Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Rojjin's Avatar
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    Rojjin: Taking the blame?

    Hello everyone.

    For anyone who does not know, I am Rojjin, a "veteran" player from days long past. I took quite the extended break (nearly 5 years) as life had its way with me.

    My return has caused a lot of confusion and honestly been a little upsetting so I would like to clear the air:

    I am glad to see the game change over time. I am ecstatic that Citan has been able to grow his team and mold the game to his vision. I do not wish to see progress hindered or halted in that direction despite assumptions by a few members of the community.

    I will however open state that I do not whole heartedly agree with all of the changes that have come. As I prefer to play games, yes, even MMO's.. in a solo capacity, and much of the design philosophy behind content development has moved towards forcing the need to group.

    This does not mean I endorse, encourage, or in any way advocate "exploiting" be it "meta" gear builds like the current anti-melee molten veins setups 1 shotting the highest tier of content in the game. I have worked over the years to shut down exploiting for the greater good, against my own ambitions, for the health of the game.

    What it does mean however is that I would like content to be clearable (all content, "intended" for groups or otherwise) by solo players, at the cost of more time, and less quantity, but maintaining the same quality of rewards.

    Last night a conversation took place that came with instant misunderstanding and a fairly pointed attack against my character stating "You don't want anything to change so you can keep exploiting things"

    Jackncola was asked about the games development roadmap, and I responded "it's better to not discuss things in detail, because if things change from the stated path, people get pissed off." which seemed to be mistaken as "dont change the game so I can exploit".

    This is not what I expected coming back to a community that has grown in my absence and I hope that this has served in some capacity to clear up my stance on the state of the game. More general content viability, without hyper effective cheesey strats.

    Best of luck in all your adventures folks.. Feel free to drop me a pm in game if you want to hear about the old west of P:G.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    Hi Rojjin, and welcome back to Project: Gorgon

    I got started while you were on break, so I guess we haven't met yet. They added a collection of solo mainly dungeons, not that long ago. I play solo most of the time, and am only missing 3 or 4 quests, which would probably be easier in a group.

    I think I logged in right at the tail end of the conversation you mentioned, so don't know about that. Misunderstandings and drama are almost unavoidable but I think everyone tries to key it to a minimum.

    Anyway, welcome back

  3. #3
    Senior Member Celerity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rojjin View Post
    I will however open state that I do not whole heartedly agree with all of the changes that have come. As I prefer to play games, yes, even MMO's.. in a solo capacity, and much of the design philosophy behind content development has moved towards forcing the need to group.
    I don't understand this at all. End game 5 years ago was winter nexus (group dungeon), dark chapel (group dungeon with soloing section at lower level), wolf cave (mostly group dungeon with small soloing section) and yeti cave (half group dungeon, half soloing). Since then there has only been 2 group dungeons released; labyrinth and gazluk keep, but war caches for solo play, ranalon den solo dungeon, rahu sewers solo dungeon and 4 solo dungeons in gazluk. Not to mention that the outside area of every zone in the game is for solo play with the exception of fae realm, which only forms a small part. If anything the game was biased towards group play in the past and now is much more balanced.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Rojjin's Avatar
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    Celerity, I mostly mean the change to elites and some of the upscaling of mobs that took place. elites used to just be named enemies and were 1/3rd the health/armor rates they currently are and many of them have scaled much more than that in damage. granted the skills I'm playing (as i've yet to move into/up into massively stronger skills) were "nerfed". I never played the 9k bite iteration of lycan, but currently its miserable imo.

    I'm still also exploring the new content and have yet to see some of the new solo stuff, as the stuff I used to walk through has become a major hassle, leading me to believe, probably falsly, that i need to grow substantially in power before looking into the stuff like solo gazluk

  5. #5
    Member Illmaster's Avatar
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    Welcome back to the game Rojjin. The past couple weeks have seen a sizable increase of new players so it is a great time to get back into the game. I would like to know what exactly are your concerns? Is it having enough content to play solo, getting quality gear, having access to rare materials? I also play Lycan so if you have any questions on the newer content I would be happy to help you out. I am not the best at min-maxing but I can solo almost everything in the game. My character name is same as my forum name, Illmaster.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    I am always baffled by the inability of folks to simply quietly leave. What is with this "look at me, I am so special that I demand attention at the spectacle of my departure."

    If you desire to create a discussion, that is great. Though the OP is making unreasonable and illogical complaining post about how an MMO should be redesigned to suit his solo play desires.

  7. #7
    Junior Member Rojjin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coglin View Post
    I am always baffled by the inability of folks to simply quietly leave. What is with this "look at me, I am so special that I demand attention at the spectacle of my departure."

    If you desire to create a discussion, that is great. Though the OP is making unreasonable and illogical complaining post about how an MMO should be redesigned to suit his solo play desires.
    except I'm not leaving, I clearly stated my intent and in fact invited people to chat me up, to clear up this misunderstanding that I supposedly want a stagnate game so I can "exploit it".

    Already gathered new, useful info from this discussion that may lead to changing my stance on the matter, which to start with isn't even all that unreasonable.. yes even an MMO should have sufficient content for both groups and solo, and I was made more aware of some opportunities that bring that balance closer. I recognize and apologize for my ignorance in the available content during my hiatus.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Coglin's Avatar
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    In that case, I apologise for my statement made out of my misunderstanding of you not actually departing.

    As to your follow up comment about sufficient solo content, well sure, there "should" be some solo content. There is undisputably way more solo content then group content currently. Almost all of the best gear and items can be made solo. So I am unclear what the conversation is to be on the topic of solo content wants.

  9. #9
    Member Illmaster's Avatar
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    Btw, anyone else start singing that Akon song after reading the title of this thread? That song is pretty ill

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