Update Notes for the July 28 update are posted here: https://forum.projectgorgon.com/show...August-28-2017
But there are two other posts you'll want to read also that expand on the basic notes:
Now that you've read all that ... discuss away!
Update Notes for the July 28 update are posted here: https://forum.projectgorgon.com/show...August-28-2017
But there are two other posts you'll want to read also that expand on the basic notes:
Now that you've read all that ... discuss away!
"Bottles of milk stack to 5."
YES! OMG best change ever, 10/10.
Now only thing we miss is option "fill all empty bottles" when near wate source. Then it will be perfect.
Well downloading now,and then i go make new char. look forward to checkign out all new stuff
Fire and Archery got hit pretty hard with the nerf bat. While I can't comment on Archery (I'm only 55 there), Fire has always been inferior, compared to Archers, this balancing just reinforced the gap.
As for Animal Handling, I had completely given up on it after hitting 73. Will give it another try.
Hiyas, long time since I posted..mostly because I was too lazy to make a new forum account when you changed venues for your forums. I have still been following the game obviously, and log in to play once in a while.
Anyways with that being said I thought I'd leave some feedback about why players head in the direction of pure dps builds so often. ( because I read all your patch notes and blogs). It has pretty much been forced upon us because of how hard mobs hit, coupled with how big heals are not spammable and heal over time abilities are much much too weak to counter you being hit for 300+ a pop. In addition to that your current system of multiple respawns encourage dps checks ....because frankly if you don't clear areas fast enough ( and keep moving with very few short rest breaks) you get swarm-raped. The multi-repop-at-once mechanic is sooooo bad in this aspect, I know your intent was to make things difficult but there is a huge difference between difficult and " if you don't kill fast enough and or take too long in one area you die with zero counter-play options."..There is literally nothing you can do to save yourself or your group when 10 things respawn on top of you...You are just dead....when I say this I mean a fully decked out group in level 70 ( optimal / transmuted /augmented ) yellows will still die if a respawn happens...god help you if you are geared in gear with 3 modifiers like you specifically mentioned in your blog.
I personally feel like big damage numbers and twitch reactions are better suited to action-rpg's( as in the kind of games with manually controlled dodge and block mechanics). The time-to-kill in this game is much to short from both ends here. As in most level-appropriate encounters are basically " you or them in 10 seconds"...if you don't kill them that fast they WILL kill you. Even your highest end ( gazluk keep ) boss fights follow this pattern, except maybe they up the time to kill to 20 seconds, after that you run out of resources for both healing and damage..so again, you or them in a short time frame.
Correct me if I am wrong here but I was under the assumption that you wanted resource management to be important to combat, currently it isn't. Mobs hitting for extraordinary amounts coupled with the sheer amount of creatures you face at once and the respawn shenannigans negate any sort of resource management, the simplest way to explain this is again...you or them, in 10 seconds.
Rage reduction and healing mechanics are correctly balanced for 1 v 1 encounters, but not for group content....no rage management skill in the game even comes close to negating the rage that 5-6 players are dishing out. Same for healing...same for tanking...it all seems to be balanced against solo situations. As you may remember I tried so very hard to make a tank build and a rage management build work...tanking is possible versus one target only( which can be useful on bosses, there are also a very few specific builds that can actually keep you alive versus multi-targets but that's mostly due to 90-100% invulnerability mechanics, such as staff spins...once those invulnerability windows are up you are just as dead as anyone else, healing is almost a non-factor.). Tanking still has a plethora of aggro issues versus multiple targets however, such as not having abilities to generate said aggro on more then one target. Rage management also is nowhere near viable as a primary build in group content.
if you would like to see people playing other roles in group content besides dps then you need to balance content for that...My advice would be to lower the mob density in group content but make every mob take much longer to kill, as in 5-10x current health totals, but also reduce their outgoing damage so it's manageable. If you are going to force players to fight 10 mobs at once they need to be the low-health variety, not 10 elites that each hit for 250-300 damage per shot. This would have the added benefit of making content that is intended for grouping be non-soloable, because you would run out of resources in a long fight by yourself...the other benefit is of course, is if someone needs to afk for 2 minutes it isn't a guaranteed wipe ( which it kind of is atm).
Thanks for reading, I would like to see others opinions on these topics and feel free to agree or disagree as the situation warrants. Don't just read it and say nothing though, they need our feedback..it is super important in a beta like this.
(P.S. - I have mentioned all of this and more in feedbacks in-game, but I don't know what you have or haven't read, also I have more room here)
Last edited by ErDrick; 08-28-2017 at 09:24 AM.
Overpowered! But I'm ok with that. And very happy, too.![]()
I mostly wanted to say I really appreciate the extra long patch notes and blogs for today's changes. I find the thoughts that go into game changes very interesting, and I'm really looking forward to actually playing and trying things out.
One quick comment on battle chemistry:
My problem with the golem mods is more that I don't trust the golem to use its abilities correctly, so any mod for them is immediately far less attractive than a mod for my own abilities. I'm possibly overly paranoid, but I don't trust the golem with dps abilities - I'm afraid it will rush in and aggro the wrong mob, and trying to manage that isn't worth a small dps buff to me. I've been using the golem solely as a passive mana battery, which doesn't really seem like it needs buffing. I have noticed its healing mist positively on occasion, but I can't really think of a situation where it would matter to me if it heals for 20 or 40 more - the scenarios in which that would actually save my life are too rare for me to prefer a healing mist mod to a mod for my own abilities that will be useful in every fight.Originally Posted by Citan
Is there someone who is actually using the golem for dps who could comment on what mods they would find attractive?
I have updated my parser to version 288 (search this board for "Json Parser").
When is a new ui going to be introduced? Surely it's going to be the biggest source of bugs/fixes? Or are you planning on going to Steam w/ the current UI?
I must say i agree with you. I mentioned it several times - both in game and on formum - that there is too much dmg flyign around. On both sides.
Recently i decide dto level up[ few skills, and, instead of goinf full burst, wanted to try more susatined build. Skills i used were Hammer+shield, Druid+Bc, Staff+Ice magic. Long story short - it did not work out. Closest was IM+Staff - but like you said it was more thanks to spins/def stance. Druid+bc ultimatly worked really well - but again it was only becasue iw as able to burst mobs down in one rotation. Hammer+shield was very weak - mostly becasue shield offers too low sustain(and i ditn had too good gear for it).
with my current build (wolf+unarmed) im able to fight multiple mobs and susatin longer fights (my current record is around 2 min of constant fight), provided no too amny mobs come at teh same time - and that they deal msolty physcial dmg. With shield mods from unarmed i can stack up rather high amount of mitigation. But then again most of the tie i ahve to burst mobs asp anyway.
So yes i totlay agree with lowering palyers dmg output - but at the same time monsters shoudl have they lowered too. This or palyers defense (hp/armor) and/or sustain should go way up.
I am pretty disappointed in the archery nerf. I have been playing archer/sword since February and have pretty decent gear. Even with the prior mods I was not remotely close to a god by any stretch of the imagination. I die a ton and in places like the back of the goblin dungeon. Yes you have great DPS, but you are also a glass cannon. That should be the trade off for good quick damage. I think the majority of people complaining about the skill probably don't even play it. You have one awesome skill (mangling shot) and some very good supporting skills (heavy and heavy multi). A lot of the other skills are too weak to even be considered. The elemental skills are under powered and skills like blitz and basic are so weak they are unplayable even with the small benefit of a combat refresh. To make a statement that hammer "is in a good place" tells me that we need to do some playtesting of the skills. Hammer is fun but is over costed power wise and lacks the damage to make it viable for higher level content. I didn't see cow mentioned in the post, but it a virtual indestructible tank. It also has one of the fastest movement abilities. Lycan is also extremely powerful. There is obviously an opportunity cost to different builds and I know this is still alpha so I hope perhaps some further personal research on the part of the decision makers will lead to the realization that there is a huge opportunity cost to going for straight DPS. I personally have very few ways to mitigate rage and lack healing and defensive buffs but understand the trade off. Archery also eats up a lot of power. I think every build type should have some "go to" skills.
What do you mean by "always"? Fire was the damage king for at least 3-4 months in my almost 3 years of playing.
Archery was high DPS before, then nerfed, then tweaked and improved, now nerfed again.
It's going to happen again. Find a skill you enjoy and play. If you always want to be the highest DPS be ready to chase the different skills as they get tweaked.
General question for archers, do you use multi-shot? At high levels it seems silly because you are going to pull something you didn't want to and get the group killed. So why bother?
Last edited by Easylivin; 08-28-2017 at 03:26 PM.