The update notes are here:
Discussion is in this thread! But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system so we can track them.
The update notes are here:
Discussion is in this thread! But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system so we can track them.
[COLOR="#40E0D0"]-ADMIN-[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FFFF00"]Lemons[/COLOR]
I liked the encounter and the design. Balance-wise it's probably in the right ballpark, maybe a little too easy on the special mechanic: there could easily be less buttons, but I guess you can record the number of button pressed to balance it. A thumbs up from me.When you get to that encounter -- you'll know the one -- we'd love your feedback.
This battle is great. I was hoping we would see this type of mechanic used in dungeons some more, and I am looking forward to it being a "prototype" of future dungeon content.
I agree with Niph that there are too many buttons. It would be more of a DPS check if that was the case. Without meditating and using calligraphy for this battle, theres 1 potion that sort of makes it trivial. I think it would be easy to over-tweak the difficulty, but I think it could stand to be a LITTLE more challenging.
The two new fights aren't really supposed to be a part of the original gauntlet, and theyre not required for the button/credits at the end. Because of this, both battles feel like "bonus round" fights. I wouldn't mind the bosses themselves to get tuned up a little more. But this is gauntlet feedback, not mechanics feedback.
Really, all of the updates around the gauntlet have been some fantastic additions. There's a lot of excitement in game about builds, and conversations taking place in many of the PG discord servers I'm a part of.
Great job, and thank you.
Dont have a lot to add but just wanted to say that the new stuff in the gauntlet is really cool! Felt very properly deep dungeon ishPits are a little frustrating, but still like that too personally. It's mostly a matter of being prepeared for it.
Deep forgotten dungeons should be like that, trapped and crazy dangerous. Agree it the boss fights could probably be a little harder but the added elements made it feel dangerous anyways, and very much fun. And george deserves a proper home, finally. Hope to see that somewhere else![]()
Agreed on George. We need the "Kraken's Lair" out in the Bay of Serbule
There has to be a reason that part of the world keeps having kraken problems.
The whole Gauntlet in general has been a blast, even if I do live in the pits. While they need to be fixed, the despawns/respawns have added a layer of difficulty for us and made for some hilarious memories.
It would be nice to remove the extra time required to reach the Gauntlet by removing it from Fungal Fortress. These days, I am not able to play longer than hour at once or 75 minutes max. I'm sure there are others in similar circumstances. I'm lucky to be in a group where running FF, Gauntlet, and then selling can usually be done in that time period. But most don't have that luxury and more might be joining these runs if time wasn't such a factor.