Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Mirromorka's Avatar
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    Necro is well made and powerful if u understand it. Needs no change

    Hi wona talk about necromancy here , So ingame im Paz and Mirro , got both my characters with necro at lvl 80.
    I always play necro and take my pets anywhere.

    Theres a lot of WRONG information and rumors out there about necromancy,
    thats why im making this post to give correct information about necromancy.

    I take my pets in fae world and gazluk keep highest lvl areas without any problems.
    My pets almost never die because i know where and how to control them and place them .

    Keep em in the middle of the party so they dont get shot and aggroed , keep em on assist not guard , use fire or dots with them so they attack continusly.
    Crossbow is great with this also has necromancy able.

    I stack tons of mods with them to give them good damage output makes them more vulnerable but i keep em safe and heal them when i need.

    AI , animal handling ai is a bit broken , after attacking and killing something pet might go attack something else,
    Necro pets dont do that , theyre ai is very good and well made , they obay me in what i tell them to do .
    The damage is very good end game so dont give up , like any class ul need to stack mods.

    Theres talk about dungeons and pets that they dont work well in dungeon party , but i run with groups down in gk all the way to bottom without any problem , they dont run in aggro stuff or die , its all about the player how much time u spend with ur pets to understand them and learn how to use them.

    I do carry a stack of fuil oil with me at all times in case i need a graveyard but rearly happens.

    Lets talk about Provoke undead. thats ur main damage giver , its going to make them take about 400 damage health armour at max torture.
    but damage boost is great .

    Fire mages i dont use because they can not withstand max torture , also after armour is depleted on pet they take double damage from provoke.
    Archers i find are the best great armour and good damage , the heals are important to get theyre health and armour ready for another torture.
    Swordsman ive been playing around with , they do not do a lot of damage but they stun after filling theyre rage bar.

    It seems like the more damage and higher lvl of swordsman more stuns come in because they fill ragebar faster so my lvl 81 swordsman with max provoke fills his bar rather fast almost guarenty one stun from one of them on each mobs , very handy.

    Necromancy is a powerful very well balanced class that needs no change, but u do need to think a lot take care of your pets give them some love and be totally aware of ur suroundings or else ul loose em in a fight, very viable end game with another class.
    hope that helps a bit sins i do know a lot about em playing them all the time ,
    anyone can message pazzuzra or Mirromorka for infformation about them or help to get necro if not busy .

    Take care.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    Another pro necro person here: Some combat changes are happening really soon, so everything here might be outdated in a week. Thus is beta life I guess.

    All of the "Using Raise Zombie on an existing zombie" mods are amazing. I cant stress enough, the zombie is the absolute star of the show, once you get the speed boots mod. The skellies are solid, but if they die there is nothing wrong with the free archers if you are too cheap for ratkin mages. Provoke + rebuild undead both have 20 seconds for their cool down timer, so this is the bread and butter. Provoke without assistance isnt Skellie suicide once you get at least one +pet armor/hp mod. Just never provoke vs a reflecting mob!
    I dont touch the swordsman but technically I agree with the arguments that they are the strongest. Because they can eat the most provokes and stuns--> nullifies evasion.

    I have toyed around with AH and Nercro-- no fight is long enough to truly get a good sense of their DPS. I keep the pets on assist at all time. On many smaller fights, one group of pets sometimes engage slower than the others, and I would advise anyone to avoid that combo for that reason alone. I can only explain it as you don't have enough attacks to keep the assist logic working. But both pets are strong and I would just never recommend pulling as a pet class.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Glythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirromorka View Post
    Hi wona talk about necromancy here , So ingame im Paz and Mirro , got both my characters with necro at lvl 80.
    I always play necro and take my pets anywhere.

    Theres a lot of WRONG information and rumors out there about necromancy,
    thats why im making this post to give correct information about necromancy.
    I aksed you before in game- would you mind posting a build people can look at?

    It is one thing to say - this class over here works perfectly fine and needs no changes. It is something else entirely to say have you considered playing necro like this and giving people something they can compare against.

    How much damage does your build do against ____?

    I know a number of people who have gotten classes to 70 or higher and they are not using the right skills. Would you mind just showing the skills you use?

  4. #4
    Member AgentBbrian's Avatar
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    Necro ability damage cant hurt undead npc's.. problem, undead npc's ability damage can hurt the necro, problem.
    Pets are the only current boring option.. one says skeles are good the other says zombie, the current ai setup makes no pets FUN, you can't even teach tricks to your AH pets to customize your own pet and have fun with some depth to your poxy pixel thug of ignorance.

    Everyone without Ratkin mages is cheap so says the necro poster above.

    I dunno.. the info given above is like the vague general missing stuff, it's like "Pets plus Provoke" end of game content right there.
    But then MODS stacked mods.. no info other than the speed boots and armor/rebuild so you can provoke spam.. yay fun..
    These are the only 2 people left playing necro past level 50, and it seems they play pure necro, they don't use a secondary skills, only necro and no info other than provoke/torture.

    I mean if an ability Provoke/Torture doesn't work on your pet until you mod your pet to be able to handle the ability.. what's the point of the unbalanced ability that is wrecking your pet in the first place? balanced was mentioned a few times above but then they explain how it's not balanced without the mods, i thought mods were to enhance the class not make it usable without being able to damage undead without pets, so many plot holes here, i would love to see a youtube video or something instead of this, just feels like propaganda for necro.

    An MMO or attempt at one or a side niche' RPG with multiplayer for daily quest options?

  5. #5
    Junior Member Mirromorka's Avatar
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    What is going on here lol , beauty of this game is how diffrent builds and skills u can have its amasing , u think im just using undead pets and thats it , no. theres 2 classes on u , of course u cant use death spells to kill the dead ? . mages u can use i dont ,not the ratkin either some might, cc theres cc in necro u got fear , u got root , damage on necro spells is about 1400-1600 if u want to use them with mods , and most things are not resistante to necromancy at all , if want to replay yes u cant use death damage on undead, well theres not many areas with skeletons at high lvl and if there is u use ur secondary class and pets for that if u want to use pets . im trying to give some info for new players that want to test this out, also i never take builds from someone else i test things , all spells , who wants to copy someones else and not get to know the class, when i get new class i test all the spells well and combos to see what i feel and want to get out of it ,

    u can use most classes with necro and it would chance the whole play style , same goes for most classes in the game .

    what also makes me wonder , is that many seem to type in here i want to see this i want to see that blablalblba, learn the game use it , classes are one thing, but i dont see many use xtra skills , u got buffs , poitons , beer, sigils calligraphy meditation , all these xtras make u so much stronger . i may not answer more to this post im never on forum i just came here to post for the new players so they get some info , remeber theres a big diffrence in a new lvl 80 player and a well prepaired lvl 80 with max gear and all buffs the game supplies if u work hard for it . like most all games ,

    love this game happy hunting paz .

  6. #6
    Senior Member Glythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentBbrian View Post
    I dunno.. the info given above is like the vague general missing stuff...
    The way this game works is that without mods your powers suck (with the exception of a few skills that have the special effect built into the ability).

    Have you ever been to :


    Find that page and find the load a build option. Then type in : k7c2yame.

    Notice the only power we have selected has been modified to deal:

    +96 damage twice
    +40% damage twice
    +43% damage twice

    This is the extent you need your powers modded to make things work. Anything less and the mob damage resistance greatly resists your damage. You first start to feel this at level 50 (most players anyway) because around that point in the game there is a big difficulty increase.

  7. #7
    Junior Member Mirromorka's Avatar
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    Glythe please stop , you are such a TROLL ,
    its bad for this game ,
    this is why many people have u on ignore ingame, sad to say..

    you are just trolling or you do not understand this game at all , or nothing works for you ingame i dont know? ,
    anyway thats my last message to you ingame and out . .

    new players wondering about builds feel free to message me ingame for some help , think il leave the forums alone was supossed to help new players ,
    not get attacked by some internet troll .

    peace paz .

  8. #8
    Member AgentBbrian's Avatar
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    Glythe has posted more helpful information than you have.
    Glythe asked you to help the newbies with builds and you came in here and posted vague notes while you were stoned, i mean most people i talk to ingame are high on drugs, i guess that's the only way to truly enjoy PG in it's current state.

    The game is in a heavy state of development and you talk like its the end product and its in a perfect place to release and give no savvy info like a simple build planner..

  9. #9
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentBbrian View Post
    Glythe has posted more helpful information than you have.
    Glythe asked you to help the newbies with builds and you came in here and posted vague notes while you were stoned, i mean most people i talk to ingame are high on drugs, i guess that's the only way to truly enjoy PG in it's current state.

    The game is in a heavy state of development and you talk like its the end product and its in a perfect place to release and give no savvy info like a simple build planner..
    Wow. You somehow think a original poster is beholden to you when they create a thread, and if they do not answer your specific questions, you attack and insult them and accuse them of drug use. The fellow doesn't speak English as a first language. Stop being such a self entitled douchebag. He clearly stated if anyone wants advice, to pm him because he doesn't want to make his advice a public discussion.
    Last edited by Coglin; 03-03-2020 at 05:35 PM.

  10. #10
    Member AgentBbrian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coglin View Post
    Wow. You somehow think a original poster is beholden to you when they create a thread, and if they do not answer your specific questions, you attack and insult them and accuse them of drug use. The fellow doesn't speak English as a first language. Stop being such a self entitled douchebag.
    Nah, he has the tools there to make something good and he didn't.
    He was also insulting someone else who simply asked him a question.
    If you think what he wrote was sober then sure get upset little bard, he said "zombies good, provoke good" supplied nothing but ramblings and then called the 1 person who asked him to get involved a troll.
    So little bard man, re-read what he wrote and come back and reply to me.. plz reply to me.. i really wanna be a pen pal of yours you are so full of ingame knowledge that you share without being asked*cough* instead of getting involved in what was said by others.. mr bard.
    Or you can click my link and we can have an online fight where you do nothing, bcoz of what you are.

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