Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Sheawanna's Avatar
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    Tailoring /animal

    Had no intentions of posting , but feel its necessary .

    I leveled as many crafting skills as a animal can /without un unanimaling ( is this word ? ) .
    Why would you require Mollusc milk to do silk/textile for tailoring when no animal can milk ?
    Seems you left out 1/3 of your population for leveling beyond 70 tailoring . (sad I say sad . )
    Sure Wop , unless its used by how many peeps , how many snails in FR ? what about juices sure gather stacks for each animal . , ( no guarantee of crafting ranger ) .
    What if your one of those animals that waits twice a years to gather those juices ? or even waiting for a darn bite ? then wait hours to turn ( no way they are gathering any milk :P ) . Why oh why tailoring require milk ? do not all hats require tailoring ? damn straight they do .. and who wears there so called lovely hats ? ( except the horrid bat not a lovely hat ) . We animals !!!! we cant milk / we can't play instruments nor are we loved :P ..
    Tailoring is essential to all life , animals included . .. okay rant off ..

    Damn I love PG

    Love PG but can't gather wood either ( social distancing and all :P )
    Last edited by Sheawanna; 04-13-2020 at 08:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Ranperre's Avatar
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    Agree with the above (I know multiple people who've complained about this before), and will add:

    I want to quickly complain about snail milk in general. The issue is that it's so restrictive that it creates a bottleneck in the entire tailoring system. For the vast majority of other crafts, the bottleneck is vervadium or a special item (mercury, fae felt, we'll get to this in a bit). You can get 13.2 vervadium per day and most items require one vervadium or slightly more. So... you can make 10-13 items per day... unless you need to make basic tailoring items. Then you're limited by snail milk. 10 snails per 24 hours, an average of 6 fae silk per day, and some items require two fae silk per craft! It's so bad that it's easier to make nimble gear than normal non-special tailoring gear. This bottleneck isn't much of an issue right now because 80 gear is the endgame, but it'll become worse when people want to level past 80 (seriously, 3-6 crafts per day) or, god forbid, do work orders which have no possibility of offering more than 2-3k per craft (lol).

    The current system is modestly better than the previous 4 snails/hr, but it will get really bad as we move to 90 and 100 cap.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Vish's Avatar
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    but its tempolary system will be changed when more lvls limit will be unlocked

  4. #4
    Member Silkt's Avatar
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    I have for a long time said the 3 hour animal town timer is bullshit, now I think the whole list of animal restrictions need a complete design level review. I understand animal forms were originally intended to be difficult as they were a "Boss Curse". The only one that is truly a curse as only means of obtaining, baring the current event which I've never seen before, is Cow and to an extent bat, but it doesn't need a boss and is curable prior to form change.

    My last position before retirement was as a Quality Manager, the rules of that job, is Plan, Do, Check and Act. In this case design document = plan, code = do, forum feedback, bug submission = check, code changes = act. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDCA

    To me the first 3 stages are occurring but the 4th is only occurring on code errors, nothing is occurring as to whether the original design intentions are still suitable for what the project has evolved into.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    I do not understand how a You can claim that 1/3 of the community is left out of a crafting aspect, when you can clearly commissioned other players to farm those materials for you or purchase them from player vendors. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. it doesn't seem reasonable that you should get the benefits and boons of animal form and not have the drawbacks as well. If I am not in animal form and this do not have access to those bones and farm those materials to sell, then it is reasonable that I should reap the reward of such sales. On the same note as you have the boons of the animal forms, you are afforded the cost of purchasing the mats for me.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Dumdidum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ranperre View Post
    The issue is that it's so restrictive that it creates a bottleneck in the entire tailoring system..
    From what i understand from bits of chat of Jack ingame, the goal here is to make having endgame gear, especially the yellow ones, really really hard. Only for the most stubborn crafters/players. As such i think i understand what they are trying to do here.
    On the other hand, i never was a huge fan of dailies. And they start to add up in this game as well. Daily runs for silk, daily runs for yellow glowing crystals, daily runs for dungeons or elites. Granted, i am in no way forced to do them, and some of it can be offset by simply earning money a different way and buy it all. Still, no fan of such mechanisms. I rather have the droprate of needed materials made more rare, so the grind would take as long as the devs want it to take overall.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Sheawanna's Avatar
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    This does not just effect tailoring BTW, its also toolcrafting spring fairy gear .
    Spring fairy gear always used leather rolls n strips . Now it need fae silk .
    Saying, just buy it from players shops ? roflmao I did just that 30 fae silk for over 200k ( in reality only gives me 15 tries as many recipes use 2 fae silks ).. Price gouging anyone ? Yep stick it to the animals :P

    Benefits of being a animal do not equate to the drawbacks ( none of which I am complaining about with the exception of milking snails , which animals CANNOT do ) While on the subject of milking , Why CAN'T animals milk ? We nurse our young just as you humanoids do (we don't needs hands for that ) . Have you seen the size of those snails ? geez even the hefty cow could nurse those things

    You bards with your fine tales , your spinning and wails . proclaim all is a fuss ? be wary of the mighty gusts
    Last edited by Sheawanna; 05-04-2020 at 08:33 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheawanna View Post
    Saying, just buy it from players shops ? roflmao I did just that 30 fae silk for over 200k ( in reality only gives me 15 tries as many recipes use 2 fae silks ).. Price gouging anyone ? Yep stick it to the animals :P
    I do not understand what you are trying to say here. You list a nominally low cost of Fae Silk. Are you trying to make my point or support it? or ar you suggesting because it is not worth that value to you that your complaint is not particularly serious or important to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheawanna View Post
    Benefits of being a animal do not equate to the drawbacks
    You appear to confuse your subjective opinion for that of objective fact. you are literally relating an obviously subjective perspective as if it was a subjective fact.
    You get combat benefits in an animal form with no combat drawbacks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheawanna View Post
    While on the subject of milking , Why CAN'T animals milk ? We nurse our young just as you humanoids do (we don't needs hands for that ) . Have you seen the size of those snails ? geez even the hefty cow could nurse those things
    Can you show me a clip or scene in-game of an animal nursing their young in this game? Or evidence in lore that it occurs or works this way in this world?

    So in a game in which you can shoot fireballs out of your hands, you want to use real-world logic as your argument for a change? So you are okay setting logic aside that you can turn to a cow, but want physics warped so that you can milk yourself? I would appreciate if you could justify the contradiction here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sheawanna View Post
    You bards with your fine tales , your spinning and wails . proclaim all is a fuss ? be wary of the mighty gusts
    As much as I appreciate the attempt, us bards prefer you do more then just rhyme. We actually prefer you are saying something of value or making a statement.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Sheawanna's Avatar
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    Using real world already exists within the game ( humanoids milking cows is that not what we do in RL ?
    As for combat benefits already exists for both animal and non animals .
    Again you say bards do more then rhyme ( great awesome , maybe I should offer you a cardboard cookie )

    What I am saying unequivocally is that mollusk milk is a issue for all , by far more so for some animals then for others !!!!
    All facts and not some rhyme !!!
    Last edited by Sheawanna; 05-04-2020 at 04:05 PM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Please keep it calm and civil.

    There are 2 or 3 other ways to loot fae silk other than making your own, ways that are open to animals. The demand is high because everyone at the high levels are grinding crafting, and making top end gear, once most people are beyond it the demand will probably level off. Probably find even more of it in used tabs. We don't have an overview of the data or info on planned areas so it is difficult to know if there are going to be workarounds or an eventual glut of fae silk or the ingredients to make it on the market.

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