I love this - the buffs are neat. The fae realm candle making station doesn't really make sense to me, because if you can get to that station I would imagine you could easily get a semi-permanent premonition buff so it's unlikely this would be useful to you. I could see that candle being useful in mixed group dungeons to give people who haven't gotten premonition a temporary version of it though.
I hope to see the buffs expanded, I love that there is a max breath, body heat, and sprint speed option, but the core 3 (nature dmg, nature res, and crushing dmg) seem a little lacking and oddly specific. I think darkness resistance would be a natural fit for candles and maybe healing output? Unsure, but I love what's there so far

The bacon candle is cute, but I would like it expanded to "+x health from instant heal foods" instead of just bacon or add specific candles for other instant heal foods maybe with power instead so "+x power from oysters" or something.

Originally Posted by
My only fear about animal fat is that you are going to create a huge surplus of stomachs. Butchering was a dead skill. There was almost no reason to butcher a mob instead of skin it if you didn't have an immediate use for the meat. Hopefully this changes that equation a little bit - we really don't know what the fat supply is going to be like in a few months. So I'll hold off on judgment.
This is actually one of my favorite aspects of candle making in this update. I _HOPE_ that it breathes new life into butchering and makes stomachs more common and tanks their price. Stomachs were overpriced specifically because butchering came at a natural loss - skins were just so much more valuable. Now that choice is much harder to make and obviously I'm going full butchering at the moment. I didn't have much trouble with the first two tiers of fat. They're undeniably rare, but you also only need a set amount of them and particularly at the lower lvls where most of the xp comes from first time crafts. I think that for the first two tiers of fat they will end up selling for relatively cheap in the end if at all because of their limited use. Would be neat if butchering meats to lower qualities had a low chance of giving fat.
I just hit the early 50s on candle making and I'm a little worried about the 50-70 progression. The xp table grows quite a bit in these levels, but the first craft xp and per craft becomes comparably quite low. I'll know more throughout the week, but the only reliable place I can see getting tier 3 fat is gaz which obviously means a naturally slower grind than tier 1 and 2 and requires specialty gear. It's been fun to have a reason to run around Gaz again though, and I've been doing glowy yellow crystals and getting spruce and metals on the side. But there will come a point late in to the progression where tier 3 fats are no longer used and I think with their natural scarcity the market will suffer there and tier 3 fat will be quite expensive. I haven't gone grinding in Fae Realm yet though so I guess I should see if that gives a mix of tier 3 and tier 4 or if its 100% tier 4. If it's a mix we might see enough tier 3, but I'm hopping FR is all tier 4.
Also, candle making was the first time I felt that the more info tab gave too much info. I had fun exploring to find all the candle making station when I hit the appropriate level, but I knew exactly how many there were to find, which was helpful, but took away the mystery. I don't know if this is reason to take some information out of that, but it was something I felt worth commenting on. It was definitely helpful quality of life, but I was able to find all of them one the day after release because of this info.
I did have a question on the candle making stations - for the recipes they teach you you have to craft them there. The error notice you get felt obtuse and it took me a second to realize what it was telling me, which made me question if it was even intended to function that way. I like the concept of needing to be near the source of knowledge, but it's a little harsh on one of them in particular needing to be there to craft that candle (which is unsurprisingly I think the best candle). If it is intended I think the error message should read something more like "You must craft this as the candle making station you learned this skill at" instead of "you must be at a candle making station with $CandleMakingStationAttribute".
I also think the "You can place 1 candle at a time" is unnecessary since you can only have once candle buff up at a time. Currently, it's bugged and both buff duration and # candles are doubled, but dropping them at the Poetry Jam I had to trade to other players and I'm not sure what that limitation is supposed to add.