Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Junior Member Nielser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corinthia View Post
    Just checked and, indeed, I have the same problem as OP. I run on Windows 10 with a decent system. I'm not sure if this began with the last update or not though.

    I tend to play intermittently, and am always having to relearn the mouse behavior and any selection box issues. I was thinking this was just a matter of my clumsiness, but see that is exactly what is happening with the cursor.

    However, I will be the first to say that, over time, optimization gets better and better, and bugs get addressed. I hope you can be patient. It's a great game.
    Thanks for the lovely response, I really appreciate it.

    I'm sorry to hear you're having the same issue. For me however this is actually kind of a relief hearing from someone having this exact same issue. I do really think this is a great game and I already know for a fact that it's constantly being optimized.

    I am kind of on the edge right now though. On one end I feel like it's worth the wait and I want to support the game. On the other end it really seems like this has been an issue for a long time and like it's not going to be fixed anytime soon or perhaps at all. A post on this forum from 2017 had a very similar issue and a dev replied saying they were planning on adding an experimental in-game cursor. It's 2020 now and it's still not been done. As Silvonis stated in his response, the dev(s) feel like this is not in their hands and are waiting for Unity to fix the current cause of the issue.

    A lot of complaining, but I really wish to see this game thrive and I think this 'hands-off' mentality is making that a lot more difficult. That is what it currently looks like to me with the context I have. I very much hope that I am wrong and this and several other issues holding people back(The Steam discussions are filled with people saying they're waiting with buying until things get fixed) might get fixed in the near future. This game would probably explode

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    Administrator Silvonis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nielser View Post
    I do think however that the problem could be fixed on your end considering most other Unity games don't have this issue.
    Based on reports, the issue has been reported in many other Unity based games. Unfortunately, we can't fix bugs in the Unity Engine itself - no one can (outside of Unity themselves). I can assure you, it would have long been addressed - if possible.

    That said, are you willing to record an HD video of the issue? If you could narrate what buttons you are pressing, as you are pressing them, that would be fantastic. You can post it as unlisted on YouTube and you can DM me the link (if you don't want it publicly posted).

  3. #13
    Junior Member Nielser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silvonis View Post
    Based on reports, the issue has been reported in many other Unity based games. Unfortunately, we can't fix bugs in the Unity Engine itself - no one can (outside of Unity themselves). I can assure you, it would have long been addressed - if possible.

    That said, are you willing to record an HD video of the issue? If you could narrate what buttons you are pressing, as you are pressing them, that would be fantastic. You can post it as unlisted on YouTube and you can DM me the link (if you don't want it publicly posted).
    I'll try to make the video right now, the rest I might respond to later. It is an interesting discussion in my opinion.

    Oh one more thing I keep forgetting. I was experimenting with settings and I noticed that when I hide the UI, I can no longer interact with the game at all using the mouse. Not even rotating. This could be normal I don't know, but I wanted to add that.
    Last edited by Nielser; 08-02-2020 at 11:19 AM.

  4. #14
    Junior Member Daela's Avatar
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    I've had the same or at least similar issue I think. I played during Alpha and just started playing again in the past couple of weeks. The issue has persisted for me the entire time. It isn't as much of an issue out in the world but in Serbule and particularly the Keep it occurs. I can press W to run forward and hold right click and 'mouse-steer' myself. Similar mechanics as other MMOs. All of a sudden I'll be pointing in some other direction. Most of the time the direction I was coming from.

    When pressing right-click and running the mouse pointer disappears, right after I end up facing some other direction, the mouse pointer is visible in the center of the screen although I'm still holding the mouse button down. I've suspected that it's the pointer re-centering and spinning me to face that direction. I've just tried to train myself to not use mouse-steer when in town and just turn with A and S while running. Not ideal and frustrating but the MANY positives of the game outweigh this frustration for now.

    More than once I've entered the Serbule Keep to exit town heading south and walk outside and I'm back in town because of the spinning and getting all turned around in there. I try to not use mouse-steer in town but it's a hard habit to break. ;p

    EDIT: Just looking through forums a bit today and what I experience is very similar to what is described in this post as well:
    Spinning around ; Lag
    Last edited by Daela; 08-03-2020 at 12:46 PM.

  5. #15
    Junior Member furl's Avatar
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    Hi, same issue here.
    Quick and dirty video: https://furl.frl/share/?i=vwlUr1hn38672438H3ykXTIY.mp4

    The issue is only present when moving the camera.
    My speculation is that it only occurs when the cursor is hidden, as the issue is not present when performing other "dragging" actions like rearranging UI windows.
    Unhiding the cursor just defaults it to (0,0) which should be center.
    Making the game window strange resolutions/ratios (try 5000x20 pixels) still defaults to center without offset)
    Putting the game window not in monitor center does not affect cursor position. It still snaps back to game window's center.

    I'm on windows 10 build 18362 (latest?) with very gamer-y mouse settings (no accel, no fancy stuff)
    I've written a little piece of code that does mouse inputs. Issue persists and should rule out hardware/driver issues because of this.

    Some Google research from my end is inconclusive - some blame unity, some blame Windows, some suggest magic.
    For what it's worth I vaguely remember a similar thing in Tera where you can (un)lock cursor, which also reset. Tera does not use Unity.
    There are some other games I play that do run on Unity that do not have this issue. Those games run on various versions of Unity ranging from 2016 to latest.

    I will test soon™ on Linux just to get more info.

    Happy to help if needed.

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