Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Deldaron's Avatar
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    Introducing: Season's End hosted by Akhisa's Web

    Season's End

    Akhisa's Web is proud to announce the inaugural Season's End event Sunday, March 21st 2pm server time. This is an event designed to offer a specific set of unique player deaths around each equinox/solstice. The event will run 1 hour, but it is recommended you arrive at Fae Realm or Serbule prior to the event starting. Transportation will be provided from Serbule to the Fae Realm (shoutout to Jackencola) and there will be pvp punch, a raffle, and at the end standard statues + booze.

    What: a death xp event offering 21 unique player deaths
    When: Sunday, March 21st 2pm-3pm server time
    Where: Fae Realm (portal will be opened from Serbule)
    Requirements: ritualistically fast (come hungry) and de-robe (remove all gear - storage provided).


    Season's End will occur in 3 rounds each lasting 20 minutes. There will be four death stations around the Fae-Dasculan Ruins, each manned by two volunteers and 1 pvp punch will be up at each station. Each volunteer will offer a specific death for each round. Participants should use the ink provided to lower their health to near dead prior to approaching the volunteer unless the death is from delayed/DoT dmg. The four cases of delayed death are: Malechna - station 1 - round 2, Leviatia - station 4 - round 2, and Barahon/Leviatia - station 4 - round 3.

    If you plan to participate in the event, it is highly recommended that you begin a ritual fast 1 hour (+ your gourmand level divided by 2 minutes) prior to the event so you are not fighting natural health regen. Upon arrival to the Fae Realm, there will be dispensers with basic ink - should the dispensers run out, you can hop into Winter Nexus through the portal on the East side of town and purchase some from Fazzi. We also ask that upon arrival you remove all gear you have equipped; there will be a storage crate at the respawn point when the event begins and additional crates deployed just behind Raina (see "you" on the layout below) throughout the event.

    Additionally, we ask that all participants join the custom channel SeasonsEnd (type /join SeasonsEnd) - in an attempt to keep the airways clear for the rest of the community we will be giving instruction through this channel. Deldaron will be acting MC of this event and will be available to answer any questions.

    In town we ask that only volunteers kill other players - volunteers will be identifiable by their head candles. We are hoping to keep this structured to avoid confusion and ask that you don't show up with a head candle and don't attack players in the confines of town. If you wish to take advantage of the PvP punch in Fae Realm, but do not need the deaths provided, the area north of the garden will be designated as "Free Play" where you can battle each other at will using the PvP punch by Raina.

    On a cold Winter day after an evening of local poetry and bourbon, Deldaron was loudly complaining about the weather and whining about how he wished Spring would come sooner. The mischievous Malechna heard his friend’s woes and said "why don't you make it come sooner?". Deldaron, already quite simple and at this point dangerously intoxicated scoffed, "hah, how would one 'make spring come sooner'". Malechna responded, wryly, "Don't you know? If you kill enough winter court fairies Winter will lose its hold over the seasons and Spring will have to come". Within seconds, Deldaron grabbed his trusty club and rushed out the door of Fainor's Inn to the nearest mushroom circle - headed for the Fae Realm. He spent the next few days mercilessly bludgeoning any winter court he could find, returning to town only to unload gear and trophies. On the third day of his conquest, while he was depositing a rather large sum of Fae skulls into storage, Bendith nervously asked Deldaron why he was so bent on killing winter fae. Upon hearing his explanation, Bendith burst into laughter and explained that Malechna was clearly pulling one over on Deldaron.

    Furious, Deldaron summoned Malechna to the Fae Realm and challenged him to a duel. The two battled, but neither could gain the advantage. Eventually they both collapsed from exhaustion just before bursting into laughter at how ridiculous the situation had become. They returned to town to enjoy drink and food and decided they would do this again. Now, at each Equinox and Solstice, they gather for punch, merriment, and combat in the lands of the Fae to celebrate Season's End.

    Flow and deaths offered

    The event will flow in three rounds. Each round will last 20 minutes in length. During rounds 1 and 2 each volunteer will offer a unique death. During round three each station will offer a single death, that is both volunteers will offer the same death (this is to account for high CD skills). Delayed deaths are in red - for all other deaths you should lower your health before approaching the volunteers. Some deaths are AoE deaths so if you have already received the death from one stations volunteer it is best to keep your distance when collecting the second volunteer's death.

    There may be some down time, but we're playing it safe for the first iteration. If you have all of your deaths feel free to play music/dance or enjoy the Free Play zone. If we get a low turn out, we may shorten rounds.


    Round 1 (2:00-2:20):

    Station 1:
    Halutark: Bit by a Fox - 50xp
    Malechna: Soul ripped from body to fuel another - 100xp AOE

    Station 2:
    Bromohexual: Fatal Fever - 50xp
    ZedZed: Incinerated by a stationary flame source - 100xp AOE

    Station 3:
    Gregooey (friend of Akhisa's Web): Brain aneurysm due to terrible music - 50xp
    Melekurion: Extremely Loud Music - 50xp

    Station 4:
    Barahon: Fatal Levels of Shame - 500xp
    Leviatia: Rotted from within - ??xp

    Round 2 (2:20-2:40):
    Station 1:
    Halutark: Leg bones snapped by zombie hands - 100xp
    Malechna: Complications from soul damage - 50xp (DOT death) AOE

    Station 2:
    Bromohexual: Vines in Veins - 50xp
    ZedZed: Body temperature spontaneously lowered - 50xp (this one sometimes ticks as frozen to death and might require multiple tries)

    Station 3:
    Gregooey (friend of Akhisa's Web): Burned by otherworldly flames - 50xp
    Melekurion: Eardrums exploded due to extreme screaming - 100xp

    Station 4:
    Barahon: Terrified to death - 200xp
    Leviatia: Flesh sloughed off - 50xp (DOT death) AOE

    Round 3 (2:40-3:00):
    Station 1:
    Malechna + Halutark: Realized that life is meaningless - 100xp

    Station 2:
    Bromohexual + ZedZed: Stabbed with Ice Shards - 50xp AOE

    Station 3:
    Gregooey + Melekurion: Hypnotic Suggestion - 50xp

    Station 4:
    Leviatia + Barahon: Surprised by tragic lullaby - 50xp (Delayed damage death)

    BONUS DEATH: during rounds 2 and 3 Leviatia will have Brambleskin up - approach her with near death health and hit her with a gentle melee tap to receive this bonus death. Cut By Small Thorns - 50xp
    Last edited by Deldaron; 03-19-2021 at 12:29 PM. Reason: change photo links

  2. #2
    Senior Member Deldaron's Avatar
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    For a visual marker of where the stations are:

    Station 1:

    Volunteers: Malechna and Halutark

    Station 2:

    Volunteers: Bromohexual and ZedZed

    Station 3:

    Volunteers: Gregooey and Melekurion

    Station 4:

    Volunteers: Barahon and Leviatia

    Big shout out to my models Dante87 and KrissyMarie and to all the volunteers for this event. Sorry for the wall of text, but hope to see you all there!
    Last edited by Deldaron; 03-16-2021 at 09:03 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Deldaron's Avatar
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    Realized the images only showed up on my computer - changed the share source to imgur so they should appear now

  4. #4
    Senior Member Daguin's Avatar
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    Really excited for this! Thanks for putting it together spooders.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Deldaron's Avatar
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    Excited for the event tomorrow! Also if you are participating and don't have the death Rotted From Within - the first time bonus is missing from the wiki so this could be a good time to document it If anyone has any questions before the event starts please let us know!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Deldaron's Avatar
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    Jack just popped into global and said the portal from Serbule to Fae Realm will likely be near Azalak to the North of Serbule Keep - I'm still planning to gather around the well prior and head north around 2PM EDT

    Last edited by Deldaron; 03-20-2021 at 05:34 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Deldaron's Avatar
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    Update: Its in serbule by the PvP mantis I'm dumb

  8. #8
    Junior Member Mjytresz's Avatar
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    Excellent event, Deldaron and company, and thank you Jackencola for the portal! It's really cool that you were all able to come together at one time on the equinox specifically.

    As for the feedback:

    1) I think it'd be very beneficial if there were lines next time. Otherwise, everyone crowds around the volunteers and some people end up waiting a lot longer. The downside to this is if you run out of pvp juice by the time it's your turn, forcing you to the back of the line, but that seems not too likely.

    2) I wish there had been more time for each round, as I couldn't get to every death. That being said, I still got over half of them, so I'm certainly not complaining. However, with the pvp juice active and the death cooldowns, as well as waiting for your turn to die, it was hard to make all 8 deaths the first two rounds. But I get that it's very hard to get all the volunteers together on a specific day and time.

    It was pretty chaotic overall, but I still think it was put together very well. There's just a lot of factors that can't be addressed, like people coming late, having eaten, not knowing what to do, etc. I know I had a great time, and it was especially funny seeing all the naked players "sneak" to their deaths while on the pvp juice.

  9. #9
    Junior Member vasus's Avatar
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    A wonderful event, thank you everyone for your hard work, it was a blast. As for feedback: At the start of the event, a lot of people understandably began with the first station, and it ended up being overcrowded while others sat nearly empty. I'm not sure if it would change anything, but I thought that ditching the numbers and instead calling the stations something like - Animal Station, Bard Station or just Station Halutark+Malechna could help.

    I'm excited for the next one! Cheers

  10. #10
    Junior Member Mysfit's Avatar
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    Great event. Thanks to all who worked to make it happen. You don't see server wide events hosted buy guilds on other games. Another reason this game is so awesome.

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