Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Junior Member chill's Avatar
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    Suggestion: I love the new skill/ability menu design since it's sharp and clean, but having that old grid view was very fast and efficient for finding and adding abilities to the skill bars. At level 70 there are so many abilities that scrolling through a long list to find 1 ability takes a while. I would suggest adding a "grid" view that you can toggle for fast ability drag and dropping.

    Buggy: Serbule FPS is going crazy low if I stay there too long ... and I'm crashing if I stay there for too long. Everywhere else seems fine though. (note: terrible laptop, but never have it this bad)

    Cosmetic: The Work Order menu description says "Rewards:" twice but doesn't list anything after the second one.

    Update: the quest tracker window is actually pretty cool .... it was turned on by default with no way to get rid of it earlier so I was confused and had no clue what it was. Cool feature.
    Last edited by chill; 11-11-2017 at 11:05 PM.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaylara View Post
    "Cosmetic: A combat ability may be grayed out either when its cooldown is down or when I'm targeting an invalid target for it. I find this really confusing: I'm fighting a mob, it dies, half my buttons turn gray, and I want to wait for them to go off cooldown before attacking the next mob. Of course, I wait forever since most of the buttons are grayed out because of my target not the cooldown. Of course, some of them are on cooldown. Long story short, it would be helpful to have different color/grayout schemes for that, or really just not do grayout for invalid targets."

    I noticed that too, I thought it was intentional like in I'm too far from the target to attack? They shouldn't have been greyed out for cooldown reasons, I didn't get to use them, they were greyed out to start with (?)
    For an example of what I was trying to get at here: Try targeting, say, Hulon in town. Attack abilities will turn gray. Now hit "Dig Deep" on your sidebar - Dig Deep now also turns gray. The Dig Deep ability does have a tiny gray dial moving to indicate it's coming off cooldown again, but I find I interpret both types of gray the same and don't really notice the dial thing.

  3. #23
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    First thing I tried to do was make adjustments to the UI. Having only one slider to globally adjust the UI size isn't going to be enough, as some things are too big and some too small. Having the global slider is fine, but there needs to be sliders to individually scale the left bar, right bar, combat bar, and player/target info windows.

    To help with FPS rates for people with lesser machines, there needs to be an option to disable the 3D portraits in the player/target info windows.

    In the chat window, there needs to be a filter for NPC chat. Now if I want to see nearby chat, there is no way to escape all of the NPC chatter. This will cause problems when having events in towns where a lot of NPC chatter exists because the NPCs will drown out everything.
    Last edited by mrwarp; 11-11-2017 at 11:30 PM.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    I didn't try that, in town I had only buff-type abilities active (not gray), more precisely Rabbit's foot and Health wave. I went just east to kill a pig and try to figure out why the abilities looked disabled. I targeted a pig and shot it although the ability I used was grayed out (I was able to use it). Hence my confusion. I also didn't notice the gray dial (which might mean that people with less visual acuity would have issues seeing it, me being one of them).

    If the "too small icons, too large fonts" thing gets fixed I'm sure I'll adjust sooner or later. Overall it's a nicer interface, I would keep the tiny arrows that allow us to load the hotbar quicker though, the skills menu (although improved) is hard to navigate at higher levels on a char that has many skillsets.

  5. #25
    Member xerandus's Avatar
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    Missing Functionality: I have become accustomed to right-clicking within the "box" around an object in order to move up to the object and perform the default action (the button) on the object, like loot/mine/harvest/etc. That no longer happens. Now I have to click on the button. It makes the purpose of the box surrounding the object almost useless.

  6. #26
    Member Erthiel's Avatar
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    Cosmetic: The NPC dialogue window. The icons in the shop, barter, training, storage. Every view has different size of the icons. Maybe make them same size and add settings for their scale?

    Cosmetic: Settings windows. UI scale. When i set it to '1.20' it somehow changes after I reopen the window to '1.9904' or similar. It does this for different values as well.

    Cosmetic: Need a transparency setting for popup tooltips.

    Cosmetic: Chat bubbles are ugly. White, black border with little triangle.

    Cosmetic: It is great that favor level now shows in every view of the NPC dialogue, however it could hide itself at Soul Mate level or it could at least be removed from the shop view. It's not that necessary there and takes up a lot of space.

    Cosmetic: The window size for dialogues, storage, and player examine is the same. However for some of these having a big window is necessary as for the shop view. For others having a smaller window is much much nicer (corpse loot). Suggestion: Somehow scale the shop interface. The tabs, the top text bar there, the item number picker stay the same size so it does not scale properly.

    Buggy: My abilities do not produce sounds. Namely my Bard horn abilities have no sound.

    Cosmetic: My abilities which have mods applied to dmg or reuse time, show these in red, instead of green.
    Last edited by Erthiel; 11-12-2017 at 12:58 AM.

  7. #27
    Member xerandus's Avatar
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    Cosmetic: Portrait with the vital stats bars is silly. I see no need for it.

    Suggestion: Skills show cumulatively what I have already gotten from that skill in terms of bonuses, not just what is coming at future levels.

    Missing Functionality: Windows for Teleport "Get Binding Info" and "List Used Teleport Locations" are blank.

  8. #28
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    @Hood - just to confirm this: even when your guild info screen is missing, do you have a Guild chat tab, and does it work?
    Sorry for the delayed answer. I've just checked this in-game and yes, I do have a Guild chat tab. Last night, I didn't have an info screen and I changed zones. Then an info screen loaded. This morning, I've tried that same thing again by zoning but it didn't make the guild info screen load.

    Edit 1: zoned back to serb and now my guild info screen has loaded.

    As of right now, the biggest bugs I have are the keybinding thing, this guild info screen not loading, my party UI and social tab screen not loading, and my chat requiring me to click a tab name in order to show the new messages that have come through since the last time I clicked a chat tab.

    Edit 2: also, I get chat posts about how many friends I have online about once every minute. This seems similar to the guild message zone posting bug that Tiamat talked about.
    Last edited by Hood; 11-12-2017 at 02:36 AM.

  9. #29
    Member xerandus's Avatar
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    Missing Functionality: Druidic Emergency came up, window that tells me where to go was blank.

  10. #30
    Junior Member Reath's Avatar
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    Gamebreaking: The game gets stuck in the loading screen after choosing a character. My character was in Serbule, if I remember correctly.

    The loading screen turned black after a while, then my computer became unresponsive. I waited about 20 minutes, then the Firefox, Steam and Discord I was running in the background crashed. I opened Task Manager and 99% of my ram was being used. I ended Gorgon's process and the memory usage went down to 9%.

    System specs:
    OS: Windows 7 64-bit
    CPU: Intel i7-3770
    GPU: Nvidia 560ti
    Ram: 8GB

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