(Treasure Cartography 51-60? *cough*)
(Treasure Cartography 51-60? *cough*)
Excited by what stories you have to tell us in this dungeon, Citan and Srand.
Yep, for those asking, it's already ready to go: the upcoming snapshot lets all remaining skills' loot go to 70. That includes Hammer, Druid, Ice Magic, Knife, and all animal-curse skills.
Also, a few notes to add:
- the snapshot update is still a few days away, as there are still a lot of problems to fix with the bosses. (The bosses in Gazluk Keep use lots of new tricks -- and there's an unusually high number of special cases, as well as just regular old bugs.)
- I'm not sure of the exact launch day -- currently I'm aiming for a Friday afternoon launch, as I think everything should be smoothed out by then. But it could easily slip into early next week. I'll keep you posted when I have better insight into the launch day.
- While I really hope the dungeon is fun, it's important to note that this is a development snapshot that we'll be putting live just as soon as it's stable. It will never have been "actually run" by a group of six high-level players -- that's you guys' job! So there's a lot of guesswork and estimation in the dungeon's difficulty. That's normal for our dungeons, but since we have a lot of new players, I want to set expectations: the difficulty is likely to be very hit-or-miss at first, both too hard in parts and too easy in others.
- I'll be asking for feedback from people who run the dungeon -- including video if you can get it -- and we'll make balance changes in the snapshot after this one. (Or in a hotfix, if things are really out of whack.)
Could you add just one more note? We can do this, but we need a suggested quality level of gear to help your testing. I surmise that this is a lvl 70 dungeon, but would lvl 70 red/pink gear (not max enchanted) give you good testing feedback? Or would you rather we wear our best lvl 60 gear? This would help us to reproduce the best test environment possible.
I know it's probably my imagination buuuut THAT looks an awful lot like Muntok Fist combat!
Last edited by PezOfDoom; 02-22-2017 at 08:05 PM.
Fiore had a different idea of what that might be....also possible!
Another update on the timing: it's going to have to wait until next week, sorry! The framerate in the new dungeon has turned out to be very bad and we're doing optimizations now. We wouldn't normally bother with optimizing a dungeon during alpha, but this is the largest dungeon we've done yet, and it turns out it needs some help!
It will take at least a few days to get the dungeon optimized... not sure exactly how long, so I'm going to shoot for the middle of next week. This will also give us a little more time to polish things like the lore documents and the custom loot.
@Hood - I think a really good set of purple 60s or a reasonably good set of red 70s should work.
@PezOfDoom - hmm, that's the naked fighting style, yes? I suppose they might have a bit of that technique in there...
Fantastic work, I agree that chapel was too small in that there werent enough routes to take to create varience, it felt like straight path. On3 thing I suggest is to make sure that there is enough symetrical varience between the options of pathing so you dont run into the issue of experienced groups neglecting all but one path because it is "superior".