Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #21
    Senior Member Tsugumori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastaah View Post
    I would suggest educating people rather than getting all snarky Tsugomori because many, like me, who are newer don't even know if there is one in the game at all. We are just starting out. So how would we know? I did not take your comment at me so much as snarky as the one towards another.

    Educate That is the best thing to do when you feel someone is not seeing your point rather than jumping to conclusions. For instance, I don't want the game to be too easy with too many rez skills either early on or at all honestly but I am still open to hearing all sides and hashing it out by talking and listening and being educated and in some cases educating.
    I wasn't being "snarky", I was being blunt.

    I'm happy to, as you put it, 'educate' when its warranted or wanted.

    Read through the thread again, I mentioned where resurrection is possible, either through items or skills. I wasn't negative, passive aggressive or trying to incite something.

    I get this is an idea thread for a new res skill and I'm all for 'yada yada free speech' so I merely countered the idea, it would appear Len is perhaps also a new player frustrated with the current system and the lack of an easy to access res. skill, possibly unaware of how potent such a skill is and why it shouldn't be so readily available, but I digress.

    Wasn't having a go at you, I just got to the point and addressed what you said, nothing more.

  2. #22
    Member rastaah's Avatar
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    I guess what I am saying is I don't even know where res is in the game now or if it exists and so just meant to say I myself don't really so much as desire it at lower levels (could care less really) as that I want to say if people are dying say in last few minutes of a boss fight needs to be a way to include them in the loot , heck, even if the tank dies at last minute (that is if we have tanks lol, don't even know that)

    I did not take it towards me so much, if you read I mentioned it was towards other guy and only brought it up as many of us are brand spanking new !! We really are newbs (not all of us of course)

    And I did not think you were passive aggressive at all.

  3. #23
    Member Extractum11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cratoh View Post
    Where does that bard rez skill come from please?
    You have to find a weapon with the mod that enables it. Can probably just transmute a bit to get that.

    "Your Bard Songs cost -20% Power. In addition, you can use the ability Hymn of Resurrection 2. (Equipping this item will teach you the ability if needed.)"

    30 minute cooldown, but the level 70 version brings your allies back at 100% health.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsugumori View Post
    I wasn't being "snarky", I was being blunt.
    You were being an asshole.

    Dungeons exist and have multiple levels long, long before level 50. I don't know a dungeon that won't repop long before you finish the boss at level. Even the rat sewer the first rat will repop when you get to the end - and that's at level 50 and it's the shortest I can think of. Let alone someone at level trying to get to their stuff.

    Countering the idea by being a jerk is trolling.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Tsugumori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crissa View Post
    You were being an asshole.

    Dungeons exist and have multiple levels long, long before level 50. I don't know a dungeon that won't repop long before you finish the boss at level. Even the rat sewer the first rat will repop when you get to the end - and that's at level 50 and it's the shortest I can think of. Let alone someone at level trying to get to their stuff.

    Countering the idea by being a jerk is trolling.

    The discussion was group dungeons though... Not every dungeon. The first -proper- group dungeon which required a full party on par with its intended level was Dark Chapel in eltibule. OP's (Len's) idea has only really become relevant since the party size reduction to 6, making dungeon runs harder for the intended levels.

    On top of that, "someone trying to get their stuff" - if this refers to hardcore mode that's a whole other thing.

    Thanks for quoting me though and not reading anything. o/

  6. #26
    Senior Member Tagamogi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsugumori View Post
    The discussion was group dungeons though... Not every dungeon. The first -proper- group dungeon which required a full party on par with its intended level was Dark Chapel in eltibule. OP's (Len's) idea has only really become relevant since the party size reduction to 6, making dungeon runs harder for the intended levels.
    Alright, let's talk about "improper" group dungeons. Say you are a in group of 4 roughly at-level people who just took down the Nameless Guardian in the crypt in a nail-biting fight. One of you died just seconds before the guardian went down. The person who died is very very unlikely to make it back in time to loot the boss's corpse before it despawns. If your group wants to continue and give the rhino boss a try, you will need to go all the way back to the entrance of the crypt in order to join up with your missing group member. Is this fun gameplay?

    Personally, I'm really in favor of trivializing things here. I like the summon group member idea - that would also help with someone showing up late to join a group that has already started a dungeon run. Trying to figure out the logistics of how to get people in the same group into the same place and making sure that everyone gets loot that they earned tends to be one of my least favorite things in any game, so anything that simplifies that is good, in my opinion. I'm aware that making things too trivial can also be non-fun, though.

  7. #27
    Member rastaah's Avatar
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    Give one of the magic classes a 'moongate' skill and let them open a moon gate and pull people through Solved. teehee.
    (drawback to moongate can be it can implode killing the person coming through when someone with low skill opens it, the more skill the more stable the gate, and I am directly plagiarizing a skill from DR but it was a grand wonderful skill , even could use it to drag people through unwillingly lol which I know will never happen in this game but was fun . In any case portals/gates etc all work but just make the skill something you have to work for whatever your level is, just make it hard work)
    Last edited by rastaah; 03-29-2017 at 10:51 AM.

  8. #28
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tagamogi View Post
    Personally, I'm really in favor of trivializing things here. I like the summon group member idea - that would also help with someone showing up late to join a group that has already started a dungeon run. Trying to figure out the logistics of how to get people in the same group into the same place and making sure that everyone gets loot that they earned tends to be one of my least favorite things in any game, so anything that simplifies that is good, in my opinion. I'm aware that making things too trivial can also be non-fun, though.
    To play devil's advocate, this might continue the trend towards dps>all. The more death is a non-issue, the more attractive a group full of glass cannons becomes.

    I know the role-structure is still up-in-the-air, but if we want a system where 'unkillable' tanks or rage reducing/placation specialists are valuable party members, keeping downsides to death may be desirable. Just a thought.

  9. #29
    Senior Member Celler's Avatar
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    I actually think its the other way. I feel it should be an endgame skill that is both hard to use and seldom worth it.

    Completing a dungeon when everyone has been revived 2 or 3 times and at times its been close if rezs were ready or groups have had to wait is not a mechanic I like.

    We have the items both from guild and druid alters that revive ourselves also now. I completely understand that getting up for that last hit or 2 to finish boss and miss curse is worth it. I just feel it cheapens the whole thing knowing if you die for something worth 5oo gold your up and at them again.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Crissa's Avatar
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    If rez isn't available, then the lower level dungeons will be abandoned by groups without it. Leveling at-level will become very, very difficult without some high-level to lead you through like sheep.

    Basically, making the choice that there's no way to get back to the boss if you die in the boss fight... But only for lower levels? That's crap.

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