Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member apoxgow's Avatar
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    Couple of questions some advice

    So I have done about 3 alts so far and get semi confused / bored around the 20's for whatever reason I just shut down. I can't seem to find the right combination of skills to play. The ones I do want to play require an intense grind or are locked behind these strange faraway zones. Even if I go and explore to try to unlock these skills most of the time I am let down. Npc requires "friends" or some type of favor. So its a slow crawl back to serbule to work on favor or look for ways to make money.

    The biggest bottle neck for me is once the items start pouring in and most of the npcs don't want to buy anymore. Its a fumbling process of going through inventory, banking stuff, where and what do I sell to who. It goes from "dam I really had fun in the starter island" to a whole different game once you land in serbule. Inventory is a constant issue and the early game just seems so bland... I mean can we at least have semi decent speed to get somewhere? The pace of getting from a to b to sell in other towns is so slow. I can't even consider any cool crafting because there is zero market for low level items. I just feel like I am grinding a profession for the sake of grinding it.

    I really want to try and like the game. It has an interesting appeal to it even though I am very frustrated by it. I have tried animal handling which I can't go into dungeons with because I get swarmed by 6-7 mobs in a room. The other one was unarmed and I just can't play this class it really puts me to sleep. Last class I played was because I seen someone pull like 6 mobs and just stand there doing nothing and all the mobs died. I asked what class spec was that and they said fire/shield... There I went to make a fire shield class in hopes this would be it. This was a nightmare farming those lil fire rats who by the way are fire immune so had to put ice spells. 3 hours later I finally get to research just to enter a new amazing item called sulfur. Listen does the game at any point present me with just a little bit of R&R? I just want to have fun and swing and kill things. All the small things connect to other things that connect to other things that connect to this or that. Really its just a cluster of "not fun" when its so complex.

    End of rant on to my questions..

    What is the cheapest and most effective class combo that isn't locked behind favor npc and is semi decent in aoe pulls mainly dungeons.

    Why do people from a far that just come into range float with no movement and have their hands raised up like a crucifix?

    Can you ban all deers from the game next patch thanks. Just kill them all.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apoxgow View Post
    I really want to try and like the game. It has an interesting appeal to it even though I am very frustrated by it. I have tried animal handling which I can't go into dungeons with because I get swarmed by 6-7 mobs in a room.
    I will address certain points specifically here. In this complaint, for example, that is absolutely your fault in my opinion. You cannot charge mobs, knowing they cry for help, then complain when you get mobbed. You have to step into aggro range, then walk back, and intelligently separate them individually so that they get out of range. This is a common mechanic in many many games, MMO's, multiplayer games, and single-player games alike.

    Quote Originally Posted by apoxgow View Post
    The other one was unarmed and I just can't play this class it really puts me to sleep.
    Great, you identified what you know you don't like. I personally have several classes I do not personally enjoy myself. Every class is not for everyone. You have now definitively narrowed it down.

    Quote Originally Posted by apoxgow View Post
    Last class I played was because I seen someone pull like 6 mobs and just stand there doing nothing and all the mobs died. I asked what class spec was that and they said fire/shield... There I went to make a fire shield class in hopes this would be it. This was a nightmare farming those lil fire rats who by the way are fire immune so had to put ice spells. 3 hours later I finally get to research just to enter a new amazing item called sulfur.
    You can not reasonably look at someone who likely has better gear, more experienced, and bonus armor, health, and power from synergy levels of leveling other classes, as well as potentially being twice or more your level, and suddenly be able to do what they can do. You would have to put in character development time to earn that.

    In my opinion, you made a poor assumption here that you could jump right in a class set, having not developed to the level of, or earned the synergy bonuses of another player. All things take time.

    Quote Originally Posted by apoxgow View Post
    Listen does the game at any point present me with just a little bit of R&R? I just want to have fun and swing and kill things. All the small things connect to other things that connect to other things that connect to this or that. Really its just a cluster of "not fun" when its so complex.
    You seem to confuse your subjective opinion with that of actually objective fact. As in my opinion, I find the synergy and class connections and merging benefits to be the actual fun of the game. You need to raise classes a little to build synergy bonuses between them. As well, gear matters. You level augmentation and transmutation to alter the gear that you can find, make or have someone make for you that probably offers you many more benefits and strength then what you have.

    To be blunt, you cannot jump into any game and reasonably expect to be as powerful as a seasoned player who knows how to play a class or class combination, who may have end game gear, and be experienced in how to use their class combination to battle specific enemies or groups. You have to take factors of that nature into account.

    There is also the option that this game may not be for you. It happens to many different people in many different games they initially feel they will enjoy. Happens to me all the time.
    Last edited by Coglin; 11-20-2019 at 05:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member apoxgow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coglin View Post
    I will address certain points specifically here. In this complaint, for example, that is absolutely your fault in my opinion. You cannot charge mobs, knowing they cry for help, then complain when you get mobbed. You have to step into aggro range, then walk back, and intelligently separate them individually so that they get out of range. This is a common mechanic in many many games, MMO's, multiplayer games, and single-player games alike.

    Great, you identified what you know you don't like. I personally have several classes I do not personally enjoy myself. Every class is not for everyone. You have now definitively narrowed it down.

    You can not reasonably look at someone who likely has better gear, more experienced, and bonus armor, health, and power from synergy levels of leveling other classes, as well as potentially being twice or more your level, and suddenly be able to do what they can do. You would have to put in character development time to earn that.

    In my opinion, you made a poor assumption here that you could jump right in a class set, having not developed to the level of, or earned the synergy bonuses of another player. All things take time.

    You seem to confuse your subjective opinion with that of actually objective fact. As in my opinion, I find the synergy and class connections and merging benefits to be the actual fun of the game. You need to raise classes a little to build synergy bonuses between them. As well, gear matters. You level augmentation and transmutation to alter the gear that you can find, make or have someone make for you that probably offers you many more benefits and strength then what you have.

    To be blunt, you cannot jump into any game and reasonably expect to be as powerful as a seasoned player who knows how to play a class or class combination, who may have end game gear, and be experienced in how to use their class combination to battle specific enemies or groups. You have to take factors of that nature into account.

    There is also the option that this game may not be for you. It happens to many different people in many different games they initially feel they will enjoy. Happens to me all the time.
    cool thanks for answering my questions appreciate it

  4. #4
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    Also, the wiki is a very valuable resource to learn about synergy, functionality, gear, and so on, you may find browsing it to be beneficial

    If you have any specific questions or something you want to learn about, feel free to ask. There is a very outgoing, friendly and helpful community here. I or someone else would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Yaffy's Avatar
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    The game can definitely feel overwhelming at times, and there are certainly some places where it can seem a bit tedious, but try not to worry so much.

    My first bit of advice is really just that, don't worry too much. The thing with Project Gorgon is that no matter what you're doing, you're progressing in some way. If you're killing enemies, picking up items, etc. You're getting experience, money, favor, etc and making permanent progress. Even if you're leveling what you're worried is an "Unoptimal" skill combination and might plan on switching in the future, you'll find that it's significantly easier the second time around because of all the other permanent bonuses you got.

    Quote Originally Posted by apoxgow View Post
    Why do people from a far that just come into range float with no movement and have their hands raised up like a crucifix?
    This is set by the "Entity distance animation multiplier" setting in options (Graphics -> Advanced). To save on resources, the game doesn't animate things that are very far away from you. If you're being haunted by crazy t-posing ghosts, you should increase it so people further away are animated properly.

    Quote Originally Posted by apoxgow View Post
    Inventory is a constant issue
    It is a big issue, but you can mitigate it with good inventory management. Try to leave town with only the items you plan on needing immediately and avoid picking up items that you don't think you'll use right away and aren't worth vendoring. The game throws A LOT of "Junk" at you that simply isn't worth the inventory space. If you toss away the junk you'll find you have a lot more space to work with.

    Quote Originally Posted by apoxgow View Post
    I mean can we at least have semi decent speed to get somewhere?
    Although it doesn't make you faster, something VERY useful is the auto-walk button. It won't make travelling faster, but it makes it a lot less tedious. By default it's on Numlock, but personally I use it so much I put it on middle mouse button. Try it out and you'll find travelling isn't nearly as bad.
    As for actually moving faster, there are items that improve your movement speed like equipment, but you need to find them. A lot of people have a "Movement" set just for running around faster. The devs are planning on adding mounts in the near future though which should hopefully be a much more obvious way for players to get movement speed.

    Quote Originally Posted by apoxgow View Post
    I can't even consider any cool crafting because there is zero market for low level items. I just feel like I am grinding a profession for the sake of grinding it.
    This isn't true! Well, at least for some items. It can be hard to find a buyer for specific items since the community is small, but I assure you that there are a lot of low level recipes that are useful in some way. Although some items are far too niche to be worth selling (Like low level equipment), some items can be great for profit if you can find a buyer. There was a time I was buying Rotten strawberries in bulk (A level 1 alchemy item) for 150 gold simply because it's a reagent for other recipes.

    Quote Originally Posted by apoxgow View Post
    What is the cheapest and most effective class combo that isn't locked behind favor npc and is semi decent in aoe pulls mainly dungeons.
    Most skills are locked behind favor, so unfortunately that cuts down your options by a lot. However, getting favor with certain NPCs can be incredibly easy.
    For a very fast skill set, I would suggest Hammer/Shield (You already have shield, so that helps a lot). It's an excellent starter skill set that has good burst, utility, AoE, movement and to top it off is very easy to level and scales well, so you really can't go wrong with it as a solo player. Build hammer for pure damage/AoE and shield for utility/survivability/thorns and you're golden.

    In order to unlock hammer, you need to raise favor with Agrashab in Sunvale. However, he accepts equipment (Clubs, but not hammers!) as a gift, which makes him very easy to gain favor with. One thing about gifting is that equipment rarity provides a multiplier to favor, with rarer rarities giving much more favor. This means that if an NPC likes equipment and you give them a yellow rarity equipment item, you will gain a HUGE amount of favor!
    In the case of Agrashab, a single yellow club or a couple pink clubs can give you enough favor to unlock hammer and even be good enough friends to get some bonus training later (The value of the club matters, so you might need more if your gifts are really cheap). You can buy a yellow club good enough to one shot it for around 1.5k off of a used tab (Ex. Off of Joeh or Elahil in Serbule), so you can basically think of this as a 1.5k-2.5k training cost (Depending on rarity). You could potentially get it even cheaper if you can find a player willing to sell you one. Keep this in mind for any other NPCs who like equipment, because it's by far the easiest way to raise favor with many NPCs in the game.

    With this in mind, I hope this helps you make some progress in the game, but remember, try not to worry so much! You're making progress one way or another, and there is no "Wrong" way to play this game where you aren't making some form of progress.
    Last edited by Yaffy; 11-20-2019 at 11:48 PM.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Chilton's Avatar
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    Gday mate

    According to Steam I put in 767 hours into this game! But I do remember still my experience and frustration in the early levels similar to what you have described,. I can offer you some advice and maybe suggestion on builds.

    This game really does not require you to make alts. I will strongly suggest you concentrate on playing one character in the beginning. You can easily swap actives skills and gear, and the time you have spend leveling up an alt is better off spend leveling up your main so you can access the higher level content. Alt are used for specific purposes, extra storage, farming guild points, abusing the work order system to make money etc, but these are not really things you need to worry about at the beginning.

    My suggestion is that you can relatively easily level up the NPC favor enough (usually to comfortable) with just one or two good items as gifts, I strongly encourage you to look into the items other players sold to NPCs to get one, so that effectively you just need money (I will give some examples towards the end when I talk about beginner friendly skills).

    Storage is an issue. I suggest you save up money to buy a 20 pocket chest piece and leg piece as soon as you can, quite pricey but you will not regret it. I know the guild Rowen Trading Company advertise themselves as offering a free 20 pocket chest piece and pants as guild uniform, you can try hitting them up (There you go Cog, I'm plugging your guild for you!)

    You should also work on raising favor with NPCs that offer storage as a priority, not too difficult to, concentrate on Joeh, Marna, and Ivyn in the beginning of the game in Serbule.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    You can right click on an item and look up more information easily, to see if any item is useful for crafting recipe or favor. If you are stuck, feel free to ask in game, most players are happy to tell you if something is worth keeping or not.

    Way of increasing your run speed is unfortunately locked behind either skills or levels (some items drop only in mid level zones). Teleporting in early game is too expensive, but you can
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    Don't worry about crafting early game, crafting is really an end game objective and money sink I found. The "harvesting skills" like foraging, surveying, skinning, butchering is more conductive to early game money making

    Fire magic is definitely not a good beginner skill. As you have found out you need expensive items to level up your fire skills, which is dropped by high level mobs, which you can't obtain because your fire skill is too low, a vicious cycle.

    I personally used sword/shield as my main spec, I found it to be very enjoyable, easily to obtain early game, most skills are learned for free at low/medium levels, and comes with a good skill that increases your running speed.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    Sword/psychology is another strong option, easy to obtain, and totally viable endgame (look at Manwar, so jealous!!)
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    Animal handling is very useful to level up as your first skill if you can stomach it, because you can then use it to easily level up other skills. It is a challenge to manage aggro in dungeons as you have found out, but once you get the hang of it, its not too bad.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    You already said unarmed is out, but it is actually a very good skill as well. You need to stick with it to level 30 or so and start finding some good gear to really appreciate how strong it is. Early game and with poor gear, I thought it was useless, but it is now one of my off specs that I am trying to build to be a tank.

    Those are probably the easiest beginner skills I can think of to get, and also to level up.

    I don't think there is a good AOE skill that is beginner friendly. The good AOE skills I think are archery, battle chemistry, fire magic, ice magic. They are all either difficult to obtain, difficult to level, or both. They also make you very squishy which is not great when you are soloing.

    That being said, fire mage/staff is very good. Staff has an ability to make you invulnerable for 10 seconds, making it viable to AOE down mobs. It also has good damage to allow you to progress so that you can farm the expensive items to level up fire magic.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    The running crucifix pose I think is a game engine limitation. Objects are probably only rendered once they are within a certain radius of you. Outside of the radius they are not animated and appear as just a humanoid shape with arms outstretched, in my game on low settling they also all appear as human, and all look like they are wearing knight armour.

  7. #7
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    Try to play 1 character, it's not necessary to keep switching. Keep your skills like endurance,first aid,gardening,skinning,butchering,pathology and cooking growing on 1 character at first.

    Try to get at least 2 skills upto lvl 25 I'd suggest a main hand skill say sword as it's easy to start and some extra abilities are just drops and perhaps psychology as it can be paired with anything. once you have those 2 to lvl25 then use them to try and pull up other skill lines to lvl 25 if you feel they can benefit you.
    This will also open up loadouts which are helpful.

    Get death skill upto lvl 10.

    Many skill lines have extra abilities that can be learnt with favor or found via scroll drops, what may appear as a lacklustre skill line can be changed quite a lot by switching a few abilities and a few advantageous gear mods.

    If you are alone and unguilded, find a friend or offer someone a few thousand councils to help you move all your alts into a guild, this will allow you to have access to more storage in serb, there is a cost to set up a guild I think its 10k.
    As your trade skills develop use them to gain favor for your main and alts in serb to increase storage even more. Get pocket gear, if you grow the cotton I imagine someone would gladly add pockets to gear for you. Get any lame pocket gear on your alts for more storage if you can be bothered.

    It's very easy to get side tracked and while away hours on stuff that has limited longterm use, try to avoid this for a few weeks at least. you are looking to get a few skills to good lvls, do not get too hung up on gear before lvl 40.

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    If you use animal handling, there is a 'stay' command. Before you fight a group in a dungeon or outside, be about 30 to 40 meters away and click stay command, then move forward, get 1 monster's attention, move back away from the others, so it cant call for help, click the 'guard me' pet command and attack the monster and pet will fight also. On the left side of combat bars is an icon of a Cat, click the cat icon to open the pet commands. If you get your animal handling level to 40+ and pets level to 40+, you can level other skills faster. You dont use any of the pet commands and you fight monsters and you get only experience for the combat skill you are using. As for moving faster, theres a ring that adds +1, a necklace that adds +1 and some windstep shoes that add +2 but you need 40 endurance to wear the shoes. Everytime you lose armor stat, you gain endurance experience, you can let things attack you and get endurance exp faster.

  9. #9
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    Absolutely apoxgow. I shared and still share some of your frustrations.
    My biggest issue initially was selling items to NPC's, banking and inventory space.
    You'll want to run the quests the NPC's have available to earn favor and you'll also want to farm, craft or purchase items you can gift to them for favor so you can at least unlock more inventory, banking space and selling capability.
    For instance in Serbule take the npc Joeh.
    I'd type /wiki Joeh
    I can tell he buys weapons and armor.
    At Friendly favor he will purchase up to 10k goods from me.
    Under favor it says he Loves Swords, Likes Shields,Hates Jewelry and Loves Meat.
    You can also hover over the "hint". If you do so for "Meat" you'll see Chicken/Pork Shoulder +0.8 etc etc.
    You'd could go farm mobs like chickens/pigs to raise favor with him or there's a cave in the northwest part of Serbule where you could farm swords/shields to give to him.
    It's complicated yes, but that's the game with no plans in the future to simplify things.

    What is the cheapest and most effective class combo that isn't locked behind favor npc and is semi decent in aoe pulls mainly dungeons.
    I've only tried one AOE skill and that's fire which seems to be working fairly well as I progress to 45 Fire, although I keep hearing it's not cheap, it has been thus far.

    Why do people from a far that just come into range float with no movement and have their hands raised up like a crucifix?
    No idea why their crucifixed but I do know you can modify special settings to allow animation to render for people who are father away.
    Go to Settings>Special>View Documentation and you can modify the advanced settings.
    What you'll want to change is PlayerAnimationCutoff=xxx
    This should allow for a more robust animation experience from a father distance. Keep in mind these are advanced settings and some may not work if you're graphics card or memory is insufficient hence the "advanced" bit.

    Can you ban all deers from the game next patch thanks. Just kill them all.
    I'm no dev but probably a no go on that. The deer are still in game and killable for your pleasure.

    Definitely make friends in game, join a guild and use /help /global to your advantage as there are many friendly folks willing to help out.

    Welcome to PG and I hope some of this helps.

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    Junior Member sana12's Avatar
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    I really appreciate you for sharing such wonderful information.

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