I know. I mentioned this in the post you quoted
My point was that because you cannot talk to the NPC without using an illusion, you, as an animal player, have no idea that the NPC is even important to you. You also have no idea what types and quantities of items to bring to get your favor high enough up to train (unless you consult the wiki) which in my opinion, is not good game design.
Yes after you spend hundreds of thousands of councils to reach the end game (the worst part of any MMO) you no longer have any real economic drain and can simply collect pools of cash to fund whatever the hell you please. That doesn't make a noobie's plight any less real.
I'd also wager you aren't making that money from players. You're making it from industry (another tradeskill) or vendoring. Which means that if I wanted to make money with those tradeskills, I must first devote thousands of councils towards reaching that end goal (whether it be favor or industry). All the while my character's combat skills will suffer due to their lack of funds.
My character was around 65 in spider / druid, with various tradeskills ranging from level 50 to 60.
I've never had more than 120k at one time in my entire time playing, and when I did, I spent it on unlocks. That's the point I was making in my last post. This game is nothing but farming for unlocks. Yes after you've "completed" all content that exists, you can sit back and relax. That's not my idea of a good time though.
Last edited by Delfofthebla; 03-02-2020 at 05:02 PM.
Your right Industry is great to make cash , do as many as you can in as many skills as you can .. As for Lamashu be thankful your not a bat.
Never had a issue getting unlocks for even lvl 80 skills . cash can be issue but sell the rolls you don't use for industry . don't hoard everything . build up favor , group do that dailies . should be plenty of cash .. perhaps a skills type game is not your thingI think its just right
Playing as a Spider isn't easy (nor is playing a Bat, since they don't even have the Illusion spell) but I weighed this up before starting those characters and I knew what it would entail. As such I can't complain. In any case it's very easy to undo being a Spider (or a Bat) using potions and then go back again a few levels/tradeskills later, so the problems aren't insurmountable, just inconvenient.
That is because you make really uninformed assumption.
I have literally only ever completed 1 single work order
What does it cost you to level leather working for example? You farm skins easily through regular game play. Survey some gems. VIOLA, nothing to buy. But wait, there is more. You can sell those items you made to level up and make thousands, hundreds of thousands, some might even say millions. I know, cause I did that. If you take your time and level as you aquire materials through personal action, you only make money.
Being able to make armor is priceless. I cannot emphasize how much you will want to eventually want to become a crafter. techzpod stream free movies
Last edited by mistryzop; 05-17-2022 at 08:33 AM.
i personally hate crafting and dont craft but eventually i'll have to craft because the best armor is all crafted
craft craft craft
also, im very poor and stupid i still farm coins in the boarded up basement at 85/75
edit: i've also never done a work order and never sold anything to another player. i strictly farm coins and sell them to flia. probably spent hundreds of hours in the boarded up basement. yes, i know, im smart.
Swap to something like farming wolves in Kur. You have 4 people to sell the hides to, lots of items to unload, and other drops like teeth and a few stomachs. No shortage of werewolves. You'll be less poor and can get to 85/85. Time to leave the basement.
And you don't have to craft if you hate it. Go farm the needed items, and people will combine for you.