IMPORTANT: Please read this post and the subsequent posts thoroughly as they contain important information and testing instructions.
Another preview version of Project: Gorgon's new UI is available for testing today. We're planning to retire the old UI in the next major update -- which is in two weeks! It's important to switch over quickly, because we'll be able to develop MUCH faster when only one GUI needs to be supported.
So we would love for you to spend some time with this preview build, at least a few sessions. Report bugs, of course. But also, tell us what problems really annoy you, that you feel NEED to be fixed before the old GUI is retired. Give us a general idea of how you're feeling about the new GUI after a few sessions: what works, what needs help, what's terrible, what's amazing?
If you'd like to participate, there are instructions below. Before we get to that, though, heed these warnings!
- Switching to this new build will require a full patch download.
- If you find a game-breaking bug that prevents you from playing, you can switch back to the old UI. But doing so will require another full patch download.
- Lesson: Do not try this yet if you have slow download speeds! (You can participate in the next phase when there is a lower chance you will have to re-patch.)
Now for the instructions.
- These instructions are written for the Windows version of PG. You can test this very rough preview build on Linux or Mac, but only if you are completely comfortable with modifying these instructions for your OS.
- Remember, this is a voluntary test of a very rough preview. If these instructions don't make sense to you, you should sit this one out today.
So. You're going to add a special flag to the end of the command that runs the patcher.
- Find the patcher icon (for example, ProjectGorgonLauncherWin.exe), right-click it, and choose "Create Shortcut".
- Right-click on the newly-created shortcut, and choose Properties.
- In the properties window, find the Target field. Add a space on the end, then -fileversion 289g. So, for instance, my Target field reads:
"E:\Gorgon Live\ProjectGorgonLauncherWin.exe" -fileversion 289g- Press OK, then double-click the shortcut to run the launcher with those parameters. It will patch over the old download with the new experimental build.
REMEMBER to start the game from your new shortcut for as long as you want to test the very rough preview build, because when you use the non-shortcut version, it will patch right back to the mainstream live build.
There is a confirmed bug in the launcher that can result in corrupt downloads in a few specific situations, and this build is one of those situations! A corrupt download can result in weird issues, including audio drop outs, crashes when loading into certain areas, and missing monster graphics.
This is not a bug in the new UI, but rather a bug in the launcher itself. So we'll have a new launcher available for download soon for both Windows and Mac. (The linux launcher doesn't suffer from this bug as far as I know.)
Until the new launcher is available, you can work around the problem with the Validate Installation feature. Here's how: when you see the "Play" button in the launcher, don't click it; instead click "More...", then "Validate Installation". When it's done, you're all set and can press Play.
You need to do this whenever you switch versions, either from old-UI to new-UI or from new-UI back to old-UI.
Reporting Bugs
We're going to handle bugs for today's test a bit differently than we usually do. If you find a bug in today's preview build, please post in here - in this thread! (The normal in-game reports don't know what build you are using, so keeping these separate today is going to save us a lot of confusion.)
When you post here, please label each bug you report with one of these keywords:
Bug: Something is obviously not working right.
Cosmetic: Something looks wrong, dumb, or very confusing.
Feedback: Suggestions, first impressions, and anything else we need to hear!