Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
When I think of bunnies their prolific droppings come to mind. So how about (borrowing alchemy idea from Mikhaila)...
Distasteful Carrots (Alchemy)
- Combining a carrot with a (level based mushroom powder ) creates a carrot with a diarrhetic affect.
Explosive Pellets
- consuming a Distasteful Carrot gives the rabbit a tummy ache. This causes the rabbit to drop a pellet at the current location. The pellet explodes and does damage when an enemy comes in contact with it.
Maybe different distasteful carrots could have additional components which affect damage type or make it a debuff instead
-Not sure if its possible but since we have knockbacks I don't see why not. An ability that acts as a disengage leaping back. Can either be an attack or survival related and fits with the theme of bunnies. Could also additionally be added on to current abilities to help spice up their boring nature.
-To further elaborate on my previous rabbit scream/cry idea, which i grow fonder of the more I think about it, rabbit lacks an aoe in which this could be a perfect addition. The lack of strong abilities/mods and Aoe potential hinders rabbit from being paired with things that aren't all out damage to overcompensate. Example being Rabbit/Animal handling is poor due to the fact nothing you do can assist the damage your pet does nor is your damage worthy enough to stack against. You are more his weak pet than he is yours. The scream ability could also easily be modded to convert to ice thus giving more choice to ice/rabbit or maybe making rabbit itself strong enough to just be the ice damage itself and pair elsewhere. This also could actually make the above mentioned skill combo more viable.
-Rabbit has two 40% indirect and direct trauma damage mods plus a trauma vuln mod but no abilities that deal direct trauma. I've mentioned buffing the indirect it has but there is room for either conversion mods making things deal straight trauma or new abilities that fill this role. Heck even the above scream itself could fit in to this role but pretty much anything attack wise could fit. People seem to love the idea of poop pellets above so even literally throwing poop can fit as being traumatic ><
-This one is more flavor than direct ability but you haven't really breached the idea of combat skill or form specific food that I know of outside of cow milk. Mayhaps allow rabbit to make it's own treats that can act like most others restoring health power or armor but also boost rabbit damage or maybe speed or any number of things. Just a few recipes of carrot stuff and voila you have expanded on the whole carrot 'power' idea with rabbits while also adding a unique aspect to the form. Alternatively you could also just make these crafting skills that use the rabbit treats that rabbit already uses and allow more long term varied buffs out of it.
-Consider changing long ear to a toggle ability. keep the slow aspect but as previously mentioned give it the projectile avoidance baseline. The numbers can be fudged a little to make it not so strong if deemed so but it would make active use of this ability a thing. Sprint already cancels it so it does come with some negatives from just being in it always but could warrant another if you so feel.
(Totally unrelated but can we please get animals for animal handling? A bunny with a bunny or having the option for a deer with a deer and his mini deer sounds quite adorable and nice. It also makes sense that an intelligent animal would try to take in weaker or less fortunate of its kind and teach them)
Rabbits are very cute, but they have no abilities that reflect this aside from possibly love tap.
Please give rabbits the ability to nuzzle with group members as a support/healing ability, thank you.
I've been building a Bun-armed set of gear and running around having a lot of fun with it.
The core of it revolves around kicks. You can have 4 of them, two from each skill. All the mods that apply to 'kicks' get used. Knee kick is worth increasing, and several options for that. Less so on Front Kick as the damage starts low. The big mods for this are +6.5% melee evasion, and carrot power.
When I use carrot power, I regain roughly 400 health, 300 armor, add 400 to kick damage and 31% to crushing. Immediately cycle all 4 kicks for quite a bit of damage.
+52% to melee evasion is only 10 seconds, but i use rabbit foot right after for +35 melee evasion. Unarmed has mods that only give +4%, but also add to damage or restore armor when you evade, and you can evade a lot.
Crushing blow, Claw barrage, and bun-fu strike round out the attacks. Rarely can fit them all in before the kics are back up.
Where I have extra room I use the increased trauma mods.
In groups, I'm just DPS. Tanking isn't an option because of the lack of taunt, and one stun negates your evasion. Rabbits foot as a group buff is nice.
Solo I have no problem killing any non-elite, and can handle multiple mobs. Running is always an option with hare dash.
Main regret about the build: I can't use the gardening attack! This is a shame, as rabbit has synergy levels with gardening, and it counts as a front kick.
Can't use it because we have no hands to use the shovel - but I need a shovel to bury corpses. I'd love to see the skill cloned to be an animal only attack that doesn't require a shovel or hands. Maybe we break a toe now and then?
Overall the build is a bit niche, very fun, but does need good gear. To make it work I have 6 0r 7 mods per piece of equipment. It has survivability, lots of speed, can take a hit, and then kick things to death. I can handle two GK elites at once, and solo'd Old Fruitless in Povus. The synergy between unarmed and rabbit take both sub-standard skills and blend them well.
Honestly that is the saving grace of Rabbit overall. It can be very lackluster but it has the potential to take the few things it can pair with well to good places.
While the trauma route needs fleshed out better It is nice that Rabbit offers two options for unarmed be it a trauma or the kick/crushing as you mentioned above.
A lot of the issues I find with the trauma route stem from the problem of a ton of low cooldown abilities so it becomes a big button mash. This is generally exasperated by the fact you have to take 6 damage abilities from unarmed as it has 0 utility or support ones. So combined with bunnies generally lower cooldown options, especially with certain mods, it gets to be a problem. Sure you can leave out an attack and barely use it but that just doesn't feel good honestly.
I see you use Bun-Fu Strike in your combos? Unless they fixed it and it's just a tooltip error that ability is slashing and not crushing even though mods refer to it as doing crushing damage I.E
- Bun-Fu Strike deals Cold damage (instead of Crushing), deals +112 damage, and hastens the current reset timer of Bun-Fu Blast by 2 seconds
This is further made sad because it also comes with this mod
- Bun-Fu Strike deals +65 damage and hastens the current reset timer of Bun-Fu Kick by 2.5 seconds(2)
So if it did crushing not only would it find better use from a slew of mods bunny has but be a better fit in the Carrot Power kick cycle combo and fits the theme of it. I can't remember if it was also one of the attacks they changed to be considered a kick all those months back either. Regardless If it's not meant to be either of those the above mods should really be placed on Thump for better synergy.
Speaking of Thump the secondary aspect of the ability is incredibly lackluster being as it's just a (Target's run speed is reduced by 25% for 20 seconds) For most things that is usually redundant as other skills have much better snares. So either increasing the number or instead replacing with the below mod I feel would make for a better more useful ability as a whole.
- Thump deals +31 damage and knocks the enemy backwards
To revisit the Trauma aspect of Bunny most of the numbers are very low in what they provide. So even when you go fully down that route you are getting lackluster results compared to most other skills in this department. Made worse by the fact a lot of those skills also get aoe indirect that is often double or triple the damage of the indirect bunny can provide as well as the attack that applies them being much higher. I know this is generally just a numbers thing and bunny hasn't really been touched much in a long time so of course it is going to lag behind but still worth mentioning.
A last random thought about Love Tap. I know a tiny bit of love was given to it a while back via the mod
- Love Tap boosts your Melee Evasion +11.5% for 15 seconds
but even that wasn't really enough to save this lovely animated but poor ability from uselessness. Most of it's mods are virtually pointless in what they provide and honestly I find the rage bar increasing aspect to be mostly pointless as well. That whole system could use a revamp but I digress.
- Love Tap lowers target's aggro toward you by 1550(2)
Almost never will you ever pull aggro as a bun or even if you do Play Dead is vastly superior making this mostly pointless.
- Love Tap hastens the current reuse timer of Carrot Power by 3.5 seconds
I like the idea of all the cooldown reduction mods bunny has but this is only one mod and unless the ability itself sees some changes I don't see this ever having much use.
- Love Tap deals 335 Trauma damage after an 8-second delay(2)
Potential is high here for a trauma route but considering the attack does virtually nothing itself this added trauma would have to be much much higher. A delayed bomb so to speak. The game also considers this mod to be indirect ice damage as well at least according to the tooltip.
I'm sure I've mentioned it before but a better direction for this ability is probably needed. Maybe changing it to provide something like psych's But I love you(Target's attacks deal -25% damage for 30 seconds) Instead of the rage aspect? or retool the useless mods in to additional flat damage bonus and one with cold damage conversion and change the base damage to psychic. That way the ability could fit all 3 pairing skills of bunny well and provide two base psychic attacks from bunny that not only benefit a psych route but also unarmed with the headbutt increased psychic damage mod while also providing the evasion. Food for thought.
My apologies if some of this was said in my previous posts on this it has been a long time and whenever anything bunny is mentioned I can go off on long tangents. Also nice to hear from fellow bunnies and that you are enjoying it!
Last edited by Melkhiresa; 02-11-2022 at 08:31 PM.
Yes, Bun-Fu Strike really needs to be crushing, not slashing. It's only on my bar for a stun when i'm in a group in FF or WT. It's the attack i use after I've cycled rabbit's foot, 4 kicks, barrage, and punishing blow. Nearly anything else is better to use.