Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Member Clip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentBbrian View Post
    Solo stuff is garbage, it seems everyone in here knows it.
    I've found that you can gather crafting and quest resources pretty effectively solo, even as a mid-power character, but yes, the solo gear drops are so poor as to be irrelevant to any reasonable progression.

    Quote Originally Posted by AgentBbrian View Post
    Gota get 25 skill in 5 skills to be able to augment - distill/phlog the gear to tweak the armor, so eventually you are doing crafting for gear anyway, that's forgetting you have to skill up those augment skills to be able to do that and jump through a quest to unlock it in a zone that will literally kill you for being there.
    I hate crafting in games...
    Project Gorgon is definitely a treadmill-heavy game where you have to do lots of different activities to reach a goal, but that's a big part of its appeal. Don't give up! A lot of us find that to be a fun part, where everything from gardening to nature appreciation has some absolutely essential role in the web of skills that support putting your character together.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mbaums View Post
    Augments dropping is great. I think I overall agree with less elite drops, but you don't want to make grouping pointless compared to crafting. You also need more types of mobs, so that players focused on 1 slot, like a lute, and can farm it in a reasonable amount of time. Also, you'll probably want more named solo monsters in the open world with the higher loot chances.
    Hahaha, I remember choosing Unarmed as a noob thinking "oh, that'll probably be more flexible" and now needing two rare drop items, one for each hand slot, for many builds. Lutes might be even worse than katar/claw, but I cry a little every time a mob drops a nice sword, bow, or crossbow, when I'm still equipping the (admittedly, gold) katar/claw from GK charity runs in 2018.

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    One of the changes in the next update is relevant here: random augments will drop in loot.
    That does sound great! I found the 0-65 gear drops pretty okay overall, but I did also start hoarding run speed augments to give to low-level players needing their first speed boost. That'll add a nice incentive to keep people thinking about augmenting to attach them as they level, too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    It's not intentional that solo loot is "pointless" compared to group loot
    That's encouraging to hear! I think it's more fair to say that solo loot just isn't relevant to the max level, gear-driven advancement process, on any time scale that a human being can experience. Even playing 40+ hours a week, (which really isn't healthy and makes me worry about my PG friends and myself when it happens), won't give you a sense of advancement on that particular treadmill.

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    Solo monsters also need a bit more oomph, too, but not all monsters need the same thing. Loot is very personalized, and VERY complex. Every monster has its own loot profile, and many solo monsters just need some general tuning up
    Sounds encouraging, too. I was never aiming for one of the 6-7 augments-per-slot max-enchanted builds that the uber-players settle on. I was just hoping for some way of trying ANY build in a way that had beating up mobs as a fun part of the mix.

    It's the rate of purple/gold gear drops that's the sole obstacle that I ran into. Those critical gear pieces simply don't drop at any appreciable rate from solo combat.

    A modest goal, relative to other players you usually interact with and are sharing their builds, is to get something (not Zuke's ring or anything special), with base stats that don't conflict with the build in each slot, and have most of them be at least purple, with a fair chance of a couple gold rarity pieces in there.

    Once you have those pieces, you're going to join the club of spending weeks or months augmenting, rerolling, repairing, and sharing the pain of the RNG results in chat.

    And thinking ahead just a little bit, you're going to feel like an idiot if you spent months rerolling a red piece of gear to have a useful purple or gold drop soon after, in a group.

    But! That will consume dozens or hundreds of Large Prisms, and thousands of phlog, and where do those, the prisms especially, come from? Rare gear drops. Again, something that solo combat rewards too poorly (without even comparing to any other option), to even feel like you're on a treadmill at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    Anyway, figuring out how to improve solo loot will take time, and I'll do it in steps. The next steps are in the next update!
    Sounds good! Thanks for all the hard work! I understand that might put this particular issue more in the 2021 time frame, but it's always good to have some hope.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Sheawanna's Avatar
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    @Citan agree more tufts perhaps 5 in Gaz as Kur drops 1 . .yet Kur is 40 zone Gaz is 70 .

  3.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #13
    Administrator Citan's Avatar
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    Ugh. I'm tired of this petty cat-fighting, every thread seems to devolve into it, and I'm just going to start deleting posts that are off-topic. Sorry if I also delete something important you wanted to say -- feel free to repost it without snark and bitching. I know snark and bitching is natural, and I'm not really a fan of censoring, but I just can't handle it. I have to read all this stuff, and if your posts put me in a bad mood, it disrupts my day. That means I end up just glossing over certain posters because they constantly put me in a bad mood. I can't afford that. I have work to do. (Ever wonder why dev teams don't seem to read forums very often? Because it's physically exhausting. Weird but true. In other jobs, I've sometimes had producers tell me not to read the forums at all because it can sink productivity so bad.)

    Thank you for your understanding.


    I didn't make it clear enough before, but purple and gold items are inherently overpowered items. I balance around a good set of red gear (that is, red gear with well-chosen mods). That's why I said that the drop rate of purples and golds is too high in groups -- those items can break the power curve, and when you're in all gold, you're VERY overpowered.

    It feels good to be overpowered, though, and I want to let you beat the game's difficulty curve. This is a game where you SHOULD be able to stomp the crap out of enemies if you try hard enough. But I am not obliged to make that easy. And I won't be making it easy. In fact I'd sooner drop gold-tier items from the game than make gold the balancing standard. Seriously. Those items already make my life VERY difficult while balancing. (e.g. "This content is too hard for a balanced group... but if even one group member has all golds, then it's too easy...")

    Now, getting a good set of red gear IS a bit too hard at high level when you're just soloing. I acknowledge that and I'm working on it. But I'm not going to be handing out purples and yellows like candy.


    Also, please consider how you frame your complaints. If you're complaining that it's hard for a max-level player to get amazing gear, you are NOT a newbie player. If you have even one skill over level 60, you are most definitely not a newbie. I know there are other players with REALLY overpowered gear sets, and everyone wants to be like them, but their existence doesn't make you a newbie. It makes them crazy overpowered, yeah, but some of them have put THOUSANDS of hours into the game. Just... incomprehensible amounts of time. Even so, if you've played for 50 hours, you are not a newbie.

    Another framing problem: I mentioned this in another thread and I don't want to harp on it, but maybe I should: getting "only" a few hundred hours of gameplay out of an in-development MMO is GREAT by any reasonable standard. Stop trying to say that's not impressive. Stop pretending that you'll be able to play the same game literally forever. You can keep coming back and I'll keep adding stuff, but you'll eventually get bored and have to wait for new stuff. That's life. Not even WoW can keep people engaged literally eternally, so why would I be able to? Please be more reasonable with your framing.
    Last edited by Citan; 03-03-2020 at 07:05 PM.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    I have to read all this stuff, and if your posts put me in a bad mood, it disrupts my day.
    I hope I didn't do that! It wasn't my intent and this game is awesome!

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    getting "only" a few hundred hours of gameplay out of an in-development MMO is GREAT by any reasonable standard.
    Aside from any other point, I was over 1,000 hours in game (not counting PG-related tool building) before I even started to think "you know, thing X is much more frustrating for me than other players" enough to really affect me. I HAVE seen those complaints and they are insane. Anyone complaining they didn't get a great experience for their purchase (and reward packages, and future VIP purchase) is crazy. I mean, for me, when horse lord opened up as an option, the game was already deep into "take my money!" fun/price territory and there's no other way to throw more cash at it yet.

    While I do disagree with the assessment of OP and tuning, that's certainly not worth dragging down dev morale. I thought that was a more modest request than the reaction indicated and I'm sorry. All the work is fantastic and thanks for it.
    Last edited by Clip; 03-03-2020 at 08:17 PM.

  5. #15
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    Okay, definitely off the original topic, but on topic for the whole taking-games-for-granted thing: we do need to be better at appreciating games over the long term. I didn't join the Dwarf Fortress Patreon because I desperately need to pick that game back up and watch my dwarves all go insane because I forgot to order adequate sock production again. You support it because that keeps development and the community surrounding it healthy and then other people get to enjoy it and maybe three releases down the road you'll pick it up again and find something new.

    The same applies to PG. Maybe parts of the game aren't the way you'd like them to be eventually, but it's still worth supporting the community effort, guilds, picking up a rewards package that falls in your price range, etc. Maybe that participation gets a bit esoteric at times, (*cough*, I #BlameTowers for staying up until 2AM semi-intoxicatedly making a javascript version of the boss intuition warning) but what matters is that you appreciate it.
    Last edited by Clip; 03-03-2020 at 08:59 PM.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    This is perhaps off-topic, but @Citan how far in extra-difficult content do you want to go? I remember that, a very long time ago, you said you don't want to have raids (encounters with a large number of players acting together) but you're open to discussing it. However, I don't remember that anything was said about having some of the content significantly more difficult than normal. That is, maybe, where Epic (purple) - or Gold! - would be expected rather than Red.

    I haven't returned to Borghild recently, but it seems to me it fits the bill. Hence I'm wondering if you rather tune it down than create similar content difficulty-wise.

  7. #17
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    Ok, I wanted to point out that purple/yellow gear is op, but Citan already did it. I just add that I personally wouldn't mind too much if yellows were dropped out of regular mobs drop tables, and instead purples drop rates were increased.

    Anyway, on the whole solo farming thing.

    I'm almost exclusively a solo player. For many reasons, not least important being that I seem to usually play when there's not many people in game, but that's beside the point.

    I got most of my gear from crafting. I agree it feels nice when the mob I killed or chest I opened drops items I can use, but it does not happen very often. Part of the reason is that I can very easily craft myself full set of max-enchanted armor, then transmute it so I have mods that I want - eventually. And as frustrating it is to be stuck in a mod loop (where transmutation just switches between two mods, both of which I don't want), I acknowledge that it shouldn't be too easy to max out your gear (though this mod-loop is still frustrating. would it be possible to somehow get rid of it?).

    But it's true only for craftable items. With the addition of Jewel crafting, we can fill most slots with crafted gear. Only problem is weapons.

    For example, in my wolf/unarmed build my main hand si lv 70 and my offhand is lv 60/70. Both are purple, both are augmented and translated to have (almost) all mods I wanted. I could probably work on them a bit more to really max-out, but I never saw a point in doing so.

    Now, I could complain that I never dropped any upgrades - I must admit, it always felt really hard to get unarmed weapons, especially claws, but that wouldn't be a truth. In fact, I dropped 80 yellow claws a few days after the Fae realm was released. The reason I stuck with my old ones, is because they come with +30% trauma damage (direct and indirect), which is perfect for my build.

    Since it serves me so well, I never felt the need to chase upgrades. Sure, many times I thought it would be nice to drop them, but I never felt I needed them. I don’t remember the last time I actually went out too farm for gear, nowdays when I farm it's just for crafting materials. But one thing I noticed pretty quickly, is that some mobs/areas have very specific gear drop tables. For example, when I need skins, either for crafting or draining up vendor cash, I go to the worg cave in Gazluk (forget what it's called in the game). When farming there, I quickly noticed that mobs I kill drop mostly jewelry. In fact, I don’t think I ever saw non-jewelry drop from mobs in there.

    And that’s great. Because, If I wanted lv 60-70 amulet or ring for my build, I could go there, use WoP for better loot, and farm for some time, and I would eventually get what I want. Even when I just farm skins (usually for an hour or two) I get few purples, sometimes even yellow drop.

    It would be great, if there were more zones like that, with mobs that drop only a few specific gear types. Or just specific mobs - like when they use swords, they have much greater chance to drop swords than any other weapon.
    Last edited by cr00cy; 03-04-2020 at 07:11 AM.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    Based on how strongly Citan feels about yellow items… I think max-enchanted crafted items could be re-worked. Max enchanted should just up the rarity with no extra mod. Like the lowest is blue, highest is yellow and nothing extra. If it’s available, players will min-max themselves to where they think it’s expected to have yellow max enchanted gear with an augment tossed in and duo group content better than a full group can.

    Here is a snarky/no input version of the paragraph above, because that’s what internet forums breed:
    Remove YELLOW items?! Wait until you find out max enchanted! Scoff.

    Okay, no more jokes. One of the interesting parts of PG is pulling away from the pack in terms of power, the last maybe 5-10% of damage, vulnerabilities, inventory slots and whatever that comes outside of gear. New players don’t even realize this is a thing until lvl60+. I’m talking about the levels and miscellaneous synergies like Civic pride, notoriety, lore, endurance, iocaine resistance and whatever that is enjoyed by the dozens of thousands-of-hour playtime players. I just hope as drop-rates and average quality of player gear shifts around the skill-synergies is something protected and maybe even expanded upon.

  9. #19
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    It is my understanding that the chance of rare drops and crafts is going to decrease massively. It has been said that yellows will be very very rare to drop or get crafted and that purples will have a lower chance then yellows do now by at least half. This is from a very reliable source.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Niph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coglin View Post
    This is from a very reliable source.
    The most reliable source ever has already posted.

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