Hey Gorgonzolians!
For too long have flapskulls and megahexapi laid waste to our sweet town of Povus. ENOUGH I say, its time we bring the fight to uh... our doorstep. Clears throat
That's right: its time to party!
What: Povus-palooza is going to be the premier Povus-defending party squad. (With free alcohol, food, buffs, drugs, etc.)
+ If you're interested in helping host or willing to provide anything, please post here or reach out to me on Discord!
When: Sunday October 24, 2021 at ~3PM ET (25 [24+1] Hours After Poetry Jam)
- Dance brews will be dropped when the in-game clock strikes 2PM - this will happen at ~3PM EST. Since this is the first event, I highly recommend you show up early
Where: The event starts at Serbule Inn with a dance party, everyone is welcome to attend regardless of if you want to join for the Povus defense! After the party we will grab some buffs in Serbule and then portal to Povus for handing out the remainder of the free stuff/buffs.
Why? The goal is to fully clear a Povus night event mission and have fun going overboard with buffs. I don't think we've fully completed the 7 possible night waves, imagine the possibilities! Plus, what better way to convince people to risk their lives fighting horrors in a disease infested swamp than with a party that has free booze, charcuterie, tonics, and drugs!
Anything else? - Yes I'm glad you asked!
- I would love to hear your ideas for how we can improve the event.
- We have the opportunity to strategize and organize ahead of time, feel free to post and discuss additional ideas here. I have some ideas already below.
- There's a small window of time where we can light lamps before monsters spawn at 8PM in-game time. With enough players, in theory we could complete the lamp-lighting quest instantly.
- If we find ourselves in a ghost-heavy set of events, we may need extra stuns. Paralyzing traps (from Rahu Sewers) and the ability "stake to the heart" are good options for players who don't have skills with stuns.
- Be prepared to need to fix broken bones and/or to help fix the broken bones of our tanks
- If you're able to heal and/or tank I expect those roles will be in higher-demand but it would be helpful to have other sets of gear ready.
- Try not to go out of your way to loot too much
- Do bury things
Free stuff
+ While I am happy and able to fully host this event, please let me know if you would like to contribute anything!
+ *Cheese probably won't be free for future events