Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Day 7

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    Last edited by ShieldBreaker; 07-27-2017 at 08:11 AM. Reason: Replaced raw data with a table

  2. #12
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    That looks like so much work, thank you for doing it.

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    Moderator srand's Avatar
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    Thank you, @ShieldBreaker! Seven straight days of data is really quite useful for looking for problems with the numbers. You can stop there if you like - a full week should do it for now.

    Now ... Please tell us how you feel about it. Tedious, fun, slow, stupid fast, buggy broken, over-powered broken, completely incomprehensible ...? (And not just Shieldbreaker - we'd like to know more from everyone who's mushroom farming.)

  4. #14
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    Look at Shieldbreaker numbers, it seems your success at growing low level mushrooms is tied to your level: I've tried all combinations of mushroom and substrate and I'm barely getting 'adequate', most are 'poor' and no 'very well' yet. Therefore, contrary to brewing, I'm probably going to skip the lower levels and just power-level on substrates alone.

    Perhaps I missed it, but I didn't see any instructions about moon phases. Right now we alternate between waxing crescent moon and new moon, and sometimes there is no moon phase at all. Is is a bug, is it a feature, I have no clue.

  5. #15
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Moon Phase

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  6. #16
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    I only picked up mushroom farming a couple days ago, and made it to level 10 so far. So, take my opinion for what it's worth.

    I like "drop it and forget about it for a day" skills in general. I enjoy icefishing, so I was expecting to like mushroom farming, too, and I wasn't disappointed. I like it that the materials for it seem very reasonable so far (thank you for not requiring nails for the growing box!) and that I am able to grow any type of mushroom even at level 1. I also appreciate it that the mushroom farming teacher will accept mushrooms I can grow myself. (And, ok, I laughed at Hemmit's jokes, although I'm embarrassed to admit that.)

    The mushroom farming interface seems very straightforward and intuitive to me. I'm looking forward to compiling my own set of data on proper substrates and moon phases for each mushroom. I'll check my data against Shieldbreaker's in a month or so but don't want to spoil my exploring phase yet by looking at his data.

    I'm not really concerned about leveling, so I haven't been paying attention to the xp. Since I can grow the mushrooms I want, it doesn't really matter too much to me if I'm growing them in the most efficient box possible. I'd mainly like to level to get access to different substrates for experimenting and hopefully a non-oak-based box at some point since oak wood is one of those eternally scarce materials for me. Right now though, it seems I have enough possible mushroom/substrate combos even at level 10 to keep me happy for a very long time.

  7. #17
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    The Feelings Feedback Report

    Skills it feels better than leveling; Shamanic Infusion, Cheesemaking, Tailoring, Flower-arranging
    It far faster, and far easier then those four, there are many skills easier to level then Mushroom farming. I think anyone who wants to finish it will finish it in one real month, one month to learn all the ins and outs and then if they haven't already maxed out, growing only top XP crops once they have circled round to a familiar moon phase. Conversely, future players who want to look up completed grow charts and spam substrate will probably only take a week or 2 at most. Casual players probably take 2 to 6 months doing it more naturally. The slowing factor in all cases is the actual grow time for crops, which is just bearable if you are in a hurry, and probably completely fine if you are not in a hurry and have maxed out mushroom farming.

    Well I put all my data up, and now that grow boxes actually take multiply crops, nothing jumps out at me as being buggy. Really need more moon phases to get a complete look at the mushroom farming picture. With more phases and more other tests I'd be able to tell for sure if things don't make sense, but it seems to make sense so far.

    Fun Factor
    Well getting surprise mushrooms I've never heard of is certainly fun, and getting big crops is fun. Doesn't quite reach the level of hitting a jackpot on a slot machine level of fun. With that in mind, those slot machines where you earn a tweak and can make a small adjustment and influence a big jackpot after the wheels stop spinning seem to me to have a high fun factor. So if you could translate that into making a tweak, adding water to increase dampness, adding fire dust to decease dampness. Which boost an already good crop into an even better crop, maybe this tweak is at the half way point, or at the start of the last hour. You would need to actually do check mushroom box at the right time window to get a chance to tweak the enviroment for a better result. Otherwise and maybe even with that change also Mushroom farming only ranks as a nice skill to have, maybe not something you get excited about.

    The only problem I have with system is that I don't have any worm's teeth. It took me like a year to get the 10 I needed for a work order. Level 40 in anthropoid anatomy. Wish the behavior report said how many worms I killed, I feel I probably haven't killed enough to warrant suspecting that it isn't right. But it is hindering my exploration of mushroom farming

    Certainly have enough Iocaine mushrooms now, I would suspect one good moon phase focusing solely on Iocaines and you would have enough to max Iocaine Resistance. Is that overpowered, it certainly is a change of pace.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    So, with a bit more experience mushroom farming, I'm forced to concede that the multi-use mushrooom boxes are just not going to work for me and my schedule. I'm unable to play PG for stretches of 8-10 hours at a time since I work and also like to have some uninterrupted sleep time at night. I've been trying to make efficient use of the 12 and 24 hour boxes by growing mushrooms in the 9 hour growing range or shorter but those are usually not the mushrooms I'd like to grow, or they grow poorly in the current moon phase. And, after all my careful timing of mushroom growing hours, I still find myself wasting several harvests of mushrooms because I can't log in when I'd originally planned and that throws off my whole schedule.

    I like the multi-use box concept and the game mechanism makes perfect sense to me, but sadly I think I'm just going to drive myself crazy if I actually try to make use of it. So, back to single use boxes to be harvested whenever for me.

    Creating mushroom boxes is a bit of a problem for me. I'm indifferent to the mushroom suspension used, but obtaining oak wood is always a problem for me. I think the new trees might make it better but I've not been playing or been a rabbit since they were introduced, so until rabbits get the beaver teeth ability (please? ), coming up with 8-16 pieces of oak wood per day for my mushroom testing is not all that easy. ( Maple and cedar are less of a concern at the moment since I have several saved stacks of them. I gave myself a bonus mushroom level doing substrate combines in the hopes that the level 18 box would allow me to use maple, but unfortunately it looks like I'll be using oak for a long time.)

    So, I think I'll need to buy some wood from other players. That is probably not the end of the world, but from this perspective, here are some types of mushroom boxes I'd love to be able to make:

    Sturdy box, straw-lined box: Due to the careful construction of the box or the low acidity of the mushroom suspension, there is an x % chance that the box can be reused after the current crop of mushrooms has finished growing. Or, there is an x % chance that either the growing frame or some of the wood in it can be recovered after the mushrooms are done growing.

    Reusable box: This box can be used multiple times. It starts with a durability rating that is decreased when mushrooms are grown in it. Higher level mushrooms use more durability, and when the durability reaches 0, the box is destroyed.

    Sample box: This box uses a smaller growing frame (less wood!) but grows fewer mushrooms. Or, this box uses a regular frame, and grows fewer mushrooms faster. Both of these would be nice for experimenting with unknown moon phases and substrates, or just for growing a handful of mushrooms more on demand.

  9. #19
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    About sample box idea

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  10. #20
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Figures, thanks ShieldBreaker! I was fuzzily looking at current and future recipes on Hemmit but either missed it or forgot about it by the time I actually posted.

    I'm curious - what do you think of the 12 and 24 hour boxes? I really like the concept of them and the idea of planning how I can get the best possible harvest from them, but in practice, they never seem to work out the way I'd want. Not sure if it's just me.

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