Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Banned overtyped's Avatar
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    Stop deleting my threads, i am not breaking the rules

    This is not a ticket, this is not meant to be a ticket, so fuck off with your thread deletion shit and active suppression. Yes i can say "fuck", it's an adult game. AT LEAST IT WAS WHEN I BOUGHT IT AND COULD STILL PLAY

    I first want to say that Project Gorgon is an amazing game, and the developer couldn't of done a better job.

    That said, some things have slipped through the cracks. You could even say the inmates have started running the asylum and turned project gorgon into something unrecognizable.

    I've played the game for a long long time, and I wasn't aware this was an issue until two weeks ago.

    I understand that unpaid moderators are as they say "unpaid" so it's hard to be picky.
    That said, when soft language such as "pathetic" or "inferior" or when first time offenses on the forum is the cause of swift moderator "justice", and in an adult game no less, then maybe that's a red flag.

    If instead this game were to be for 5-10 year olds, such language might be policed, however when the npcs themselves can say "fuck" or talk about sex, that means the language could be a bit looser?

    I fully understand that words like "pathetic" can cause drama. That said, as an adult game, we behave as adults, and there is a block button if you dislike when someone says something you don't like. As long as it's not aimed at anyone in particular shouldn't you be able to say what you wish within reason?

    Moderators are there to prevent racist language, hate speech, spam etc.

    It is in my opinion that perhaps the moderators job is not to protect their own feelings, and the feelings and sensibilities of others from such soft language by heavily policing the chat, each with own agendas.

    Am I wrong to think this is a issue?

    What I hope to achieve here is
    1: A clarification of acceptable language by the developer to prevent the inmates from continuing to run the asylum themselves.

    2: I'd like to know what the community thinks about the heavy language policing that is going on, or if you even knew it was going on at all.

    3: Instead of giving these unpaid moderators unlimited power ingame, maybe a new system where they are forced to give out warnings first for 1st time offenses, rather than the current system of instant 30 day or 90 day ingame bans might be a healthier alternative.

    Currently with these kind of lengthy first time warnings, I would imagine many people can no longer play the game they bought.

    There is a personal reason behind the making of this thread, but all attempts at posting even vaguely about it ended in bad results, and all without so much as a warning. Even just posting a link gets the thread deleted, so if you would like to see my own personal issues i experienced you can message me in pm and ill give u the link to it on reddit because they wont let me post the link here
    Last edited by overtyped; 10-22-2020 at 10:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    I am curious, where is the process are you designated as the one who determines what the moderators are there to moderate and I force?

  3. #3
    Junior Member Niqesse's Avatar
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    You may want to read this so you know what guides can do.

    Basicly any ban for more then a day isn´t from a guide

  4. #4
    Banned overtyped's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coglin View Post
    I am curious, where is the process are you designated as the one who determines what the moderators are there to moderate and I force?
    Not sure what you are trying to say, I can only read english.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niqesse View Post
    You may want to read this so you know what guides can do.

    Basicly any ban for more then a day isn´t from a guide
    If this is the case and the whole chain of command is on board with censoring mild language not aimed at any individuals, and dealing harsh 30/90 day ingame bans for first time offenses on the forums/reddit, then it truly is a pity. I did love this game.

    I wonder though, if this is what the developer himself envisioned for the game when he added curse words and sexual discussion from the npcs. It truly is a paradox if that is the case.
    Last edited by overtyped; 10-22-2020 at 12:58 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    Your warning and ban had nothing to do with curse words whatsoever. You keep adding that in, and trying to re-invent what happened, but it has nothing to do with your original mute. Or your subsequent ban that you earned from Jack. Your warning, and subsequent mute when you ignored the warning, were not about cursing. No one cares about cursing. As you point out why care about cursing when the npc's do it?

    Insulting people is something else entirely. You can read in the guide rules about stopping players from insulting other players. It leads to a toxic atmosphere that the developers wish to avoid. Your habit of calling all non-spiders "pathetic", and other words, would always get some resulting insults from other players. A guide asked you not to do it, that was your warning. You did it again and got a 15 minute global mute, and a warning. (Global mutes mean you can't talk in global but anything else still works). A mild reminder to not do that again. You should have accepted that.

    You then brought it here, and got Jack's attention and warned a ban.

    And you keep making it worse. That's all on you.

  6. #6
    Banned overtyped's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhaila View Post
    Your warning and ban had nothing to do with curse words whatsoever. You keep adding that in, and trying to re-invent what happened, but it has nothing to do with your original mute. Or your subsequent ban that you earned from Jack. Your warning, and subsequent mute when you ignored the warning, were not about cursing. No one cares about cursing. As you point out why care about cursing when the npc's do it?

    Insulting people is something else entirely. You can read in the guide rules about stopping players from insulting other players. It leads to a toxic atmosphere that the developers wish to avoid. Your habit of calling all non-spiders "pathetic", and other words, would always get some resulting insults from other players. A guide asked you not to do it, that was your warning. You did it again and got a 15 minute global mute, and a warning. (Global mutes mean you can't talk in global but anything else still works). A mild reminder to not do that again. You should have accepted that.

    You then brought it here, and got Jack's attention and warned a ban.

    And you keep making it worse. That's all on you.
    Do not discuss my ban here. If you would like to know what happened in my case I can give you a link, although I doubt you are interested, as I think you are baiting me to discuss this nonsense to get this thread removed.

    All i'll say is objectively speaking, let's say in a different game, if someone were to greet globally once a day with something, and then someone insults them in response, that is on the insulter, as the inciting comment was not aimed at anyone and thus conforming to the rules. Would you agree?
    Last edited by overtyped; 10-22-2020 at 01:58 PM.

  7.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #7
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    Man, you make everything so hard by being combative.

    You were asked to stop using your trademark joke phrase. When you did it again anyway, you were muted in Global for a few minutes. This outraged you. You made a thread, this one, https://forum.projectgorgon.com/show...e-or-non-issue where you screenshotted chat and played the victim card. Of course, you left out that you had already been asked to stop. That would have made you look bad.

    This sort of "appeal by misleading forum thread" is exhausting and a huge waste of precious dev time, which is why we don't allow it. That thread is what you were banned for.

    You were -- still are -- super pissed, so your email petition was full of more melodrama, like you were expecting a public apology and maybe a few people should get fired over it. In other words, it was full-on hostility. Obviously we are going to reject that.

    And now that you've shat all over my forum, the next step is a perma-ban. But I've I've seen you in-game. You're a good player and a valuable member of the community. I hate this outcome! That's why I haven't pulled the trigger on perma-banning you. Instead, I'm just going to close this last thread. I'm asking you to please de-escalate. This is the last warning I can give you.

    I know the chat restriction seems unfair. It falls into one of the gray areas of jokey insults, like "sup fags" or "hey bitches". Most people are fine with those, but they rub some people the wrong way. And our chat rules -- FOR GLOBAL CHAT ONLY -- err on the side of caution.

    Bottom line: yes, global chat is more restrictive than you would like it to be. Is it worth perma-rage-quitting over? If it is, I'm sincerely sad about that. Instead, I hope you can manage to live with the restrictions on chat, and come back in a couple weeks.

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