Of course their will be; we're too powerful

think of the future rookies. But remember, they can't wipe our minds. We have the most powerful skill in the game.. ..Knowledge.
Thats why we MUST be wiped. So that we can be there, on the ground floor with the new rookies - ready to guide them. It's a vast, confusing and complex game.. ..our only curse is that we must not lvl to fast

We can do in less than a week what it will take them a month to figure out... ...In an hour I can be off the Island, 2 hours - learned FM, Industry, Carptentry.. ..in 4 hours; got archery, magic, sword, ect up past 10.. .. in 3 nights we can have started cheesemaking if we want...
Ours is a special mission; we have to help Eric get the game ready.. ..then we have to guide the rookies safely and funly (is funly a word?) so that they can see the game as it is; not as some parts of it appear on the surface.
The gear, the mules/banks full of items, the money.. ...some may say its a horrible loss.. ... Me? I'd trade it all to be there. Be That guy. To be naked with the new players and fighting by their side, making them a growing part of our community.
But that's just me. I'm Tiger. I'm the Villain -- but i'm Chaotic Good.