As the title says...
Includes regular pets and undead necro pets. Thoughts?
As the title says...
Includes regular pets and undead necro pets. Thoughts?
Unless the owner is skilled at controlling pets, eventually they will bring a train on your group and you wipe. Given that AH and necro aren't particularly powerful or group friendly, right now I'd say no.
Niph was being.... lets just say more generous than Richard Pryor in the movie Brewsters Millions generous.... Pets in addition to everything else, low damage hard to control, basically useless, also have the added benefit of slowing your group down because it either A gets stuck and you need to resumon or if you are really lucky and it does attack, it keeps attacking the corpse... for like 10 seconds after mob is dead keeping you in combat longer so you are unable to regain power from food slowing your party down even more. In the current form, if you want to be on everyones bad player list then feel free to bring a pet to a dungeon. Until they fix it just bring something else..... ANYTHING even if it is 15-20 levels lower it is well worth it.
I'm only around level 55 with my core skills right now, and yeah, pets can be tough.
Full list of problems:
- Your pet will actively try to resist your orders, always attacking anything that gets directly on top of it.
- There is no way to hotkey each pet stance.
- The more pets you have, the more buttons you have to click before and after every engagement. Basically, if you are soloing, it's a slog, and if you are in a group, you cannot be the one pulling mobs if you want to save time.
- Sometimes the UI bugs out and clicking the stance icons does nothing. I can't figure out what causes this but it's permanent until you log out. If you get this bug, you then have to right click on each of their names in the pet window to change their stances for that session.
- Every time you hit the "close last panel" hotkey to close other temporary game menus, you can accidentally close the pet window as well, meaning you now need a good hotkey for toggling it back on so that you don't waste time pulling it back up.
- The UI cannot be locked, so you often drag the pet UI element around on accident.
This last note is a bit of a pro/con hybrid, but a large number of the treasure mods for pets are "snapshotted". Meaning that you don't have to keep the gear on to retain their benefits. This is cool in the sense that you don't have to gear for it on your main set. But it also takes away the sense of value of speccing into them, and compounds your inventory size. If you don't snapshot, you feel as though you aren't being efficient, but if you do snapshot, you feel as though you are exploiting and now you have less inventory space. It just doesn't feel good either way.
Last edited by Delfofthebla; 01-31-2020 at 10:46 AM.
There have been 1 or 2 players who have done OK grouping in dungeons e.g. Gazluk, but it took a lot of micro-management for them to do so.
Pets in dungeons are not suited to a relaxed play style, or the fainthearted.
I'd never use whilst grouped with others inside.
If I'm alone a Golem healing and buffing I could live with perhaps. Or maybe the shambling corpse if I'm using a Necro Mage kind of thing.
Pet AI and mechanics are not fun, you will die because of them.
Incorrect. "YOU" will die because of them. "I" micromanage them so that no one dies because of them. Pet AI is mediocre at best in any game I have ever played. For the most part, pet mechanics such as the functioning of Animal Handling skills and variety are great in my opinion. Having skill and ability variety in pets, even in necromancy is really nice in my opinion. I hope it will only improve as the game progresses out of beta in a year or two.
March 9 patch notes say the pets are going to be more responsive or atleast stay near the pet owner now, also a bunch of other things.
Probably going to change my Answer to Yes pets can be used in dungeons and it won't be terrible