Okies; Well - here goes. You suggested we make a new toon (I didn't use guest; i made a throw away 2nd account so I could progress and test newer things as you added them)
The Island ... is a joke now. Torches leading to the Tower??? Ok at least the spiders are still camo and the poison still deadly - but it seems like the skeletons are weaker... but moving along:
Ok I didn't spend a lot of time on the actual island; I went in to test the dungeon. I were sad panda. Once I learned Archery; I removed UA and Sword from my bar and used ONLY archery. I 2-4 shotted my way pretty much down to the basement. I was just following the map, like any rookie would do - I even "pretended" to be lost and circled around and wandered.. I did NOT loot/use any gear; I kept basic gear to mock play a new player with really shitty luck or just one confused on gear.
I got to the Librarian keeper at the very bottom; I timed him at 6 min timer - unlike other mini bosses; his loot was always good. I farmed him 10 times.. ..yesh - you did that math right. 4 coin purses, 3 purples, 4 pinks, 2 blues and I don't recall the greens. (no yellows though)
Then I went into the caves; Here I loaded up Sword again; (still only lvl 3) to use with my Archery. I had no difficultiy - heading to the SH exit.
The Lever was clever. I saw all those barrels around; i looked for a good 10 min for a barrel to blow open the rockYou got me on that!
I like the lever...
but the path is clear cut; you won't get into deep spiders unless you stray off the Serbule Hills destination. Word on the street is biting vines there are too hard... ..I say - those should be the BASE - the golems i fought to get TO the librarian; should be as tough or TOUGHER than those vines...
and those vines should be 10% harder. They're a great mob to learn to watch your surroundings. (should have learned that lesson from spiders )
exiting to SH - no real problems; but I didn't go very far.
The dungeon is weak; you can walk through it without any leveling on the Island; just go straight into it; pick up archery and shoot your way through.
The Island seems to have guided paths now; I say 86 those.
Maybe Archery isn't the best skill for newbies? or we need to come together and really re-define what role Archery is going to play in the game ( are they a glass cannon dps like a mage; or a Utility role like a pig?) and redesign that spec; either way - the archery was OP down there.
You start off with a sword (and of course, unarmed.. ..(cause first thing any new fighter ish gonna do is learn his fisticuffs!) what about Knife... ..you find a dagger and then you have upfront melee sword vs the more stealthy abilities of a Knife Fighter --which would work great with the Rat Pet you learn from the puzzle... kind of a tie in; if you don't get that; of course yer gonna stick more with sword / UA ... but if you got a rat; and you have a knife.. .. you see what im going for.
Just my thoughts sir.
I love PG and everything about it....ok that's a lie. I really hate how the flowers in sunvale look like clipart. ...but that's for a new day sir.