Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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Thread: Wipe?
  1.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #11
    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    We've never lied about the possibility of a wipe as the stance has always been prefixed with it's subject to change. That said, our stance is stated in the FAQ.

  2. #12
    Member takatoka's Avatar
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    i'd like to see a partial wipe (everything but skills and favour) for beta, and a total wipe for final commercial release

  3. #13
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    I kind of feel we should leave this subject alone as much as possible. It is going to be a touchy subject.

    However, for some reason lately I've been more open to the idea of a total wipe. Not completely sold on it but way more open then I thought I would ever be. Thinking about it I came up with this idea that maybe it should be an individual character by character choice. And that a Social Badge should be given to testers that indicates they were testers, and also whether or not that they submitted themselves to full wipe. There is probably no win-win solution and no solution that will make everyone happy. Oh well, guess we will wait and see.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    The topic should be left alone
    I will state again what I think about it in general terms, I don't intend to respond to any replies though.
    Some of the testers (myself included) have been around for years (some with breaks but still for a long time). The problem for us is that the alpha has lasted 5-6 years already, a wipe would force us into pitless boredom. Honest talk, if I knew there was a wipe at the end of the testing stages I wouldn't have bothered to play, it was enough to pop in once in a while to check things and come back after launch when the game is finished. Idk if I can get myself to start again endurance, cooking etc. Admittedly I would be faster than actual new players but it wouldn't be fun so me personally won't be around much past launch. It's not a "threat" that I'd take my toys and leave but atm I'm on a break because ...tailoring. And because the pathfinding of my character seems messed up and playing gets me physically sick (getting dizzy etc, similar to motion sickness).
    More tedious and repetitive tasks (that I've already done few times) would discourage me from playing if a complete wipe ever happens. They were fun the first time around but I have 3 characters with skills at 50+ and I guarantee that 3 times is enough for me (2nd time was actually boring already). I guess anyone would feel that way if instead of being able to explore new things they would have to go back in time 2-3 years and restart their characters. That was the appeal of PG for me, in other games you have to restart a character and do the same quests, grind the same areas over and over again if you want to try a new class. Wiping my char would push me exactly in that exact same direction-do the same things again.

    I won't be very motivated to start again from scratch and not to be argumentative but nobody will ever convince me that I will have fun killing pigs and spamming bacon (again) for days. Idk how many other players feel the same way but it's just my $0.2

    edit-I know I said this before but we all play games to have fun. And even though we are very loyal to this dev team and this game once a person stops having fun they won't continue a recreational activity based only on loyalty or nostalgia.
    Last edited by Khaylara; 10-09-2017 at 09:37 AM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaylara View Post
    The topic should be left alone
    Indeed. However, since it seems we must have a new forum discussion on it every couple months, I might as well add my two councils.

    First, there was a post by Citan a few months back that I thought made the non-likelihood of a skill wipe pretty clear: https://forum.projectgorgon.com/show...=5145#post5145 .

    Second, hypothetically, I don't think I'd mind a total wipe for myself all that much at this point - I like leveling stuff, so to me it's not such a big deal. It might also be fun to do everything over again at launch in the "proper" leveling order, once new zones are in place and some quests have been reworked, etc. On the other hand, leveling takes a lot of time, so it's well possible that with a complete wipe I'd become exhausted and drop out. My tentative plan for launch is to make a brand-new alt to experience everything again from scratch, but also to keep on playing my main for when I just want to quickly jump into higher level content. ( Although without any gear, that could be pretty interesting, too.... watch me kill panthers with my bare hands so I can make some leather armor? )

    Third, I would not be playing right now if the PG FAQ said there would be a total wipe at launch - I would just have waited until launch to play then. My general feeling is that the people who really want a total wipe are entirely free to delete their own character anytime they like.
    Last edited by Tagamogi; 10-09-2017 at 10:54 AM.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    I don't mind leveling new stuff at all, emphasis on "new" :P What I would mind would be lvling the same thing over and over again (since I've done it few times already). And tbh I like that I managed to lvl some things the hard way, it's kind of an accomplishment for me (things like poetry or cheesemaking), they're too easy to do now. And it's not about wanting to be against a wipe, I would just lack the motivation to do so since the "fun" part would be lacking for me. I think many older players will enjoy starting over at launch anyway but there's a difference between wanting to do that and being forced to reroll.

    PS-I replied because it's a civil discussion and not a heated argument If we "must" talk about this every couple of months we might as well be nice for a change lol
    Last edited by Khaylara; 10-09-2017 at 02:52 PM.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    @Khaylara - Yeah, you definitely have a point about the fun aspect of leveling stuff again. I don't mind leveling a few things again, but there are so many possible skills to level that I'd rather focus on the new ones than the ones I've already done once or twice. And I'm sure that the longer I play, the more I'll feel that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaylara View Post
    I think many older players will enjoy starting over at launch anyway but there's a difference between wanting to do that and being forced to reroll.
    Yes, that exactly. I don't think the forcing would accomplish much beyond making some people very, very grumpy.

    From a game balance aspect, it actually seems like a really good idea to me to not have a total wipe since that allows players to spread over different zones at launch and not have everyone hogging the newbie areas at exactly the same time. To me, that always makes for a really unpleasant game start experience.

    Anyway, the extent of the wipe seems like a pretty abstract topic at this point in time - there's so much other stuff that gets to happen first, like the Steam launch and beta.

  8. #18
    Senior Member poulter's Avatar
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    The developers will do what is considered to be best for the game & personally I am willing to wait, especially with Srand's comment on file, about what will happen to Citan if a full-wipe happens.

    I went through a self-imposed total wipe about 20 months ago (after I got tired of playing a were-wolf). It took me under 10 days-played to be doing level 60 content in fully augmented gold gear (i.e. best in slot) with all necessary supporting skills levelled & paid for. Initial 3 skill sets were archery, fire & Battle Chemistry (i.e. the 'more' expensive ones). I now have a 100+ days played on this second toon.

    I share the above, not to brag, but to emphasise that full wipe or otherwise, my expectation is that many veteran /long-time players could be back to crafted high-level gear & end-content instances, with plenty of gold (to buy /craft what they want) within 14 days played, or less.
    However, I would not do the really 'grindy' skills another time

  9. #19
    Senior Member Hood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easylivin View Post
    Wipe until you are clean nothing less.

    "Sometimes when I wipe.......I'll wipe and I'll wipe and I'll wipe and I'll wipe.....a hundred times...still poop. still poop. It's like I'm wipin a marker or somethin" - Andy Dwyer

    And these wipe threads are exactly like this. No one can seem to get clean of them.
    Last edited by Hood; 10-10-2017 at 05:45 AM.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poulter View Post
    The developers will do what is considered to be best for the game & personally I am willing to wait, especially with Srand's comment on file, about what will happen to Citan if a full-wipe happens.

    I went through a self-imposed total wipe about 20 months ago (after I got tired of playing a were-wolf). It took me under 10 days-played to be doing level 60 content in fully augmented gold gear (i.e. best in slot) with all necessary supporting skills levelled & paid for. Initial 3 skill sets were archery, fire & Battle Chemistry (i.e. the 'more' expensive ones). I now have a 100+ days played on this second toon.

    I share the above, not to brag, but to emphasise that full wipe or otherwise, my expectation is that many veteran /long-time players could be back to crafted high-level gear & end-content instances, with plenty of gold (to buy /craft what they want) within 14 days played, or less.
    However, I would not do the really 'grindy' skills another time

    Aws or Fiore?(srry I'm bad at remembering people's forum names) Question-did you use your former main char to do the crafting? 2 weeks is awfully short to have level 60 lw, augmenting etc:O It's possible I guess but it takes dedication

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