Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #81
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Since the vast majority of users come in while others are already ahead...

    The whole idea of a wipe aside from technical issues is silly. It only rewards a tiny, tiny subset of experiences: Those who are there to show up when the gate opens.

  2. #82
    Member Luconis's Avatar
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    Just saying, if there was a complete wipe at the end of alpha/beta I'd probably just wait till release to start playing, heck if i wanted to know whats new in game I'd just launch the launcher, have a read through the patch notes, then close it and not touch it for another few months.

  3. #83
    Senior Member Tsugumori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easylivin View Post
    CoD had like 9 levels of prestige and some people made it all the way to the end...
    The prestige idea is an interesting one but you can't compare a popular cross platform FPS to PG.

    Doing prestige got you an icon that let other players know that you had played til cap level and reset, because you're just that badass. However, prestige lost a lot of value seeing as a substantial number started hacking the prestige icons - made the whole thing about challenging yourself as opposed to bragging rights. I don't think this could really be applied to PG because if every alpha player got the same title it'd just be... Not really worth it. If, hypothetically, lv 70 is as high as levels will go for now, then I think a badge/title should be given for every skill players got to 50, but colour coded maybe. (Bronze, silver, gold badges for said skills ranging from lv 50, 60, 70 respectively.)

    If PG was going to have some form of 'prestige' and there'd be benefits for resetting I think there should be more incentive to participate than just a title or icon on the line. This whole scenario is humouring @chill's idea of the "timed temp. reset" whereby a wipe would happen and alpha players might have the opportunity of climbing back to where they were. I find this very interesting as its sort of the fourth pitch so far, (1 - Wipe | 2 - Partial/No Wipe | 3 - Whichever), a wipe but with a chance to claim back some or all of the levels. I honestly have no idea if I'm for or against this as I do not know what I would do. If a wipe happened I'd just start over but if it didn't or was partial I'd probably just use my main to fund a fae alt. (Assuming there'll be no race change opportunities..)

    So.. In summary:

    - I think Easy's CoD Prestige idea is good if it's fleshed out for PG
    - I also think Chill's idea has merit as if a wipe is going happen, and badges would be given which were determined by skill levels, this would encourage more people to focus on those.
    Last edited by Tsugumori; 04-10-2017 at 03:24 AM.

  4. #84
    Senior Member Eachna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsugumori View Post

    So.. In summary:

    - I think Easy's CoD Prestige idea is good if it's fleshed out for PG
    - I also think Chill's idea has merit as if a wipe is going happen, and badges would be given which were determined by skill levels, this would encourage more people to focus on those.
    For a prestige-style system that would better work in a MMO, look up how old MUDs used the "remort" feature.

    If you're familiar with DDO, it would be something like Reincarnation (before the stacking bonuses got too crazy).

  5. #85
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    Here's the way I see all this nonsense...

    If you were to join a game 6 months after it launched and complain that the playing field wasn't level, the typical response would be "You should have been here at launch then". The same concept applies to this situation just different words. You say "Well the alpha/beta testers have an unfair advantage". The typical response to that would be "You should have been here for the Alpha and Beta tests then".

    For most practical purposes, the standard protocol for MOST (not all) games is to full wipe at the end of Alpha, and to fully retain or partially retain character data from the Beta going into launch.

    For those of us that are here now and have put work into our toons whether it be one month or 5 years.....please never forget....Citan allowing us to keep even some of our character data from this Alpha is a MASSIVELY huge gift. Always cherish and respect that.

    For those of you threatening to "take your ball and go home" if your demands are not met....always make damn sure you are 200% prepared to backup that threat. I know a lot of people like to use that to try and force sway, but 99% of the time it doesn't work and you will most likely find yourself in a "put up or shut up" situation and on top of that force a developer to go even further in the opposite direction. I have witnessed that happen in a couple other games.

    Ultimately, I don't care which way it goes. This is Citan's game...his decision is final and I will respect whatever he ultimately decides.

  6. #86
    Junior Member Gorstak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrwarp View Post
    Here's the way I see all this nonsense...

    If you were to join a game 6 months after it launched and complain that the playing field wasn't level, the typical response would be "You should have been here at launch then". The same concept applies to this situation just different words. You say "Well the alpha/beta testers have an unfair advantage". The typical response to that would be "You should have been here for the Alpha and Beta tests then".

    For most practical purposes, the standard protocol for MOST (not all) games is to full wipe at the end of Alpha, and to fully retain or partially retain character data from the Beta going into launch.

    For those of us that are here now and have put work into our toons whether it be one month or 5 years.....please never forget....Citan allowing us to keep even some of our character data from this Alpha is a MASSIVELY huge gift. Always cherish and respect that.

    For those of you threatening to "take your ball and go home" if your demands are not met....always make damn sure you are 200% prepared to backup that threat. I know a lot of people like to use that to try and force sway, but 99% of the time it doesn't work and you will most likely find yourself in a "put up or shut up" situation and on top of that force a developer to go even further in the opposite direction. I have witnessed that happen in a couple other games.

    Ultimately, I don't care which way it goes. This is Citan's game...his decision is final and I will respect whatever he ultimately decides.

    I completely agree and i yust cant understand how can those who are asking for full wipe are normal ppl with eny sanes in them,

    cas if after 4-5 months of game after launch 100 new ppl come into game and say those who played before them are to op and they wona wipe that should be a valid reason for a wipe?

    How can this even be argued with blows my mind.

    ps my grammar is bad ik.

  7. #87
    Junior Member DreamerGoat's Avatar
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    About Wiping

    So when the game releases, would we lose our characters and such or are we going to be able to keep them? Because I don't think I can go through all of that again as successfully as I did... lol

  8. #88
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreamerGoat View Post
    So when the game releases, would we lose our characters and such or are we going to be able to keep them? Because I don't think I can go through all of that again as successfully as I did... lol
    You can find a response in the FAQ here: https://forum.projectgorgon.com/faq...._characterwipe

    Everything is subject to change but the most likely scenario is:
    * money and items will be wiped
    * skills and abilities will not
    * favor, everything else unknown (afaik)

  9. #89
    Junior Member Zherot's Avatar
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    Character WIPE or fresh server has to happen

    Is just the obvious choice, if you don't do it, may aswell just tell new players that there will be a few people that will control the economy from the start, the game is in Alpha and everything you do and how you do it will change in the future, people right now could be and im pretty sure ARE doing stuff that is making them profit and in the future that will be unavailable because of updates or other reasons, the point is that the game will be much different from what it is right now to what is going to be when you finally release it and it is really unfair to launch a game where a few people already dominate the economy of your game and they achieved that by doing stuff that can't be done in the game anymore.

    Like i said in my Major feedback thread, the game is really imbalanced in terms of how to make money, right now crafting is completely OP in this sense and this people will have all their crafting skills maxed out from the start, that can't be allowed to happen if you want your game to survive and like is aid in my other thread, crafting needs to be nerfed and there needs to be somehting reliable for people that don't want to craft, after all this is a sandbox and right now there is not much option for people that don't like crafting, while crafters have everything, access to all content with no problems and excelent ways to make money.

    Either the game needs a character WIPE or the option to start in a fresh new server, i have been playing and have invested time in a character and i don't mind a WIPE in fact i really want that because i think is the most fair and healthy thing that should happen on launch.

  10. #90
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