Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Figger1's Avatar
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    Property Extract Error

    I was trying to extract a property from a helm. I had all the materials and skill to do it. The property was "Positive attitude add +4 sprint ( out of combat )" and it was on a helm and i used 20 medium helm contraptions and a tourmaline gem and got the message that there was no psychology property on the item to be extracted and it destroyed the item. It isnt easy to find a certain property on a certain item, it took a week or so to find it and now it is gone.

    The exact error message was "Fiery goblin cap of calefaction did not have any powers that could be extracted with tourmaline! The item was lost.
    Last edited by Figger1; 04-19-2020 at 08:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member Gruffon's Avatar
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    That mod in particular is a level 30 mod; you'll need to use small contraptions to extract it using the 1-30 extract augment recipe. A couple of mods are a little tricky like that. They'll show up on equipment at level 1-30 or 31-60 and don't scale according to level, so you'll see those "low-level" mods show up on the highest-level equipment, and the correct tier of contraption will need to be used accordingly

  3. #3
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    In order to find the level of a mod, use the wiki.

    For example, for this mod go to http://wiki.projectgorgon.com/wiki/P...easure_Effects (or go to the Psychology page and expand the Treasure Effects table, but don't go to the 'By Slot' or 'By Ability' pages -- those don't have level info).

    Next, find the treasure effect you are after. In this case use the search function on your browser to search for "Postive Attitude boosts" for example, to find the mod "Positive Attitude boosts your Out-of-Combat Sprint Speed by 4 for 60 seconds". This will show only the max-level mod (here level 30), and the option to Expand on the right which will show lower level, lower magnitude mods as well (in this particular case there is only one version of the mod, but in most cases various versions with different levels will be listed).

  4. #4
    Senior Member Figger1's Avatar
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    When I did it, I right clicked the helm and it automatically brought up the 31-60 extraction recipe, the positive attitude property was level 30 but it also had some level 40 properties of another skill. It should have fixed itself somehow to do the extraction. I did what it required me to do when I right clicked the helm and chose 'extract power'

  5. #5
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    When you right-click the item to bring the recipe up, the game has no way to tell if you want to extract a high-level mod or the low-level one.

    Maybe the solution is to have several tiers of this sprint mod, to avoid the problem.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Figger1's Avatar
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    or have it not delete the item when a problem like this happens.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Figger1's Avatar
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    I found another helm that had psychology level 50 with "Positive attitude add +4 sprint ( out of combat )" but it had 2 psych stats and of course it extracted the stat I didnt want.

  8. #8
    Member Silkt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alleryn View Post
    In order to find the level of a mod, use the wiki.

    For example, for this mod go to http://wiki.projectgorgon.com/wiki/P...easure_Effects (or go to the Psychology page and expand the Treasure Effects table, but don't go to the 'By Slot' or 'By Ability' pages -- those don't have level info).

    Next, find the treasure effect you are after. In this case use the search function on your browser to search for "Postive Attitude boosts" for example, to find the mod "Positive Attitude boosts your Out-of-Combat Sprint Speed by 4 for 60 seconds". This will show only the max-level mod (here level 30), and the option to Expand on the right which will show lower level, lower magnitude mods as well (in this particular case there is only one version of the mod, but in most cases various versions with different levels will be listed).
    Having to go to an out of game resource to prevent losing an item is extremely poor design, at worse until full polish release it should of just been a recipe fail " please submit feedback" like you get trying to DE a lvl 35 item with a lvl 30 skill, it should never result in item lost.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Mikhaila's Avatar
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    I spent some time messing with this mod and a few others yesterday. From what I can tell, when an item is made, the system checks the mods, and assigns the required levels for the item equal to the highest mod for each skill. This became apparent when I made an item with the +4 pscych mod and a resist knockback mod from unarmed. The item had requirements of 30 Psychology and 51 Unarmed. Those showed up because it had no other mods.

    These have to be dealt with according to their level.
    -To extract, use the skill and materials for their level
    -To change the mod, use the phlog of the correct level. In this case, you will just get a "Drat, you don't have enough" message.

    In the case of the extraction, the system seems check your components, and then if they are correct, see if you successfully do the extraction. Item is destroyed in any case. Since there is no mod that matches the materials, it fails.

    On the flip side, I made some decent quality items with psychology, got the mod, and easily extracted it. I have to test extracting it from a piece with level 80 mods and use level 30 materials. Using level 80 materials will always fail or take a compatible level 80 mod. I have several useless augments now. Just thought me luck was bad until I got the 51/30 item and it made me think.

    These mods are an oddity since the effect is the same for all levels of equipment. Just one more thing to figure out. It may result in a player losing a piece of gear now and then, but not that big of a deal, we just get more.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silkt View Post
    . Having to go to an out of game resource to prevent losing an item is extremely poor design
    I am curious, how did you determine it was a design choice and not a bug?

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