what controls that. We spent 2+ hours killing zombies and ghouls in Kur Tower and the vast majority of the magic loot I got flashed. However, I had a blue item with the zombies/skeletons that did not flash, then much later an orange and a blue one after the other with the ghouls/striga that did not flash.
Cosmetic: While in Kur Tower, I had my comparison tooltip get stuck again so I didn't have to hold down alt at all in order for my equipped item to show up in addition to the selected item. This behavior persisted when I entered the light and zoned back into Serbule. (And I actually love this and much prefer it to having to hold down alt.)
Feedback: I'm going to join the crowd that says a single left-click to use an item is a bad idea. While playing this evening, I tried to drag multiple items and ended up using them or getting an "you cannot use this item" message. My favorite comic moment was when I tried to quickly drag a shield to the transmute window, equipped it instead and just then got attacked by a zombie that I now got to fight with only one combat skill since the bow I needed for archery was unequipped. I almost wonder if there is some kind of possible lag/delay thing going on with this - I usually don't have problems dragging items around, but I tried 4 times in a row with one particular item in Kur Tower and got the "you can't use this" message each time rather than dragging it.
Suggestion: When looking at another player, behavior badges can take up a lot of space, and it may take scrolling to get down to the trade/invite options that are probably the reason I initially clicked on the player. Maybe move the interaction buttons to the top, or display them side by side with the badges?
Suggestion: It might be nice if each GUI element had its own reset option, rather than one big reset for everything. I resized the mini-map a bit weirdly by accident, and would like to get it back to its original settings, but I also like the icon and text sizes I have set up and don't want to reset those...
Last edited by Tagamogi; 11-21-2017 at 09:39 PM.
@People who have problems with their chat window "jumbling up": I can't repro any issues, so I'd love to get more info on what's going on. Is it due to your GUI scale? Is it because you set your chat text font really big or small? Does it only happen when you scroll the scrollbar and then new text comes in? There's got to be a particular thing causing it...
If you can post a picture of what you're seeing, that might be helpful too. Thanks!
Bug: I havent heard of anyone else experiencing this bug, but on Linux I'm still experiencing a difficult to describe chat bug. Oddly, the chat window isn't posting updates automatically. If I just watch the chat window, there are no new posts, even though I know they're happening. I have to click the word Global or All (any one of the chat channel tabs) and then the chat posts since the last time I clicked the chat tab title will come rolling in.