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Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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Thread: Galzuk
  1. #1
    Member Bakau's Avatar
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    2 questions:

    1. What areas in Galzuk are good for soloing - both exp and loot drops
    2. Why does fire magic not have an epic skill like druid and hammer and other classes?

  2. #2
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Soloing Galzuk
    I'm maybe not the best person to give advice on soloing in Gazluk, as seeing as I am hardly able to adventure there at all. I hear tell, on the outside map, that the north side of the map has the better loots. I think NE is the area but I haven't confirmed that. I do most of my soloing in the wolf caves in the middle area of the map, but unless you goal is skins and wolf parts, the loot doesn't impress. The Cave in the high NW is pretty easy to solo, again the loots are nothing to rave about. The Shadow Caves and Undead cave are a little more difficult, but areas are solo-able, not sure how to rate the loot.

    Epic Fire Magic
    All of Fire Magic is Epic! Just kidding. Is it an oversight, maybe. Is it to keep fire magic from becoming overpowered by allowing it to tap into epic boost mods, maybe. Does it not fit the formulas or design vision of Citan, maybe. Is it some 80 level spell we can't get to yet, maybe. Don't think we have been told why, so if we are to get an answer it will have to come from a dev. Ice Magic also lacks an Epic attack, so that maybe reduces the chance that it is an oversight, given that ice magic is much newer then fire.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShieldBreaker View Post
    I do most of my soloing in the wolf caves in the middle area of the map, but unless you goal is skins and wolf parts, the loot doesn't impress.
    Hey, what's wrong with skins and tufts of fur? I actually love the mob loot in the wolf cave; my main regret is that the cave feels a bit too easy these days, so it doesn't make that much sense for me to hang out there anymore.

    Precious skins aside, there are 3 chests in the cave, which doesn't strike me as bad loot? To me, the main loot problem is that crafted gear tends to be much better than dropped loot, so while I have gotten a lot of random gear, I haven't gotten too many upgrades.

    I haven't spent much time in outside Gazluk. I don't think the mobs are necessarily that difficult, but I find having to constantly watch out for cold to be uncomfortable, so I have focused on the caves. All the caves have multiple chests, so trying to reach the chests can make for fun mini-goals rather than just killing x mobs and hoping they drop loot. If you are just starting out, I'd definitely suggest the Tower View (wolf) cave - I found it by far the easiest cave. I'd probably rate the Snowblood Shadow Cave (snails) as the next in difficulty, although there is a new nasty boss in there now that you'll probably want to avoid unless you are max level. The No-Name cave (plants) is slightly more difficult - the mobs there clump a bit more and the ghosts can be a problem unless you have an easily available stun. While I can solo the entire cave, I still die there at max level unless I'm careful about pulling. The Windy View ( undead) cave seemed to have the highest level gear drops, but also more difficult to kill mobs. I haven't been back there since the introduction of mummies, so I assume it's even more difficult now.

    @ShieldBreaker - if you don't mind, what makes Gazluk difficult for you? Is it just getting places, the cold, or are the mobs too tough? Since you said in another thread that you have multiple combat skills maxed, it feels like you should be doing much better there than I. To me Gazluk seems to be a pretty fun place to hang out. I haven't explored everything, in particular the outside, but that's more because there's so much other stuff I want to do too than because of anything Gazluk-related.
    Last edited by Tagamogi; 10-23-2017 at 12:42 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post

    @ShieldBreaker - if you don't mind, what makes Gazluk difficult for you? Is it just getting places, the cold, or are the mobs too tough? Since you said in another thread that you have multiple combat skills maxed, it feels like you should be doing much better there than I. To me Gazluk seems to be a pretty fun place to hang out. I haven't explored everything, in particular the outside, but that's more because there's so much other stuff I want to do too than because of anything Gazluk-related.
    Well mainly I just suck at MMOs If I stay outside, I usually, die and die and die and die. I'm not playing optimally, but I kind of figure I am getting by in game. Traveling around trying to get from one place to another is usually when I have the most frustration. I get beat up rushing to get inside the next cave so I have a better location to recall to. The mobs probably aren't too tough individually, but I usually end up drawing somewhere between 3-7 of them trying to reach a portal. The small Orc camps give me the most problems, I can hardly go near them. But overall If i get side tracked in battle or gathering too much, I do die of cold usually meters from warmth. I forget to carry blankets or use them, I usually too busy to build a camp fire though I have the supplies on hand, and I usually don't have my cold first aid up. Oh well, Gazluk isn't a place I like to hangout. But maybe that is the point, maybe it is better suited to Orcs and long-haired rabbits.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    @ShieldBreaker - Ah, the cold makes sense. Your description of Gazluk sounds remarkably like the last time I went to Kur to get some orcish spell pouches. I'd forgotten to bring fires, didn't feel like going back, so I kept rushing the campfire in the middle of the orc camp in an effort to get warm. Unfortunately, the campfire in the middle of the orc camp happened to be surrounded by orcs, and while the orcs individually weren't that bad, 3-5 of them at once would definitely kill me. Then I started back some distance away, had to run back, and by the time I got back, I felt cold and wanted to be near the fire...

    Anyway, going back to the original Gazluk topic, I've just been rushing through the zone using battle chemistry and shield, and picking up the occasional spruce log if I can find one that doesn't have mobs near it. I don't have that much cold resist on my speed gear, and don't fight that well with bc/shield anyway, so if I get aggro, I tend to just run away, which is a bit off a shame since it looks like it would be fun to hang out there and fight a bit. It just feels that the zone is too big to walk through at normal speed.

    I do really like the Gazluk caves though, and I'm so happy about the new mushroom teleport recipes that allow me to teleport directly into the New Prestonbule cave. Now all I need is more playing time and I'll be all set...

  6. #6
    Member Bakau's Avatar
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    Thanks for this - went into he wolf cave found the first chest. Went looking for the others I got to a big room went one way and died but respawned at an area that was near the boss mob which had no other way out. Where are the other 2 chests and has anyone done a map of this cave?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    You need to either defeat this boss (difficult) or exit where you respawned and run to the other portal through Gazluk.

    Chests are in various rooms, you probably just died before you could reach them.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Vague chest directions:

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