I had a not so pleasant experience with one of the Discord Moderators who goes by Greyfyn where I was accused of being a troll simply because I suggested in the suggestions discussion channel that VIP could use more incentives after another individual commented about how VIP additions are good but didn't want them to be content-locked (i.e. VIP gives you more content then other players, or vastly more).
I didn't break any rules but was warned and publicly called a troll and was told that "I knew what I was doing." even though I was just trying to interact with the community.
If you're going to have a mod who does this and then kick people from the Discord because of it, you should either have new or better mods with clarified rules; because all this did was make me change my positive review to a negative one.
Love the game. Dislike the power tripping moderation. It felt even worse when I re-joined the Discord and messaged Greyfyn privately to inform him that I didn't approve of how he treated the situation and he responded to me by telling me my main character name (My forum name) even though my Discord name is something completely different, which only shows he went and looked that information up. The whole experience was just extremely petty from his end and honestly has left me sour and prone to avoid any interaction with parts of the community because of it.
I spoke to one of the players after the fact who followed up my comment defending the VIP incentives currently, and he told me I was better off never challenging Moderators whether they were right or wrong, or I risk getting in trouble because of it; which is outright silly. I even had asked Greyfyn who I could report him to and he told me to "No need. And you know why I'm not PMing you." even though I legit don't understand his cryptic language towards me.
There was more of the conversation, but Greyfyn booted me from the Discord and conveniently deleted a lot of it to cover the tracks.