Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Sims's Avatar
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    Update Discussion: October 10, 2022

    The update notes are here: https://forum.projectgorgon.com/show...ctober-10-2022

    Discussion is in this thread! But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system so we can track them.
    [COLOR="#40E0D0"]-ADMIN-[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FFFF00"]Lemons[/COLOR]
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  2. #2
    Junior Member drum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sims View Post
    Discussion is in this thread!
    Mentioned in another post that the new Necro Dust is rather tedious to make.
    Long timer means only about 30 per game hour.

    That long a timer would work better like fertilizer - 5 bones for 5 dust.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    Is being unable to craft Necro dust when the stars are out intended if I am crafting it in the Fae Realm? Granted it is 9AM in game, but I see no reason for the mortal realms time to effect this skill!

    "Ursula's Curse: when Ursula appears, she immediately targets the cursed player."
    Ursula used to like to make new friends, guess she doesn't anymore

  4. #4
    Senior Member Celerity's Avatar
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    Overall the update feels quite rushed and there are lots of bugs, but it's ok in general.

    Revised Zones

    Eltibule feels great, I like the new assets and slight redesign on some of the zone such as the paths to the portals.

    Kur feels like it's too similar now imo. Lots of people have already given plenty of great feedback on the discord regarding this, but essentially it's really hard to find the key landmarks like Kur tower, lamashu etc. since they're all hidden in the trees. The variation in terrain that was there before, e.g. the hot spring area with the uraks, the river area, the frozen lakes area, the mountains etc. have all disappeared and it's basically impossible to distinguish any landmarks from the ground. You have to sort of just randomly run around until you happen to bump into it, then you can mark it on your map with a pin.

    Treasure Cap for Uneven Active Skills

    Obviously got delayed, but I think this is fine.

    Necromancy Summon Change

    Having played necromancy in the past, this change was needed. Having to die 3 times to form a graveyard to resummon pets always made necromancy feel much slower and more inefficient than any other skill line, especially since the pets die so easily.

    New AoE Buff Logic

    This is fine. Hopefully lag at events such as the poetry jam and world bosses is less now.

    Monster Hatred Calculation Change

    This is also fine. It makes sense for dots to generate aggro.

    Changes to Mentalism Treasure

    Pretty minor changes but I guess it's ok. Mentalism without fairy magic definitely feels weak, especially solo. But even in groups it felt a bit lacklustre. Probably still does but every little helps.

    Other Treasure Changes

    Not sure archery really needed another buff, but sure. Privacy field nerf was needed, it was definitely the most brokenly overpowered ability in the whole game. Good to see the fixes to the mods. A lot of those really annoyed me for quite a while.


    Finally. I always said just introduce mount functionality even if it looks goofy. Better to have it in the game at all and polish later, rather than restrict the utility from certain forms. The spider on wheels looks cool though.

    Butterfly Changes

    Butterfly can't even use any nature damage outside of the sidebar bomb ability maybe? So I don't know why this was done. Otherwise cool I guess.

    New Selection UI

    I've tested this, both soloing out in the world and grouping in dungeons. It's pretty beautiful overall and a nice improvement in a lot of ways. It looks cleaner and I prefer the new font. However, in group dungeons, the combat numbers are way too big and spam the entire screen. I assume later on the combat numbers settings will affect the new UI, but currently they do not, which means they can't even be turned off. It would also be nice to turn off the numbers for damage and healing on other players. If you play dps you do not care about that. Solo, the combat numbers are perfectly fine. However, it makes small objects very hard to select such as eggs, flowers or smaller mobs like the cocks in WT. Additionally I can no longer click multiple times to select the object behind the one I'm targeting. This makes looting very annoying if there's just one corpse in a huge pile I want to select.


    New animations for bat will take some getting used to. Feels like the bat basic attack comes out wayy too slowly now compared to previously. I have died multiple times already from my combat refresh not coming out quickly enough, when it was never a problem before the patch. I don't know if it's just a problem in bat form but warden's controlled burn also seems to take far too long to cast. Multiple times I have had what felt like a full second of delay between using the ability and actually seeing the damage. Sometimes it seems like the delay is so long, the ability gets completely nullified and does nothing at all, but still goes on cooldown. I've also been having that issue a bit with stun trap from warden, where the bar for casting will fill up, the ability goes on cooldown, but the traps are never summoned.

    I also want to just reiterate, I've said it before, but the abilities slowing your movement speed while you're using them just feels like trash to play. It genuinely constantly makes me feel like I'm lagging or there's some kind of problem with the game. It's nowhere near as fun as the smooth gameplay we had before this change and I really don't think the balance change to make kiting a bit worse is worth that impact. Kiting already drains your power at a super fast rate and stops you from getting endurance exp if you need that.

  5. #5
    Junior Member Stybb's Avatar
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    So now Kur has had an revision, can we hope for Orc player class to be released soon?

  6. #6
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stybb View Post
    So now Kur has had an revision, can we hope for Orc player class to be released soon?
    Quote Originally Posted by Citan
    My expectation is we’ll have the Kur revamp first, then the prototype of the crossroads area, then Statehelm part 1, then the first version of orcs. But that’s too many steps ahead to have a very reliable prediction.
    Think this will mean orcs not likely until next year, maybe early in the year. So not exactly soon, but not that far off either.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Overall, I like the Kur changes, but as others have said, a few things are missing.

    -The portals to elt and gaz are in odd places, out from the edge of the zone. Harder to find, and feel wrong. Elt portal, and the firepit/sign could be moved back against the rocks. The gaz portal would work better down in the corner of the zone, near where it is now. It's a large alcove that just screams "something should be here".

    -The hotsprings should be steaming, as is, there's just a pool of water next to a gardening area. A more rocky area with the wurms would be better, and easier to spot.

    -The Fox Camp used to be a little hidden, now it's out in the open. Maybe dense trees around it? Or rocky outcroppings?

    -Density of mobs in some areas needs increasing, and vast areas have nothing at all. If a huge part of the zone has no mobs, no wood, no flowers or other resources, then it's just a flyover area. Kur used to be a nice area to gather resources which offset the difficulty added by the cold. There needs to be more of everything to make it worth roaming around in, and not just the cold bit you run through to get to someplace else.

    -I like the separate island, but it feels like it needs a reason for people to swim to it.

    Foxes: Please change the way they fast travel. Right now it looks like the fox is humping the pony. It's terrible. Foxes have such an easy fix: Take away the pony and have them change color and leave a trail like wolves do.

  8. #8
    Junior Member Proximus's Avatar
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    I think what Drum has said is on point. Can Necro Dust be reduced a little. Also, what the heck is up with butterfly before the build was good for a mentalism dps build but now that's destroyed and it can't even use abilties that do nature damage. So do you plan on putting an item in game so butterfly players can use a skill that uses nature damage. Also I'm a fan of the horny fox mechanic on the mount if citan is shooting for foxes' to be horny like the elves.

  9. #9
    Junior Member Stybb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShieldBreaker View Post
    Think this will mean orcs not likely until next year, maybe early in the year. So not exactly soon, but not that far off either.
    Ok thanks for the reply

  10. #10
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Exploring kur a lot while I level a couple of new skills and do things on two legs for a change. One thing that struck me is the large island. It has nothing on it except wolves. Usually a high concentration of mobs also goes along with some ground resources, but the entire island has nothing on it. While it's far better to have more land mass than water, it's an area that you need to swim to that is less useful than the rest of kur, unless all you care about is hunting wolves.

    It seems like a great spot for something big if anything new is planned for kur. But at the lease, adding the wood and other groundspawns to the area would be good.

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