Welcome to Project: Gorgon!

Project: Gorgon is a 3D fantasy MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game) that features an immersive experience that allows the player to forge their own path through exploration and discovery. We won't be guiding you through a world on rails, and as a result there are many hidden secrets awaiting discovery. Project: Gorgon also features an ambitious skill based leveling system that bucks the current trend of pre-determined classes, thus allowing the player to combine skills in order to create a truly unique playing experience.

The Project: Gorgon development team is led by industry veteran Eric Heimburg. Eric has over a decade of experience working as a Senior and Lead Engineer, Developer, Designer and Producer on successful games such as Asheron’s Call 1 and 2, Star Trek Online and other successful Massively Multiplayer Online Games.

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  1. #11
    Senior Member Glythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cr00cy View Post
    Ok, so difficulty/investment needed is not equal among all tasks. Flower arrangmnet (becaus eof flowers and additional mats) and Jewelry Crafting (because of copper) are, imo, 'harder' to complete than others.

    But beside those two, I think that task are rather fair. Mycology is a bit annoying one, but not too hard.

    Tokens - I have 53 tokens, but still have few tasks I can complete - I might end up with around 60 tokens. As for bartering - it might be good idea to increase number of options per every round. Instead of 2, give use 3 or 4 (maybe make it increase with favor, the same way number of trades increases).
    I think the difficulty of any particular craft is a measure of how many mats you have stored up and how difficult they are to replace. For example I have 2 characters with 50 alchemy who could have run the myconian jelly task twice a day each for a week. I had just enough fire dust to do that one about twice per day with two characters. I started skipping the blood mushroom smoothie as it eats bottles too (which is annoying) and I don't want to use them all up and would rather keep growing higher tier shrooms with farming. Only one of my alchemists has the faction with Jaw for the higher tier bomb so I completed that one as soon as it cycled with only one character. I have lots of rabbits feet left over still from the easter bunny juice event.

    I didn't gather anything special for the event. In fact I used up a ton of my wood and other materials with work orders before the event started to pay for unlocks after coming back to the game. My go to meal for cooking is chicken so I usually have 100-200 on hand at any given time but I know most people do not hoard like that; then again most people don't do industry 50-60 or higher on three characters every month. About half of my main character's inventory is work orders.

    I quickly learned there was zero point in doing the low tier task unless it is a skill you want to start learning. I did the low level brewing task repeatedly even though there was no token reward. My initial skill was around 26 when the event started and I am maybe ~34 now and I should get to do 2 brewing quests again before the event is over. I did the initial cheese making recipe a few times to get the +1 mycology bonus; next time the caravan returns if I feel like it I will aim for the +1 alchemy bonus.

    I did the leatherworking/carpentry/mycology/cooking/brewing/flower tasks as soon as they cycled (as well as the into jewelry making). I did some of the intro missions one time and immediately stopped. No token = not worth it unless the only mission I can do is the intro mission and I really need that skill leveled. I completed one of the mid tier blacksmith missions as it was an optimal use of xp for resource cost. The other Blacksmith Missions did not seem worth it to me but then again I don't really have a need for that skill.

    If I had pushed myself to the limit in super grind mode I could have gotten over 100 tokens with the materials I had available (months of saving from before I quit for a while). Playing a little more than I would normally I expect to end up with ~25 more tokens after having bought 2 black dye. It was finally available this morning at 7 AM.

    I chose to complete the toolcrafting events zero times. I have not unlocked that skill to 80 yet (because I cant make lvl 80 snail) and the resources were not worth the price of a token which were floating around 3k for the majority of the weekend. I plan to never raise tailoring past the level for trans/aug so I skipped that npc.

    Effectively I had 8.5 npcs on repeat crafting.

    For people griping about the flower quests I think they gave the most return for the mats used so it felt like it balanced out really well. I had to stop and unlock the next tier for skill progression thanks to this event. Overall grinding flower arrangement is really tough and slow (much like brewing) but this event made it go by very quickly. Sadly I will soon be to the point where I can make really nice displays but will not be able to use them.

    Quote Originally Posted by mrwarp View Post

    I thought that was addressed fairly clearly. Right now all I have to go on is the extreme case scenario. Someone doing all of the tasks for the length of the event. With what is currently available, that would produce approximately 1,950 favor with Orran and 170 tokens per character.
    While there are a number of people who do heavy industry I think there were almost no people who raised multiple copes of the same trade skills on multiple characters (except for things like the pre-nerf branches that could power level carpentry). Up until the caravan existed there was no point to have 2x carpenters, smiths, tool crafters, etc. You only need to complete most of the trade skills with one of your characters one time and they can make anything your account needs (for gear or work orders). Some very rich person might break this mold and decide to have a second character to start grinding tokens..... but it will take an extreme amount of time before those tokens will pay for the loss of a second set of repeated tradeskills. Then again do they really need their 5th or 6th skill completely unlocked for level 80 content with a complete armor set built? Some people might start using the caravan events to catapult token gain but a lot of people seemed really unenthusiastic about the event as a whole and the tokens.

    I wanted to give you concrete references for your prices. I understand why you have the prices the way they are but I just want to point out why they are bad prices so they can be better for the next go around. I can go turn all the crystals into vervadium with a handful of GYC left over in under an hour and pick up several metal/wood/other nodes along the way. This is using a very low level piece of food to not waste resources, no box and no crystal coating. Unless everything is perfectly setup and ready to click click click and turn in it takes me about an hour to setup the different tasks to make 5 tokens worth of stuff. In other words ~45 minutes to get 7 vervadium and however many crystals are left over. In an hour I can crank out about 5 tokens when I have the materials on hand. This includes the things like needing to make a new tack hammer, zone over to elt to summon something from sie antie's storage - port back to serb because I forgot a piece, etc.

    I love the event! The event is great but it could use a few tweaks here and there.

    I love the idea about higher level of favor meaning more barter options available per trade turn in.

    My main character got to the third tier for faction (no increased barter gain = /sadface). My secondary character is just shy of being able to barter once.
    Last edited by Glythe; 01-19-2020 at 01:38 PM.

  2. #12
    Senior Member mrwarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cr00cy View Post
    Speakign of rewards, here are few suggestions:
    - Inventory extension
    - persoanl, portable storage, liek portabel Council storage machine. SOmethign that would allow us acce sout storage when in the field.
    - Gear upgrades/crafting gear - some kid of agumentations that can't be aquire in any other way (preferably something crafting-related). Or craftign gear, that gives a lot of additional inventory, increased chance for better items when crafting, or chance to not consume mats when crafting. Or gathering gear - with greatly reduced monster aggro range, movement speed, etc.
    - As @Glythe mentioned, unbrekable tools/portable work stations would be nice too.

    • Inventory extensions - some form of this is already on the list.
    • Portable council storage - IF I were able to pull this one off, the item would not be permanent. It would be more like the current storage crates. One time use. They would also be very expensive to barter for as well.
    • Gear upgrades - specialized augs I have thought about. Implementing those might be a pain because there would have to be so many of them to cover all the gear slots.
    • Unbreakable tools - sorry, but that one is a non-starter.
    • Portable work stations - maybe a hookable form for housing and/or guild halls when all that comes, but definitely not for field use. This also would be extremely expensive.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member ShieldBreaker's Avatar
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    My Result

    50 Tokens
    Favor: Friends 175/300

  4. #14
    Senior Member ProfessorCat's Avatar
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    I really enjoyed the event.

    I did a handful of the lower level quests, and did pretty good at getting through most rotations. I ended up just shy of friends, and got 17 tokens (the lowest level did not give a token, but the EXP was still good)

    When I look at the EXP given on this event, and compare it to the longevity of crafting, it seems gracious. Every time I craft something after first time bonus, it kills me on the inside. This weekend felt like getting that first time EXP bonus, and then it resets every 12 hours and you can do it again.

    My favorite part of the event, however, was the Dyes. All of them. I love that we now have a rotating weekend focused around a barter system for appearance. Long time heroes of PG have been waiting patiently for more customization, and this is just wonderful.

    I was able to purchase a few stray tokens from players, and with that was able to pick up a few Black Dyes (using my own barter, and a couple friends' barters who didn't have the tokens).

    The only opportunity I saw with the event was in variety of the non-dye options. A humble suggestion would be to make the top prizes 100 or so tokens (With the intent to take more than one event to redeem) and have multiple options at 10, 20, 30 tokens, etc. I like the idea of crafting ingredients, gems, or a rare-off season recipes (Like a Turkey recipe, or some level of bat hat). Keep the prizes related to crafting/Appearance!

    It might not be the popular opinion, but I like my MMOs to be a grind, even though I don't like crafting as much as some do.

    Overall great job, Jack. The barter seems entirely like a bonus to the EXP, and both parts of the event are worth looking forward to.
    Last edited by ProfessorCat; 01-20-2020 at 01:44 AM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member INXS's Avatar
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    Thank you for spending the time to improve it i really enjoyed the Caravan event i got 38 tokens, the favor system was nicely done the quests were good with lots of variety. To make it more interesting maybe have side quests that are available only once for the whole event maybe be Nimble armor set or Snail armor set for 2 tokens.
    I would like the bartering mechanism to be changed this event is here for only 2-3 days, in FR the bartering works because it's always there you can go anytime to check it but on such a short window the bartering i felt didn't work adequately.
    Maybe we could have a chart where you have 20 or 30 items to be up the whole event and once you buy something it's removed, would have liked the dyes to be in packages of also 2 and maybe 3, wanted to get some of the different dyes but being stuck with just 1 or 2 of certain colors i didn't spend any of my tokens for i felt i would not get what i wanted with the randomness of the bartering.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Vish's Avatar
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    My result from Event: 33 tokens and i play a lot (nor hardcore like some but still above average)

    Lets go to price
    25 for Pitch Black Dye, because of event it not so rare anymore then lets set this dye price at no less than 100k councils
    so one token is 4k councils or more, so in current situation any other barter than Pitch Black Dye is not worth just 'get Pitch black dye or try next time when caravan back'
    Rising price is a option but it make many casual players newet get this Dye so meybe it better to lower price of other thinks, my suggestion is
    Dye (not Black): 2-3 tokens
    Vervadium and Maximized Gem : 1 token
    Fae Molusk: 5-10 tokens
    Fae Felt: 5-15 tokens

    Some other idea: add some only from caravan recipe
    for example:
    New 2-3 Ice cream recipe (not better that currently existing ones, just rare)
    New 2-3 Sushi set recipe (not better that currently existing ones, just rare): Sushi-set (Sushi bentō) make from few various sushi and rice (add rice for gardening? as option but can use existing one) slightly better than other food at similar lv but best one not better than best endgame food at similar lv
    New Musics instrument or New Musics instrument recipe (made from shell, another Fishing craft or totally something new, or Piano (carpentry?))
    Lv 80 Animal Collar (the one that Cinnamon barter) recipe (toolcrafting?)
    those above may be available as current system or as random 'caravan recipe': player barter for something like 'strange looking paper' and after examining it get one random recipe from 'only caravan recipe pool'

    Optional Small Change in Tokens acquire from quests:
    tier1 quest: 10-20% chance to get token
    tier2 : 80% chance to get token
    tier3&4: 100%
    tier5: 100% + 10% for second Token
    if in future be
    Tier6: 100% + 25% for second token

    Other optional change:
    increase event time from 3 to 5 days but
    first 2 days will be only with 1 or 2 Suspicious merchant (at Serb Inn?) that will offer onetime quest from some rarer (not popular?) crating skill: Artistry or Buckle Artistry or Sushi Preparation or Ice Conjuration or Mushroom Farming or (this is last 'or') Mining or (i lie before, this one is last) Geology and as reward for doing quest he will reveal some of new think at this caravan (compare to last one):
    Eg. IF this time caravan 1) get new items for barter 2) get new crafting skill 3) get new quest like or quest will change
    Then after doing those quest player will get ar random one of above tips
    eg for 3) '
    NPC will tell: Thanks for helping me with this not popular crafting (so not popular that there is no place for me in caravan so i need be early before they come) as my thanks i will tell you that this time 'NPC Name' will not need Awesome Chairs this time he want Awesome Calligraphy Stroll (TIPS: u can share this info with pther player or keep to yourself)'
    day 3-5 will be proper event (current one)
    Purphose of this NPC will be 'leak of some information' of change in event and making some chaos (players lie about what npc leak to them )
    Last edited by Vish; 01-20-2020 at 10:55 AM.

  7. #17
    Junior Member Mr. SEv3N's Avatar
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    It was another fun event! Token cost of rewards could be adjusted though.

  8. #18
    Junior Member Manwar's Avatar
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    I thought the event was GREAT for those needing to level up a craft, which I did on an alt (cooking mostly which feels nightmarish on its own). It really is a good way to grind out a few levels during the fair. For those already max-level though, I didn't feel it was worth the materials and time as the rewards just weren't that appealing. I can say though, that if what was suggested by Vish, new caravan only reward recipes, I'd be all in, until I got them anyways Eventually, I'd probably work for some dyes...but not until a 'final' gear set, or maybe a 'gardening/social set of gear. Definitely appreciate the effort you guys are putting into it though! It can be hard coming up with 'fun' things to do for the masses! Thanks!

  9. #19
    Senior Member Glythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vish View Post
    My result from Event: 33 tokens and i play a lot (nor hardcore like some but still above average)
    Lets go to price
    25 for Pitch Black Dye, because of event it not so rare anymore then lets set this dye price at no less than 100k councils
    so one token is 4k councils or more, so in current situation any other barter than Pitch Black Dye is not worth just 'get Pitch black dye or try next time when caravan back'
    Rising price is a option but it make many casual players newet get this Dye so meybe it better to lower price of other thinks, my suggestion is
    Black dye is still rare. There aren't 30 new people wearing a 5 piece armor set all in black. Most people posting here ended up with enough tokens to buy 1 black dye but might not have been around when the trade was available. I am sure Jack can tell us how many were bought during this event.

    Personally I think 75k (25x 3000 councils) is a very reasonable expense for one unit of dye. That puts a full set at 375k councils. Remember this is for a vanity item that will be put on gear which will likely eventually be replaced.

    This game has many income bracket levels. Some people have 17 councils while others have 17,000 councils. There are brackets for those with 170,000 councils average, and 1.7M councils as well as the silly rich who have 17M councils or more. I have at times found myself in 4/5 of these brackets and I don't think black dye should be so exclusive that only the people in the last category should have it.

    Furthermore black dye doesn't necessarily have to be the end all for dyes in this game. Maybe there can be some new color patterns that are intensely unique like 'purple dragon haze, 'bloodmoon swirl', or 'acid wash cyan'. These completely made up colors might have unique color palettes and patterns that imprint wicked designs on clothing and armor. Maybe they have something of a pulsing glow or a 'smokey' like effect. Lets say these super dyes were in the caravan next time. Maybe only one of each is sold and if you buy one then you are locked out from buying any more 'super dye' for the rest of the event or at least that barter round.

    I fully support the idea of caravan only learned recipes. If we can't have unbreakable tools maybe we can have tools recipes that are more robust or have special bonuses? Maybe these could replace the super tools from Yogzi/Amutasa.

  10. #20
    Senior Member alleryn's Avatar
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    If we are looking for more caravan-only QoL items i have a thought:
    Special storage crates for hard-to-stack items:
    * Milk Crate
    * Ice Core Tray
    * Honey Pot

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