Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Retrobot's Avatar
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    Unhappy Beginner Unfriendliness?

    I started playing Project Gorgon after a search for some MMO/RPGs that weren't pay-to-win or pay-to-play, which I could play on my free time, lead me to a thread recommending Project Gorgon with a warning that it was a bit grindy, which I didn't mind. I downloaded it and read up on some other threads which also alluded to the fact that it took a lot of grinding. Once on the tutorial island, I went through it pretty fast and was already given the option to leave by the man in the light-house. I thought I was leaving a bit under-leveled, and went to grind out to a comfortable level around 15 or so sword and 11-13 unarmed and could solo the big-headed skeleton boss there. After giving him the coordinates I landed in Serbule and went to test the mob difficulty to die to a tiger that was right where new players coming to serbule spawned. I thought that was a bit weird but I respawned in the town and started on the beginner quests I was given. One told me to chip off a piece of a crystal, which spawned a deer that wasn't too hard to kill but still kicked my ass for something that was in the starter quest. I killed enough to finish the quest, but thought I was a bit underleveled so I farmed the deer to kill them until I could be comfortable fighting them, around 20. This was because anything besides the deer killed me if more than one of them grouped up, then I went to do the other quest given to me. This quest, the starter one, sent me into a dungeon with brain bugs every ten steps, which I could only kill, at level 25 sword and endurance 16, one at a time with a full break in between, with the best food I could get without training cooking too much. The other quest underneath the crystal lead me to a dungeon with slimes I couldn't even kill without dying. I decided that I couldn't do either of the starter questions with my main skill maxed to half, at least without bumping up the level cap. So I tried some other skills like bard and fire magic, which brought something else to my attention. At the starter levels of a new skill, the only reasonably kill-able mobs, apart from those at the tutorial island, gave only 20xp and they were few and far between and took ages to respawn. At this point, I thought I had screwed up somewhere down the line and went to what I had been told was a very helpful, closely-knit community which had drawn me to the game in the first place. The only responses I got to the mere idea of beginner unfriendliness was one dude telling me how much xp he had to get and that I was a bitch, and an overwhelming amount of the same response of the game "not holding your hand." I feel like I want to make this game work and that it would be a great time-spender if I ever got behind it but I feel like its not geared towards beginners at all and is oddly difficult for certain stages of the game. Am I doing it wrong and needed to do something different to make the experience better? Is this random jump in mob difficulty from the tutorial island to wanting to do anything in serbule noticed by any other beginner players? Did I just run into a bad egg or is this community just a closely-knit Dark-Souls-esque elitist club? Let me know, it'd be great to get some information.

    TL;DR: grinded tutorial island but got my ass handed anywhere else in serbule, couldn't do any quests, leveling is boring slow, wondering if i did something wrong or has anyone else noticed the bullshit jump in mob difficulty.

  2. #2
    Senior Member BetaNotus's Avatar
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    I think you may have encountered a bad egg, most people receive a friendlier welcome. When you first start a new skill, it can prove challenging for some to raise the first few levels. Some people choose to return to Anagoge (island), while others focus on fighting the pigs, rats, and spiders around Serbule. The Tigers and Mantis could be considered the strongest normal monsters in the zone, depending on the skills used.

    You were able to solo the big-headed skeleton, so I would advise checking out the Serbule Crypt. It's a dungeon where mobs range in level, and some people choose to level up past the late 20s there. (Personally I would advise going elsewhere before that point). If you use another already leveled skill (even under 15) to get another skill started, it should go a bit smoother than starting out in Serbule or Serbule Hills with two level 1 skills. For the most part, I'd consider quests more "long-term" than one might expect. Sure, a few of the "Kill 10 x" can be completed, but a few of the Serbule NPCs ask for tasks to be completed that may require almost a full set of level 30 gear and quite a bit of exploration.

  3. #3
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Hi welcome to Project:Gorgon.

    Sorry I can't relate to the beginner question, I've been around too long and last time I did newbie content on an fresh character I found it easy. But the game is always changing month to month so things might need adjusting now, not sure. The Community for the most part is really good, other players usually beat me to giving advice or help in game. If someone said something insulting, you will find the Abuse report as a radio button on the Feedback form under the ! icon on the top of the right hand menu bar.

    Under the Red Crystal and Brain Bug Cave are pretty tough stuff. You having to limit yourself to one kill at a time even outside those dungeouns, doesn't sound wrong. Focusing on those quests might be a little problematic, there is a lot of other stuff that in my mind come before them.
    Spoiler Spoiler:
    Slime is a tough monster with it's Extreme Health Regeneration, it has some attacks it is weak against but until you have damage high enough to overcome their regeneration they are a problem.

    It is difficult to give perfect advice, content changes, not sure what kind of gear your are running with, are you trying to solo group content, things like that. Hope you find the rhythm of the game, and a bunch of friendly mentors.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Khaylara's Avatar
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    Definitely you ran into an odd person, most people are friendly.

    To your points

    -the grindy comments-i find this game to be less grindy than any other MMO I've played, in the sense that I'm not forced to grind, I could spend all my time in town playing music or growing veggies

    -about newbie unfriendliness, it's as Shield said a tad hard for me to relate because I'm an older player. Every time I make a new char to test an update I already have the knowledge to pass the first stages without any issue. I have a tiny bit of advice here though-the favor quests are not regular quests like in other games, their purpose is more to guide you towards aspects of the game that you might otherwise miss (in other words you don't "have" to do them but by doing them the rewards and skills you might lvl in the process could be very useful). The same goes for favor items/gifts. I would focus less on combat and more on "life skills" or however you wanna call them: gardening, cooking, skinning, butchering and pathology (especially pathology because that would help you identify what mobs you can kill with your combat skills).

    P:G is actually more beginner friendly these days but the apparent "unfriendliness" is there to familiarize a new player with the pace/atmosphere of the game, you're ment to stumble and fall and stub a toe every time you run into something new. Mobs in a newbie area are not necessary newbie level and there are dungeons on the beginner map that can't be tackled at lvl 20 at all. It's part of the charm of this game. I hope you get to enjoy the quirkiness and I hope you don't run into any more asshats

  5. #5
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Bah, everyone else posts faster than I do. I'm going to totally ignore BetaNotus and ShieldBreaker and Khayalara and whoever else is posting right now, and do my own post... So:

    Welcome to the game!

    My own newbie experience was nearly two years ago now, so it's a bit hard to remember, and some things have changed since then. (In particular, I think the tiger that killed you when you first landed in Serbule is probably a new pathing problem from when the mob density in Serbule was increased. The game is alpha...) I hit an "I can't kill anything" point myself, too, although mine was bit different - I was doing sword/psychology and convinced that I sucked at all combat because I couldn't scratch those stupid mantises. So, I spent a month doing nothing but non-combat work orders... I eventually wandered into Eltibule by accident and was thrilled to find out that I could actually kill stuff there.

    Anyway, here is some stuff I can think of that may ( or may not, sorry ) help you:

    - Food is the best buff you can give yourself. You said you are eating, so that's good, but it's definitely worth leveling both cooking and gourmand. Also, be aware that there are both meals and snacks, and you can have one of each, stacking their buffs. ( I think both milk and flatbread are easy low-level snacks, but you definitely want the highest level food you can get if you are having problems killing things. )

    - Make sure you are using your combat refresh ability whenever its cooldown is up. You probably are, but just in case: Every skill has one ability that will return power/health/armor to you when you use it. For example, for Sword, that's sword slash.

    - Marna is your friend. Make sure you learn both first aid and armor patching from her, and use them during combat.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    - Level anatomy to learn about mob resistances and damage types. Some mobs that you find hard to kill may just be particularly resistant to your main damage ability. (Of course, you do have to kill a few of them in order to learn about their resistances, so there is that...) Other mobs that hurt you a lot may be doing primarily a certain damage type that can be mitigated with potions or specific gear.

    - Better gear helps a lot. My favorite spot to get gear at lower levels is the Serbule Crypt. The spider clumps there can be rather rough for beginning players, but I think you should be able to make it to the first loot chest near the entrance, in particular if there is anyone else in the vicinity who is also killing the spiders. Other than loot chests, it seems to me that humanoid mobs have a higher chance of dropping gear than animals (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), so if your choice is between killing skeletons or killing spiders, skeletons may lead to better loot.

    - For xp levels 10+, it may be worthwhile to wander into the Serbule Hills zone and see if you spot any mobs with a crown over their head to get a kill quest for a bit of bonus xp. Serbule Hills also has a pretty nice mob density, imo.

    - For xp levels 1-5, there's usually a clump of friendly pigs east/southeast of Serbule town that love to give you pork shoulders for bacon and sausages. You can also try venturing into the sewers near there - if there is nobody else around and you bury the rats to make them respawn faster, the sewers are pretty nice xp and also have a nice mushroom spawn rate.

    - If you have a higher level skill that is compatible with the skill you are trying to level, you can also use that to kill higher level mobs. E.g. if you have level 20 sword and want to level your level 2 mentalism, you just have to use a single mentalism ability during the fight to get mentalism xp, and you can use your more damaging sword abilities for the rest of the fight.

    - Combat skills generally have some abilities you gain just from leveling up and some other abilities that are obtained from trainers or special scrolls. If a combat skill seems underpowered to you, it may just be that you are missing a good ability. Of course, getting that ability could be another problem... Generally, I'd suggest just picking a combat skill that seems fun to you, and then possibly looking at the Wiki to check for missing abilities if you seem to be getting a lot of gear with modifiers for abilities that you just don't have.

    - It's not a linear game. If you get stuck in one area, move on to something else. If the tigers in Serbule give you problems, try the wolves... If you get tired of Serbule, try Serbule Hills, or even Eltibule.

    - You don't have to complete quests. They give you something to do, sure, but remember that generally your xp and loot come from going out into the world and doing stuff, not from completing quests. If you can't complete a particular quest today, there's always tomorrow, next week, next month... There is no limit to the number of active quests you can have, so just pick up everything and then do stuff when it's convenient/possible.

    I hope that helps a bit. If not, well, post again...

    ( Edit: Now that I think about it - if you went into the crystal cave, you've definitely been to the crypt before. It's quite worthwhile spending a bit more time there and exploring a bit more if you haven't yet. And yes, if you are 25 sword (and what else?) and want to stick with that rather than leveling an new skill, move on to another zone and worry about the crystal cave later. I like all of Eltibule a lot and while I haven't done much in the revised Serbule Hills yet, it has goblins and goblins are always fun to kill... )

    ( Edit2: In general feedback, if a dev reads that far, I also thought the crystal cave was a bit unbalanced. I initially got horribly killed by the slimes, and then avoided it for another 20-30 levels because I wasn't thinking at all about resistances. By the time I finally made it back, fighting the boss there was a bit of a disappointment because she seemed so simple. )
    Last edited by Tagamogi; 10-09-2017 at 03:49 PM.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    This sounds exactly like the story of another guy who spent a day on Global ranting that he was too weak with his Fire 10 to take down sick tigers and refused to use any other abilities or try anything else in the game. Under the crystal and brain bug cave? Those are the first group dungeons, too.
    Last edited by Crissa; 10-09-2017 at 03:16 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    @Crissa - Given that the OP went out and obtained the bard skill, it looks to me like they are quite willing to try different stuff. Speaking as someone who still hasn't gotten bard, I'm fairly impressed with that degree of resourcefulness.

    I think technically Dark Chapel is the first group dungeon (there was a Citan post somewhere I swear), but it certainly helps to group up in other places too, so that's actually good advice. Neither the crystal cave nor the brain bug cave are that popular, but asking in general chat may turn up someone else interested. And there seems to be always someone wanting to do the crypt...

  8. #8
    Junior Member Retrobot's Avatar
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    @BetaNotus Thanks for the advice, I've been around the crypt but the skeletons usually kick my ass on the way through. I've found a way to jump over the fence and get in. I'll try and level there a bit. It's definitely a new experience for me not following quests in an mmorpg. I just assumed they were something to start doing. I appreciate the response.

  9. #9
    Junior Member Retrobot's Avatar
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    Thanks for the welcome, here on the forums is a lot friendlier than what I've met in-game, but I haven't played during active time very much.

    I've read elsewhere that it's really good to level up gourmand and cooking for those buffs but I never really thought investing was too important until maybe later in the game. I've been eating honey ham and crab meat which are the only recipes I've bought, but I'll definitely invest more time, thanks.

    I have been using my combat refresh, but it doesn't seem all that effective vs the stuff I've fought so far, but it could be be cause of the food issue or the under-leveled issue. I don't think this is an issue I'm really having, but thanks anyways.

    I ventured into the Serbule Hills zone, thats where I got the bard skill, but didn't see any monsters with crowns. I'll have to head back and check. I've seen a lot of people mention sewers but have yet to come across any sewers around. I'll go have a look on the wiki to see if I can't find it. Between that and the Crypt, I think I'll have some nice leveling spots.

    I've noticed that, about sharing levels. It reminds me of the Pokemon games. You could always start off the battle with your weakest Pokemon before switching to your strongest and the weakest would get the battle xp. It hasn't been too useful since I'm trying to balance sword and fire magic, which both take up the primary slot, and is probably terribly inefficient anyways.

    I haven't had too much difficulty with combat skills, mainly because fire is all through the recipes, at least that I'm aware of, and I haven't seen any sword trainers but this could be why my sword is a bit weak at its current level. I'll have a look on the wiki.

    Like I've said one of my other responses, the freedom of this game is new to me, so I'm still trying to wrap my head around the non-linear aspects of this game. I'll try out Eltibule, I've seen the portal but have never been. That feels like it could offer something new.

    Yeah, the other posts have said that quests aren't something you have to do, and again, its kind of weird to wrap my head around that, but I'll go out and adventure and just try to have a bit more fun with the game in general.

    This has been loads of help, thanks a ton.

  10. #10
    Junior Member Retrobot's Avatar
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    If these other very lovely people hadn't responded, I'd say you would've very much confirmed the whole "closely-knit Dark-Souls-esque elitist club" point.

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