Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Junior Member Dagimir's Avatar
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    Lets be honest, player housing is a meh idea and waste of dev time. It is such a niche crowd that you would be catering to. If instead of player housing I offer you a counter idea, player made dungeons. Player's could create their own dungeon, drop in monsters, traps, and then set a reward at the end. The player whos dungeon it is would be able to set an entrance fee, level rec (scaled based on monsters used), and treasure for completion. Now you have exponentially increased gameplay by way of new dungeons and by allowing players to tailor those dungeons.

  2. #12
    Member Sasho's Avatar
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    Marriage sounds great. Let's get divorce ready too for when I start smoozing Ufkar to make Kohan jealous

    Crafting in homes sounds a little too easy. I also like that because gardens/cotton gins/etc are outside it brings people together with Flower Displays and music. I like the idea of instance housing. In other MMO's I generally see it as a way for pseudo travel because I could fast port to my home. What I'd like is if each account could choose 1 portal to have in their home that isn't associated to a teleportation pad. Like someone could have a Winter Nexus portal because they prefer that dungeon. Even if the portals have a "must have teleportation level X" to use so these aren't completely abused, it would still be a unique feature to the home.

    Decorating the house could be more than hanging up a painting. Decorating could require both a skill and quest for each hook to unlock. For example, if you want to hang a painting then go do a quest with Jesina and also have art appreciation level 35. Perhaps to open the doors can be a task too. If you want to open your doors to your guild then we first buy that ability with guild credits. Even getting a doormat made of grimalkin fir could require a special favor only granted through a looted scroll off a grimalkin. This way the house becomes it's own "mini-town" with a variety of options.

    I've heard it mentioned that we may eventually solidify our character to 2 specific skills as our main abilities. Maybe our homes could reflect the skill we choose to specialize in.

    With all homes too, we need the community recycle bins where we can dump all of our unwanted loot, and the items can linger in the recycle can for 24 hours before disappearing. In the meantime anyone else can rummage through the dumpster and grab the items we've thrown away if they find them useful.

    Isn't Druid Premonition just a fancy way of saying Neighborhood watch?
    i dont know where I'm going with that

    As far as housing being for the "rich." Maybe you could spoil the rich by yes, offering a storage shelf, BUT it comes a a stupid high upkeep of 50k or 100k a week for the privilege of accessing your entire world storage from your home. I'd pay it just saying.

    A cool housing fixture would be potted plants so we could grow small amounts of peaches/dill/lemons. Maybe we unlock this fixture by having gardening at level X, and sacrificing a stack of lemons off the cliffs of Vormir.

    Great stuff! Exciting stuff! I'm looking forward to what's coming

  3. #13
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    I think it would be interesting to integrate housing with an expansion to the hangout idea.

    The notion would be that your home is a place where you could devote a long time to an extended project where you could focus in near- or total- isolation.

    These hangouts could play out like choose-your-own-adventures with mini-quests. So for example:
    • You decide to summon a demon (~12 days = 288 hours of offline time total. Next decision point in 12 hours.):
    • So you start reading books on demon summoning and drawing the pentagram. After 12 hours offline have passed the player is given a summary of what s/he has learned in their studies (the amount of information provided to the player could depend on how much they've upgraded their home's library) and presented with a few options:
      • Reinforce the pentagram with salt (Requires x amount of salt, you can continue the hangout when you've filled the quest requirement)
      • Find someone to help with incantation protections (Find an npc with whom you have enough favor who will help you with the ritual -- maybe this is such a personal commitment that it costs favor points with the npc)
    • Then whichever choice is made starts a new section of hangout. Say "You decide to reinforce the pentagram with salt (8 hours) ~272 hours remaining. At the end of that, the player gets a new selection of options on how to proceed.

    etc, etc
    Last edited by alleryn; 02-14-2020 at 10:38 PM.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Glythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delfofthebla View Post
    But the real question is, why should I own a house? Why do I want one? What does it grant me and why should I ever be in it instead of where I reside now?

    I worry more for what player housing will take away from me than I do for what it could grant me. Storage is one of the most contentious topics in Gorgon, and for good reason. If this has the potential to make my storage situation worse, I'd prefer to stay away from it entirely.
    This is a huge area of importance to me. What does a house do for me? Is it just a pretty place to hang out? If so then I will skip it. Give me a place that has some advantage over storage other places.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dibbuk View Post
    When I think of housing, i think of storage. Somewhere to keep my stuff. One thing I would look for in housing was a bookcase that would access ALL storage. Housing would be the ONE place you sit down and arrange and consolidate all the items you have scattered all over the various zones.
    One of the most tedious elements of project gorgon is inventory management. I have 3 active characters who are functional; the fourth was minimally developed and was always planned to be a fairy. Most people have storage mules but mine can actually do things. Two of them are 70 or 80 in "perfect rolled gear". I often character swap 20+ times in under five minutes to move things around via transfer chests.

    My suggestion here is that a player house for your character family comes in various tiers. If we designed based on : shack (shoddy) , house, nice house, mansion (quality house) I think there is a solution to part of the inventory/design element problem.

    If houses are 5 tiers then let every tier above the first have a special element slot. Maybe this could be for a forge or at the player's choice an inventory access hub. You would need multiple hub access points - for example you could build a "serbule bookcase" for your house. If you had a tier three house you would have 2 slot so you might build for a kur table and a serbule bookcase. If you had four slots you might build for a rahu table - but maybe Ranperre would rather have a cotten gin in that slot if he wanted. My suggestion with zone linking bookcases is that you need a "key". If you have it built in your house then you have a key to use that book case. This prevents people from subverting generous storage access.

    Please allow the player to build an improved transfer chest which only works for their characters in their house (this would eliminate letting people borrow your super transfer chest - something houses in games sometimes subvert). Each tier - requiring one more slot would cost councils and possibly rare items. Let it build up to maybe ~20 items so you can transfer the entire contents of 2 work orders from characters without switching.

    The current process is : load up 8 items, swap. pick up 8 items. load up last 2 items and the work order itself +6 items from the next work order. /repeat. If everyone did character swapping as often as I did I suspect it would cause issues. I have been doing this method for years so I am used to it; this is a suggestion to help the server people logging in/out often.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sasho View Post
    Marriage sounds great.
    Marriage sounds really annoying. Please add new elements to the game that are focused on a positive experience. If I buy a house and bother to have a spouse we should have hang out sex all the time.

    Whomever you choose to marry should be equally viable to another npc. There should be variances for sure - if you marry a more difficult faction npc then that should be more rewarding than someone you can give 500 skins/skulls to and max them out.

    My suggestion on the "partner" mini game is to have it kind of like Ashk looking at your future. You go visit them and enter a marriage thing and it can be either positive or negative RNG event with minimal game. You should be able to go home and if you sleep in your bed for an hour you wake up with <3 buff.

    Slight Spoiler alert for this clip anyone under the age of 30:


    Logging out in your house should be a fun thing you do every night when you have time. You won't be having a marathon session so you can still hang out with various npcs during the sex downtime (read as you hang out with npcs as normal but wake up with 10% combat xp).

    My suggestion here is to let players be able to "invite" certain npcs over for sex based on faction. Got a mid tier bouquet of flowers? You can invite Rita over once per week for sex. Maybe rita gives a 10% crafting xp buff when you've had her over for sex. The bouquet must be level 30+ from flower arrangement.

    You can do this for various npcs.... Maybe the crossbow chick from Gaz could be invited over to "look at a new crossbow" (requires level 50+ crossbow worth over 600 councils).

    I assume it is one house per real world person. I assume you get 1 bedroom.... maybe you need to have a bigger house with more bedrooms to give each character from your "family" a place where they can have their mate.
    Last edited by Glythe; 02-15-2020 at 05:22 AM.

  5. #15
    Junior Member SwettyPalm's Avatar
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    Maybe city events could play into what "neighborhood" a player's home is instanced from, assuming there will be several different instanced housing areas
    examples: (contain references to places and events found in Simon R. Green's "Hawk and Fisher" series of books)

    1) A prison break has left a tunnel in a player's cellar, the player (and/or friends/NPC guards) must capture/kill escaping prisoners and collapse the tunnel before the city is overrun

    2) A necromancer's pet Succubus is running loose in the Devil's Hook neighborhood and must be put down before it can create a portal that brings all of hell's minions to the city streets

    3) A powerful magic user has gone insane in the Mages Court neighborhood and is sniping everyone that comes close to his residence , players that have their homes instanced in the neighborhood would work together to take out the mad mage.

    4) Poor working conditions at the docks have brought the dock workers to strike. The dock owners have purchased a zombie control device that allows zombie labor to replace the dock workers. Things were working fine (for the owners) until the creator of the device triggers a hidden spell and the zombies start attacking everyone in sight. It is up to the player residents to find the creator and end his attack on the mostly peaceful community

  6. #16
    Senior Member Mbaums's Avatar
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    One unintended problem guild halls had on EQ2 was how cities became vacant. What use was a public-hub when every crafting /storage need is satisfied by a guild hall? I imagine you are going to have a non-instanced courtyard to let people meet their neighbors. One of the best parts of Serbule right now is seeing whoever either pass on through or just play music/dance with people and it would be a shame for that to go away, but it could just be moved to this super-courtyard instead.

    In the context this game, I am going on the record as being pro a slavery mechanism. It feels dirty typing that and I get that there is so much ugly history with slavery that you probably couldn’t add it without coming off as offensive (and rightfully so). However—creating indentured servants, is effectively the same thing with extra steps. You get an NPC to work for you and you sell them food+rent along with pay, but the pay is below the food+rent cost and they keep on working to pay it off, as they get deeper in debt.

    I kind of enjoy the vendor-stall fight for an A-slot situation. I think if house numbers/addresses are a sellable commodity independent of the home could make for an interesting market. Maybe a player-elf is willing to drop major council on owning the address 69 Explosion Cir, or people try and sell Ranperre the 420 address for his inevitable plantation.

    I think players being able to send junk mail to sell directly to players online and in their homes might be fun. I really don’t imagine PG’s population being so big that it becomes burdensome. I think of it as you have a mail box that green particle effects come out of when you have mail, and the junk-mail can only pop-up while the sender is online and it lets the sender directly sell a product to a player.

    The marriage mechanism kind of shocked me. I heard about it via some OLD reviews of the game thinking they misunderstood soul mates. I think having NPCs have unique marriage experiences is the way to go and an independent marriage-favor level would be great too. As long as there is a divorce option for players I welcome this commitment. Let’s be real, living with Mushroom Jack is going to be harder than hanging out with him.

    Having to deal with rat-men might be annoying, but I imagine players can just move into those snooty gated communities to avoid them. I think it would be fun to have a home packed with non-hostile animals that I just lock into a room, for no reason other it’s possible. Home owners associations are the bane of everyone’s existence, minus the board members who have strict landscaping opinions. If there is one neighborhood where ~15% of members can be HOA board members and institute sadistic rules, it might be entertaining. But I have no idea what those rules/regulations could be in a PG, maybe they dictate visitor hours or outdoor furniture?

  7. #17
    Senior Member drivendawn's Avatar
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    I like the idea of when leaving your house you are asked, exit here or where you are bound. You could even make it something you have to learn or complete a quest to get.

  8. #18
    Member AgentBbrian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    Let's Brainstorm About Housing
    Is that the todo list?
    • Mounts? movement overhaul?
    • blood magic? vampires? voodoo?
    • fishing? combat pets?

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    Landscape vs. Instanced? Already Settled
    The world is too small to not be instanced.
    People can be homeless with tents? camping?
    Instanced Island to build multiple things around the land within the instance? (Albion Online // game)
    Static house to do home making stuff. (Shadow of the Avatar // game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    Instanced Housing Doesn't Have to Be Boring
    Pets, breeding, parties, pools etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    Meet the Neighbors
    dynamically grouping online players?
    Guilds ? Friends list ? privacy ? open to all ?

    The rest of this part doesn't sound like housing, it sounds like a small hotel hallway with other peoples rooms // apartments // flats with teleport doors.

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    The Front Door
    NPC's visiting with quests/dailies to give sounds good.
    Like the casino dayly etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    This all sounded like something i wouldn't bother with, i mean yay skyrim.. but nah.
    Just wanna be friends.
    I would let Marna chill on my couch with the tv remote for as long as she wants though.
    I'd like to ask Therese to water my garden and feed my fish when im away.

    Quote Originally Posted by Citan View Post
    Fertile Grounds for Fun Ideas
    Houses in Ultima Online where they were one of the games to do it with housing in the world, no instanced stuff, they would sometimes have houses dedicated to runes, or rune library's they would call them, they had runes which looked like a big rock with viking symbols, they would have them in books and on shelves, runes were used to mark locations in the world and then you could cast a recall spell on it which was like a teleport to the location the rune was marked.
    I guess allow a unique form of travel from the islands instead of the current using the 1 way recall gem pad things.
    Stargate travel.

    • House Hearth stones, recall to the house teleport.
    • Path of Exiles personal zone with teleport maps/portals/dungeoning.
    • Is a house really a house without the land around it that you can plant a garden or have pets to roam around "beware of dog" signs by the mailbox, or else it's just another loading screen to get access to storage and no heart and soul like a studio apartment with a door.
    • Marriage to an NPC just sounds like ownership over another npc or player that unlocks eventually needed abilities to invite people or host a party to get the benefit of the things exclusively limited to marrying someone off like a girl in the mid-eval times.
      People who rush into marriage without being able to support a pet dog or cat surely will end up in divorce and the NPC taking half your stuff.
      How shallow an npc will be to be Married when basically being bought with favvor level before they are romanced enough with shiny gifts like some smeagol like significant other.
    • Can i have a driveway for parking my mount?
    • Can i give out spare keys to my place for friends?
    • Can i ban/block people from my place?
    • If i ignore someone in chat can they be auto blocked from my house instance and be removed if they are already in it?
    • Can i just hangout with visiting friends and do some gardening outside behind my fence at my place?
    • Can i have a butler instead? batman
    • Can i mow the lawn?
    • Can i put the bins out?
    • Can i decorate the outside of my house with flashing lights and evil statues for Halloween?
    • Will i need to put mouse traps down?
    • Can i have a shower or bath that will let npc's talk to me if im dirty?
    • Can i have a "Player Work Order Board" at my place? mailbox?
    • Can i have a shed?
    • Can i rent out rooms?
    • Can i have a basement?
    • Can my mailbox collect mail?
      I could go on with stuff like this forever..
      Im against anything that involves needing to have a house, if i want to live out of my car or tent or cardboard box, it should be doable, aim for fun without weird benefits or restrictions.

  9. #19
    Junior Member Silence's Avatar
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    I just want to add that Ultima Online did landscaped housing, and it was the most awesome thing ever to exist in any MMO.
    I am always amazed that we "go back", and not forward in adding these awesome immersive features, this is not a bash towards PG, but in general.

    But Ultima Online had an insanely large open world - Which is another thing... why could THEY make an immersive open world 20 years ago, but every single game we get these days are almost always instanced in one way or another... it is just sad :/

  10. #20
    Junior Member Zephyon's Avatar
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    I have to admit I didn't think housing was going to appeal to me until I read Citan's blog. Just the possibilities he tossed around are intriguing enough to get me watching this development with anticipation. I've only played one MMO with housing and it was actually in another "dimension". About the only thing I used it for was dumping off decorative loot. I have no ideas or requests. I'm sure whatever the Devs and Community come up with will be amazing!

    (Crossposted to Steam discussion)

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