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With going VIP you already enabled dollar to counsils...just make 8 alts (which VIP allows) and do every industry work order 8 times instead of 4 times (with little extra effort i might add after you levelled industry, cause you can simply buy most resources needed for wo's from player stalls and still make loads of profit).
Granted, it is not as direct, but if you allow VIP members to make more counsils from having VIP, you might as well share the love.
This is also why VIP is pay to play. I know this is not a popular opinion, but as soon as i can carry more items in dungeons, do work orders multiple times more, milk more, do 4x more event runs, i will make way more counsils than the next guy. Does that matter? In a way yes,. because while i do not care that you are wealthier than me, we share a common market, and more counsils will always lead to inflated prices, hence i wont be getting the resources i need unless i put way more effort into it. Hence a different playing field.
I have no doubt this post will not change the opinion of the devs tho - I have seen and played around 40 MMO's in my life and VIP, or cash shops, or w/e idea that gets implemented to generate income to game developpers, eventually hurts the game. There are very few examples of cash shops or VIP schemes done well. Path of Exile to name one (not really a MMO but ok).