Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Any advice for a new player looking to be a deer? I'm about to leave the newbie island, and have been doing some research on the Wiki (not too much though, gotta avoid those spoilers! ). Is it possible to run up to where they sell the deer potions and grab one, before running back to Serbue(?) to start the leveling process? I realize that going into animal form this early in my progression will make some things more difficult, but the ability to play as an animal is one of the most interesting things about this project to me, and I can't wait to start. I've also considered lycanthropy, but didn't want to make a permanent choice so early one. Thanks!
Any advice for a new player looking to be a deer? I'm about to leave the newbie island, and have been doing some research on the Wiki (not too much though, gotta avoid those spoilers! ). Is it possible to run up to where they sell the deer potions and grab one, before running back to Serbue(?) to start the leveling process? I realize that going into animal form this early in my progression will make some things more difficult, but the ability to play as an animal is one of the most interesting things about this project to me, and I can't wait to start. I've also considered lycanthropy, but didn't want to make a permanent choice so early one. Thanks!
IIRC you cant buy deer juice. You can buy un-deer one. If you wnat to becoem deer you ahve 3 options:
- Get deer juice. It drops form deers (never saw that coming huh?). Or you can buy it from players(sometiem you might find oen in buy used tab on soemwvendors, but i wouldnt count for that)
- Become druid. at lv 2-somethign(25 iirc) you will get ability to turn in and out of deer at will. But be aware that becoming druid is pernament choice.
- There is deer boss in far end of goblin dungeon. It will turn you into deer with its rage attack. But you will need decent party to get you there.
If you are ok with becomign druid then option 2 is your best bet. Gettign ability to switch forms at will is very benefical, especialy for new palyer. You can run to druid altar as soon as you get off the newbie island - you just need to avoid all mobs.
Other 2 options are a bit more hassle - gettign deer juice can be time consuming, or expensive (if you decide to buy it). Findign pary good enough to get to Cervonis can take even longer. You might get lucky and find some high lv player willign to carry you tough.
Actualy, if you wait for the full moon, you shoudl have easy time findign party. Wolves get special quest durnign full moon, and one of them involes killing Cervonis - you shouldnt have much trouble finding someone willng to take you along.
Originally Posted by Tsugumori
And just to comment... while you CAN shift back to human form in combat - you can't change combat skills IN combat. So being human, you'll lose access to your wolf skills and have one skill bar at your disposal. This is absolutely pointless so I don't even know why it'd be suggested.
I think you may have meant.. You don't HAVE to be a wolf. You can shift (OUT of combat) and use skills besides wolf. You don't even have to do that, its not a necessity to use wolf skills, you can use a combination of the other combat skills available to a wolf while staying in wolf form.
Well, actualy i tried few 3-skill builds (or hybrid builds as i call them). And i must say - it want bad. I didnt played too mcuh with them, but i had some succes.
Most basic one was to have some heling skill on human form upper bar, and use 2 trasformation skills on side bar. This allowed me to quckly switch to human form, heal/buff up, and then go back to wolf form(i was usign mostly psychology).
Other version started when i was experimentign with my necro wolf build. Since i got to 70 i decided its finally tiem to ditch my lv 50 necro neckle. This left me witha problem - i didnt had any armor/jewelery that woudl allow me to use necromancy. I had decent off hand so i started to experimet. It worked well i must say - i woudl summon skeletons/zombie in human form, and fight mostly in wolf, switching occasionaly to buff up/heal minions, and use necrom skills.
Now im plannign on tryign wolf/bc. Since BC attacks have long cds, and wolf(with mods) have quite few long-lastign buffs to overall dmg, it shouldnt be too hard to buff up in wolf from, turn human, throw bombs, then go back wolf and continue fight.
I also tried using wolf as buff abr and then use huma-only skills to fight - liek sword/knife with See red buff, or Hammer/staff with Skulk. While it was interestign and kinda fun (fully moded aoe pound to slag with full wolf buffs... you gotta to try it sometime)
Hurms, the Wiki states you can buy deer juice, it could always be wrong though. My current plan is to have enough to buy undeer juice at the same time so I can revert back if needed. Then I'll run up and find out. I definitely considered the Druid route, but like Lycan I'm hesitant to make such a permanent change to my character so early on. I just started playing this weekend. What are the downsides to druids?
From time to time there is druid event. Untill its completed you cant get any exp - combat or crafting. If you participate in event you get tokens you can exchange for consumables and diffrent flying forms
You used to be able to buy deer juice from a vendor in Eltibule Keep. I haven't consciously looked at her inventory in a while, so I don't know if that's still the case? I don't have access to the game right now, or I'd check.
If she still sells deer juice, then getting it from her is very easy for a newbie. If she no longer sells it, you may be able to get some juice just by asking other players. I don't think it is a particularly rare item. You may also be able to find it in another vendor's used or consignment tab.
I wouldn't really recommend becoming a druid just for deer form. You still have to travel to the druid altar and then level the druid skill, and it seems it would be faster to just look for the juice instead.
I finally got around to checking this, and yes, she still sells deer juice. Just be warned that while the deer juice is just 150 councils, the undeer juice is 4500 (you may be able to find a player to sell you the undeer juice a bit cheaper.)
I finally got around to checking this, and yes, she still sells deer juice. Just be warned that while the deer juice is just 150 councils, the undeer juice is 4500 (you may be able to find a player to sell you the undeer juice a bit cheaper.)
I had noticed that. That's why I need to build up a few councils first. Building rep with npcs is such a pain in the ass in this game I've stopped caring that most of them won't talk to me once I'm a deer.
I had noticed that. That's why I need to build up a few councils first. Building rep with npcs is such a pain in the ass in this game I've stopped caring that most of them won't talk to me once I'm a deer.
I'm not sure if you're avoiding killing deer for RP reasons, but the cheapest way to build up a collection of deer/undeer potions is hunting deer. This will also give you combat xp, and harvested materials you can use for crafting, and some equipment drops.
Deer meat is especially useful for a cheap cooking recipe which is good to gift to NPCs who accept meat dishes for favor, or sell for cash. There are a few useful NPCs in game who like raw meat as favor gifts.
Hi, returning player here with a poor memory. I have cow so have done animal forms but much I have forgotton and then wasn't paying attention and got Giant Bat. I want to look at Giant bat before I discard it but I have some questions. What skills can be used with beast forms? And do I need special beast gear to use them. I am asking primarily for bar and cow, atm.