Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asherons Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
As we had never run GK with a full tank /survival build, we tried it out yesterday.
First cow tank: Group size 6
Experienced Lab tank – able to run and complete Lab (to Claudia) with very few issues. Full gold set
First time in GK, no prior knowledge of the monster tactics, no guidance from those who had i.e. we were trying to emulate a novice group's first experience in GK
Outcome: Multiple wipes, deaths almost every pull, massive frustration – and we were only in the first room and main corridor
Summary: Not possible to do GK with body pulls
Second cow tank: Group size 7
Very experienced cow tank with top-end gear and able to solo some GK monsters
Much experience in GK i.e. emulating an experienced group
Outcome: Less wipes, but still multiple deaths – just not as many
Summary: As above, not viable. We did make it off the main corridor though
Main issue was the monster archers using hook shot and doing massive damage i.e. using the same tactics as the group use
We then reverted to using archer hook pulls Group size 8 / 9
Outcome: Cleared level 1 with very few issues – until the tavern /kitchen area
Summary: The only viable GK clearance method discovered to date requires 1 or 2 archers to be in the party
Tavern /kitchen area:
This area is more difficult to clear than a boss. It contains a mini-boss, multiple elites and many non-elites. The main issues are the archers who hook a puller into them causing all monsters in the area to agro. With a group size of 6, a wipe is highly likely. Also, many of the monsters that agro are initially outside of hook range
This area is on the way to the level 2 stairs, so has to be cleared t get there
Outcome: Wiped twice, cleared it on the third attempt – even with using double hooks
Summary: Currently, it is a race between opposing archers of who gets the first hook shot in.
If the monsters do, then with a party of 6, expect to wipe – noting that you have to get the first hook about 12 times in succession (and hook shot 'fails' about 40% of the time)
Further testing
Formed a group of 3 to test ability to pull and kill elites
Party: 3 people
All level 70 skills and in level 70 gold gear (most items with augs) i.e. current end-game gear
Sword /BC Golem healing
Archer /BC with hook. Golem healing
Archer /Druid AOE build with hook. Druid using 4 healing spells (2 AOE)
Double pull by the archers. 120+ elites pulled and killed on level 1 (primarily first room and main corridor)
Managed to clear way to 1 chest and loot it
Single elite Easily killed. No druid healing needed
Double elite No monster archers – easily killed. Occasional druid healing required
Monster archers – hard. All druid healing used
Triple elite Sometimes a wipe, but doable on occasion (depending on number of monster archers). All healing spells used
Four + elites Wipe
Successful run – slower than with 6 people (naturally), but was easier to control when DPS started.
Key lesson learnt: Don’t start DPS on hooked monster until second hook – it ensures it is outside agro range of others
Quite a few deaths, especially in first room
Main corridor was much easier to clear
Only real issue was from respawns which, when it happened, was an automatic wipe
Give other classes ability (with same range?) to hook shot monsters e.g. via crossbow skill i.e. reduce the need for archers in a group
Limit first room to only one monster archer
Review how spawns occur and how frequently
Differentiate treasure /loot drops – currently, all areas seem to drop similar loot (for non-set gear) i.e. any place is as good as any other to farm loot. I am thinking here of consumables, pictures, etc. not gear drops. Gear drops being the same means groups will fan-out across the map and not congregate in one area i.e. it is beneficial.
Last edited by poulter; 03-17-2017 at 08:36 AM.
Reason: Added clarification about loot variation
A status update: I'm still deep in the debugging stage of both the new bard and the new Serbule revamp. I'm going to push the Serbule revamp out to the update after this one, and focus on the bard, since that's closest to completion. I want to get the other changes (such as group size changes etc.) out the door before the weekend if at all possible.
The bard skill has a lot of new tech in its abilities and gear mods, some of which will find its way into other skills in time. I've also fixed some long-standing low-priority animation bugs. These bugs didn't affect game play, and were a little too hard to fix quickly, so they've been postponed for a long time. But they bug the crap out of me, so when I was working on the bard's animation features, I spent a few days to fix them. That includes bugs like:
Your character stays in their combat pose even after combat ends (until you move)
When you watch other players fight, you don't see them in a combat pose
and some others like that. There's also a bunch of optimizations that I'm hoping will help client performance. So there's lots of good stuff in here, just gotta wrap things up!
Since this is all bug-fixing time it's very hard to predict when it'll be ready, but I'm pushing hard to be done in time for weekend play.
It would be nice to have something that would let larger groups of players have fun together.
I think there should be 2 different kinds of groups then. The one they suggested for doing bosses/elites, but another group that can have up to 20 people. The mob-group would work the same as groups of 9 do now, except that when an elite dies only 2-3 players of the group here that "bling" sound, that way they know they've been chosen to loot that mob.