Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.
The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
Just want to chime in and say I am that player that just checks until I find a fair price. Sometimes, there's 10+ sellers and I'm just not interested in that much running around. That said, I think the map could do with an update so it lists where the different sellers are, A B C etc. I waste more time taking wrong turns than actually checking out the sellers lol.
As a note of what should be obvious, Project Gorgon does not exist in a vacuum. The game MUST find a careful balance between the two systems, or a player may determine that the game does not value their time. Once the wonder of the initial game wears off and they try to settle in, if the player is still on the fence, it may be enough to turn them away.
Right now I avoid Serbule market as much as I can unless I really need something. That place is a lag fest in the best of times. Frame skip can dramatically sour the already grating experience. Has anyone ever mentioned that the shop golem is a PITA. It has been a few months since I last logged in, but I've not seen any notes on a revisit of the shop golem interface.
This is my personal opinion. Take it as you will. I don't play these games as a market simulator. There are a million things all trying to get my attention and a piece of my time. If the game is fun, that's enough for a while, but everything runs thin eventually. If i leave because I felt annoyed greatly by some system then that is what I'm going to remember the next time I consider the game. Those other million things haven't decreased either, so I'll pass on returning or suggesting to friends to get the game.
As a note of what should be obvious, Project Gorgon does not exist in a vacuum. The game MUST find a careful balance between the two systems, or a player may determine that the game does not value their time. Once the wonder of the initial game wears off and they try to settle in, if the player is still on the fence, it may be enough to turn them away.
Right now I avoid Serbule market as much as I can unless I really need something. That place is a lag fest in the best of times. Frame skip can dramatically sour the already grating experience. Has anyone ever mentioned that the shop golem is a PITA. It has been a few months since I last logged in, but I've not seen any notes on a revisit of the shop golem interface.
This is my personal opinion. Take it as you will. I don't play these games as a market simulator. There are a million things all trying to get my attention and a piece of my time. If the game is fun, that's enough for a while, but everything runs thin eventually. If i leave because I felt annoyed greatly by some system then that is what I'm going to remember the next time I consider the game. Those other million things haven't decreased either, so I'll pass on returning or suggesting to friends to get the game.
Just Saying.
Nobody wants the market to be laggy or for the Golem to have an unfriendly interface. This thread is about adding a feature to the game, not people demanding the marketplace stays laggy or the search function should be messed up. If you want to throw around threats about quitting because the shopping Golem's text doesn't wrap around properly you should use the suggestion box in game instead, nobody's going to argue with you on that.
"You are looking for some fast Expert Metal Slabs and you are given a list of who sells them. Running from shop to shop allows you to browse what other items there are. OH crap I need Copper Ore also to make that Ring! OH wow, I don't have that recipie or skill. Wow I could use those ??'s at a great price."
This is so accurate.
The current system is a bit of a compromise, but it works very well. It works on both information, and lack of information. There is enough there to make you seek out vendors, but it also means you are shopping around, noting what people have, who prices less on some items, who prices more. Countless times I've spent 10x what I mean't to spend because I saw things at a decent price and decided to grab them rather than farm them.
The limitation to vendor size means a lot of us specialize and that adds character to the system. Some have just gems, some vegetables. Others just a mix of what they tend to farm but don't need. Over time you get a feel for the market.
A system like you had in the EQ1 bazar would result in people easily controlling the pricing, buying up low priced rare items to relist higher, and dumping everything else for nothing. That doesn't happen as much in PG because the system has limited the number of items we can list, and we have limited info on pricing. I think it's a good compromise.