Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Once I have my main and am a bard, I'll probably go out of my way to constantly bathe and use Perfume just as an immersion thing. Not currently, though.
I wasn't aware that perfume was an actual implemented item, however, I will definitely scrounge the dungeons(?) for potential toiletries. Meanwhile, it seems almost as though a novelty item, moreso than a necessity, considering the benefit of simply running through a source of water... o.o
I wasn't aware that perfume was an actual implemented item, however, I will definitely scrounge the dungeons(?) for potential toiletries. Meanwhile, it seems almost as though a novelty item, moreso than a necessity, considering the benefit of simply running through a source of water... o.o
Perfume is Mid-Game stuff currently, like 50+ level areas. There is really only one MOB type I know that regularly drops perfume. The current perfumes give minor buffs to racial traits. So for Elves it translate actaully into Cleanliness. For the other races their brand of perfume boosts their race trait. Maybe it is a hint that a whole skill along this line will pop-up at some point. Or maybe more interesting brands of perfume will show up. Then again you might be right it might just be a novelty item.
I have four combat skills maxed--which isn't much compared to a lot of vets--but it does say that I have been around a bit (I think). I have never seen perfume, nor even heard it existed.