Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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    Senior Member Sims's Avatar
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    Update Discussion: September 10, 2020

    The update notes are here: https://forum.projectgorgon.com/show...tember-10-2020

    Discussion is in this thread! But please remember to report any bugs through the in-game reporting system so we can track them.
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  2. #2
    Junior Member Fhen's Avatar
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    Trying to follow the candle making logically, the first recipe states filthy animal fat and the description says "fat from a smallish animal".

    Having killed many smallish animals and many not so smallish, I have no fat to show for it. Is there a way to make it clearer or is the drop rate supposed to be so low?

  3. #3
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    Hogan’s Basement:

    This dungeon was great. A lot of times with retroactive dungeon releases, I find myself envious and thinking “I would have loved this when I was a new player” Although it’s short, I enjoyed the puzzle, and admittedly it took me over an hour to figure out how to get Rubgab’s chest, and I was rewarded with a yellow, 2 purples, and a red. It felt WORTH the effort, and the experience was executed in a non-exploitable way due to the cool-downs of how the puzzle is solved.

    Visually the dungeon felt in theme. The claustrophobic heights and small rooms work in a solo/puzzle style dungeon. I felt a little frustrated (partly at myself for trying to rush through, and partly from the dungeon being over-crowded due to its initial release) But once again. The reward balanced expectations, and although It doesn’t have a lot of repeat value to a max level player, I once again find myself wishing this was around for my first level 30 adventures.

    Goblin Dungeon Changes:

    I am glad that time and consideration was given to the Goblin Dungeon. The new “Eltibule underground” template is good, and worked well in Hogan’s Basement, however the claustrophobic feeling did not translate as well to a bigger, group oriented dungeon. The first thing I noticed was how short the ceiling is. I tend to play with the camera zoomed 75% to 100% out, and close to a 90 degree angle. The previous goblin dungeon worked great for my play-style with its high ceilings, and wide hallways. With the new dungeon, the low arches every few meters caused some silly zoom in-zoom out effects that persisted throughout the top and bottom floors. I found myself struggling to find a camera angle for combat on the stairs that let me see where mobs were coming from. The boss room of the crystal boss felt un-finished.

    Let me add, that the visual of walking into the new fog room looked amazing. High ceilings, a wide open view of an epic room to have an epic battle in. The previous room was good, but this was a great improvement.

    I understand there is a fine line to walk with sizing in this world. Comically big rooms are hard to decorate, and hard to establish consistency across the zones & dungeons. The previous goblin dungeon had that feeling of being too big, and the new dungeon falls in line with a more grounded ratio across Alharth.

    One of my favorite dungeons in the game is the Serbule Sewers. Specifically the part with the slimes and dinos. It’s a very small dungeon but it still stands out as my favorite dungeon for scaling. It does not feel like a large space, and the “culvert” part of the dungeon offers a lower camera angle without feeling too zoomed in.

    As the dungeon stands now, I think its an improvement. I don’t think it’s critical, but my suggestions for improvement would be higher, smoother ceilings, and wider halls. I look forward to seeing it fully decorated!


    The long awaited level 80 dungeon. Let me start with my favorite part of the new dungeon:

    The Loot:

    Without going into every specific piece. I feel this was the biggest success of the patch. There was, of course, most of the same drops from the existing level 80 content, but the new gear is exciting enough to want to farm multiple pieces for multiple builds. The x-bow, the knife, the set bonuses, the base stats of the new set items, the new potions and racial items, the new crafting recipes. These feel like an advancement from level 70 gear, and open up the door to more combos, more unique opportunities, and alternate builds.

    I felt like I got a lot of treasure in the 4 hours I spent with my group. I got maybe 4 yellows, and if it helps with what you had in mind for drop rates, I was not able to get a single upgrade to my build within the new items I decided I wanted. This lets me know it will take some time to farm for what I want, and I’m glad to have reason to spend time in the new dungeon.

    The Monsters:

    I was very glad to see new monsters in the dungeons. [redacted]’s creations were my favorite addition. It was fun to be swarmed by these weaker mobs. My least favorite were the darkness fairies, even though they had all the loot I wanted. They felt like they were hitting too hard. The group I was with could easily be described as “over-powered” and if any of us got hit with a ranged stun, it was a guaranteed death. The rest of the monsters, however, maybe seemed too easy. Perhaps a balancing solution would be more quantity or more HP, not more damage coming from them.

    I noticed that some mobs had reduced call for help range. It brought strategy to the dungeon, especially with the darkness fairies, which I’m sure in time will evolve into “The Best Practiced Strategy”

    The dungeon’s variety felt similar to Fae Realm’s elements with the different themes for different areas. I was hoping for new monster assets, especially for a boss. Zuke is one of the most iconic bosses in the game. The necromancer’s leading up to him, the epic new boss battle music, and of course his sprite and combat animations. I understand half of that comes at a monetary cost. The new dungeon felt missing that level of epicness from the monsters.

    In the group I was in, we had one boss that was a challenge, and the only challenge. They were immune to everything except 3 elements. We were still able to overcome them on the first attempt, and It was an enjoyable experience.

    The Map:

    It’s hard to give an in depth review of a dungeon that I’ve only spent an afternoon in, so I’m going to limit my feedback to only first impressions, and I plan to revisit this after I spent more time with different players in Wintertide.

    As higher level dungeons advance in this game, I’m glad that added challenges come with it. High level players should be used to overcoming environments, and varying resistances of mobs. This dungeon had every one in my group saying “I’m useless in this section” which led to opportunities for everyone to be the DPS hero.

    The atmosphere of the space-ship like map feels a little out of place in a fantasy based MMO. This is once again a first impression. I entered the dungeon with my Fae character, and really enjoyed the added lore, dialogue, and indoor flight. It gives a new sense of how big this world can be. I think if this style of map is limited to this one dungeon, it might remain to feel a little out of place.

    Thank you for creating another dungeon without too painful of a chest system. Labs and GK both have chest gimmicks that add a lot more planning to just going on a dungeon run. Most of the Labs runs I’ve been on lately don’t even ask. We just run to Asterion and Claudia. I’m excited to test out the new dailies, and changes to Labs. With GK, the amount of keys in the group usually determines which way the dungeon run is going to go, and usually ends up with 1 or 2 members not getting to accomplish what they wanted to.

    With Wintertide, the variety of keys needed is the variable, but all of them can be farmed until the group gets all the chests in one area, then can move on to the next. It harbors sharing in the group, and gives purpose to dungeon runs. I felt the loot from the chests was decent, but once again, I didn’t get any of my dream pieces checked off in one day.


    I enjoyed the release of Wintertide. I think my favorite updates are those with new new maps, and we got 3 new areas to explore. For the most part, this caps out the level 80 experience, and caps out Fae Realm, which is bitter sweet to me.

    When GK came out, It wasn’t long before I felt I was ready to move forward to level 80 content. Then some time later we got Fae Realm, and with it came avenues to craft, and farm for your level 80 build. This was different than GK, as most of us were still rocking 60 gear when GK came out. Going into the dungeon with gear already in place perhaps took away some of the struggle for established players. New players reaching 80 for the first time will have an entirely different experience, and realistically, this is tailored more towards them than to players in my shoes.

    As it stands, I feel like I would rather see more level 80 content than moving straight to 90. I guess that means I want to spend more time exploring the Fae Realm than past zones, so kudos on that.

    Thanks again for pushing to get this update out.

  4. #4
    Senior Member cr00cy's Avatar
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    Hogan Keep Dungeon:

    Hogan Keep dungeon was fun, I liked hunt for keys, I liked how it looked. Fact its multi-floor dungeon can make it a bit confusing to naivgate for some people, I personally didn't had any problems. I wont speak about difficutly, since I don't have any build for that level. I think named mobs could use some better drops.

    I'm not sure if nerfing AH pets was warranted. Quick check of my stable showed that bears(Ice, Polar, Tundra, Graz, The Magnifier, Grottofang, all around lv 70) lost about 100 armor and 150-200 health. Thats not small amount, efpecially considerign that Bears are 'tanks' of AH, and they dmage, and specially skilsl ar enot as powerfull as other pets. Those nerfs hurts them the most, since other pets usually are not ment to hold aggro. I dunno, I'll try them out and see, but I really don't like this change.

  5. #5
    Junior Member ScorpicusBlue's Avatar
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    Spoiler Spoiler:

  6. #6
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    AH changes—

    I’m on the fence about it. I think it’s the right call though, especially if there is more HP/Armor to be had with genetics. Most players can make an AH build while totally disregarding any of the +Hp/armor mods. My big concern is unnatural wrath, which if you get 2 of the trauma dot mods could really be dangerous. But I think I said it was dangerous before the HP change!

    Winter Tide—
    With the combat changes it’s hard to really gauge how hard everything is. Preparation wise, I went in with darkness potions and my UA build has 1 of the darkness mods, I meditated for fire and just had the other thick armor potions, mitigation potions + I went into the zone with a piggy, skins. Just the whole 9-yards, the group probably could have handled level 95 content.
    First impression, I was concerned WT was going to be a snooze fest until the initial overcrowding of ~4 groups in the middle area fixed itself. Size wise, it feels like the first floor of GK. The Ensigns are clearly the hardest mobs, and I think that’s good. The rage attacks from 2 ensigns can be described as nuclear levels of damage. A modded Barrage being an AoE nice attack + generic helm rage-debuff is really strong now, and puts them in their place. The elemental damage of the zone make it difficult to choose between going in with cold, darkness, or fire meditation buffs, which is a plus.

    I think the area with the bears is clearly the easiest, and a group of 3 people can start off there as they recruit more players. I recall no easy starting area being the biggest complaint of GK when it first came out, and it looks like that feedback was applied here.

    There was a good balance of NPC resists, in 1 area cold was a dud, in the other fire was a dud. Vs one boss my group had no real significant DPS unless we used debuffs, this meant the fight was slow but we won.

    The highest floor with aberrations could use a higher density of monsters though. Even without other people, I felt it could have just used more. This could be a good place for some type of quick-reset ring-event that just spits out monsters when they hit a device. Or maybe the opposite of a swarm of monsters until you turn something off, like in the goblin dungeon with the crystals.

    I still need to test the overall combat changes with elites. I think it’s good to shift the player’s mindset away from the thinking of, “the only tank combos possible have perfect 2 tanking skills, with max enchanted yellows and a healer similarly geared” to something more reasonable and approachable, and I think that is what the goal was with the elite changes.

  7. #7
    Junior Member zeroryouko's Avatar
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    I'm still working my way through the new stuff, but I just wanted to second the above comment that the ceiling height in the Hogan's Keep and revamped Goblin dungeons does feel very low. I like to play zoomed out a fair bit, to avoid motion fatigue, and maneuvering in these tight spaces does make me a bit dizzy.

    One other thing I noticed - there seem to be random slowdowns now where the FPS will drop as low as 20 (usually more like 30-40). These are accompanied by grainy graphics and motion blur. I'm not sure if this is a bug per se, as it could just be my older hardware, but I never had an issue before last night's patch and I haven't changed the graphics settings. For some reason also, these slowdowns seem to happen only in certain areas - Serbule and Rahu have them severely, but Eltibule, Kur, Red Wing Casino, and the dungeons don't.

  8. #8
    Member Jester's Avatar
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    I'm a bit confused about the filthy animal fat required for candle making. All I know for sure is that it comes from butchering. Is it only small animals? And are some zones more plentiful than others?

  9. #9
    Senior Member Ranperre's Avatar
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    I'm undecided about the elite damage changes. My gut reaction was that it's unnecessary, but maybe GK is intended to be as "easy" as you appear to be making it for a group of 80's now. At the same time, WT felt reasonable damage-wise.

    My only fear about animal fat is that you are going to create a huge surplus of stomachs. Butchering was a dead skill. There was almost no reason to butcher a mob instead of skin it if you didn't have an immediate use for the meat. Hopefully this changes that equation a little bit - we really don't know what the fat supply is going to be like in a few months. So I'll hold off on judgment.

    On player speed changes... Your game, your rules. That said, I don't feel like it's fair to put me (and others) in a position to make a new speed/run set that will be trashed as soon as you get mounts working. I understand you don't intend the game to be played by running around in the long term, but it's a matter of fact that they're the correct and only way to traverse the game world right now.
    Last edited by Ranperre; 09-11-2020 at 06:33 PM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Celerity's Avatar
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    I really love a lot of things about wintertide. I've only done 2 runs so far but I intend to do a lot more in the future. Dungeon spoilers ahead:

    Spoiler Spoiler:

    I miss the run speed switching. I understand it's necessary to pave the way for mounts and it was probably too op for surveying, but it's something that's going to take a while to get used to, especially in dungeons where I would switch to bc and pop a haste concoction, then switch back all the time. Now runs without a bc or druid in the group are going to feel really sluggish. It is nice that you can fly in wintertide though, even though it doesn't benefit me directly.

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